Good vibrations to everybody.

I introduce myself saying something about my researches on frequencies and how I arrived to the study of sound as a therapeutical medium.

Since I was a child, I realized that music was, and still is, giving an essential meaning to my life. I started learning flute and piano. When I was 18 I was already teaching musical education in school. I became aware that my passion and ardor for music came from a springing source of enthusiasm toward investigating in the acoustic field, in recording and in the study of frequencies.

So, I decided to study – in an obsessive way – sound and acoustics. I start working as a sound engineer, the classical sound engineer, and in the 80s I set up SINCRO STUDIO, the first project of professional recording that gave birth to many musical productions.

The mystery of sound managing to influence the psycho-emotional world with such a mastery, drove me to be interested in hypnosis and esotericism. Those two factors are an important contribution to my musical creations and to the energetic and vibrational therapies I offer.

After my beginning as a teacher, I was chosen as a flute player for many classical and operatic orchestras (for example the Filarmonica di Treviso) and I devoted the residual time to writing music: from pop to rock, from light music to Gregorian chanting. And I specialized in composition and arrangement.

I attended many trainings and seminars on computer music and I became programmer and user of various music software.

In the following years, many curiosities I had about the world I did consider “real” started to catch my attention: if the universe has its own frequency, is there a point in being here and now and which is my Soul’s task? Those questions layed the foundations for my following reseaches in the charming world of quantum physics. I started my studies and I defined the quantum theory applied to sound the “physics of vibrations”. I came to know the tone of La Verdiana (432Hz). I studied it with great passion and precision. And I started to lecture in conferences and seminars. At the same time I specialized in study of various ethnic instruments (Hang Drum, American Native flutes, Tibetan Bells, Shamanic Drums). I use them in music therapy, in guided meditations, in “Vibrational Bathings” which are the evolution of sound bathings.

Since a while, together with some colleagues, I am promoting that kind of tuning. In that tuning, frequencies are in harmonic motion with matter and everything around us. A human being is made by water, 70%, and therefore by hydrogen. In a hydrogen atom the difference of phases between protons and electrons is 1 divided 0,125, the result is 8. Its vibrational frequency is (Hz, which is the base for a tuning at 432Hz ( being one of the lower octaves of 256Hz, the note C in the tuning with note A at 432Hz).

Often misunderstandings arise from the fact that we are working with subtle energies. Sometimes they are not measurable with scientific tools that are based on the 3% of what exists.

So, the harmonics of 8Hz are also the frequency of DNA replication and they are the basic tuning for A at 432Hz. There is a very interesting study by Andrija Puharich, a pioneering physician in the study of electrobiology and extrasensory abilities, where it is observed that the frequency 8Hz enhances the ability of our mind to go in “Theta” waves.

He achieved those results by studying ELF waves (Extremely Low Frequencies). Puharich discovered that an individual when exposed to 8Hz can easily relax the physical and spiritual bodies and reach a stete of deep well-being.

He also discovered the slightly higher frequencies cause violent behaviours, while sightly lower ones can provoke discomfort, depression and the development of neoplasms.

In any EEG the frequencies of the human brain can be read. Brain frequencies are divided in waves: Delta (0-4Hz), Theta (4-8Hz), Alpha (8-12Hz), Beta (13-30Hz), and Gamma (beyond 30Hz).

8Hz are right at the intersection between Theta and Alpha waves and therefore are able to cause the Alpha-Theta stimulation in the brain. In that state, our two bio-hemispheres are in balance, in synch. As a result, we will have a general relaxation and no stress. 440Hz provoke a rise of the frequencies of the left hemisphere. That causes an increase of the Betha state and a remarkable decrease in the capacity for the neurons to exchange information.

We know that science takes into account only “measurable” energies, and so far it is studying just a very small fraction of the whole. Subtle energies are not considered even though they are more real of what our senses perceive as reality. For istance, the unconventional medicine is based on principles and laws belonging to the world of subtle energies (the causes) while the allopathic medicine considers only the symptoms (the effects) and therefore what it has already manifested.

What can we do in order to be in communion with everything around us?

One of the actions supporting this extraordinary endeavor is listening to 432Hz music, whether live or recorded.

Epigenesis offers many confirmations about sound therapy and frequencies creating a psychophysical harmony.

Epigenesis studies the molecular aspects through which information coming from the environment we live in are controlling the activity of our genes.

In the last years, Epigenesis proved that DNA models, transmitted through the genes, are not determined at birth. Genes are not the only responsible for our destiny. You might have heard of Human Genome program, the mapping of genome. Many biologists have been sequencing DNA for years.

That study ended in 2000, and, in 2003 was made available to the scientists, who realized that the results were not adequate to explain the complexity of life. Something was missing, something beyond the sequencing of the genome: Proteins, DNA architect. Another unexpected discovery: the whole human genome consists of only 25,000. They were wandering how it could have been possible that in a human body, made of more than 100,000 globular and structural proteins, only 25,000 genes were able to codify them all. A plant has about 28,000 genes and a worm has 18,000 genes: we are a little bit less than a plant and a little bit more than a worm. We could be disappointed! In a genome, genes are 3%. What is left is a 97% of material which, having been named garbage DNA, is still unknown to science. Actually phenotypes are regulated by
something else: epigenesis!

For a long time, it has been believed that genes controlled biology. It is a very good excuse to think ourselves as victims of genes. Many people live with the fear of getting sick with cancer because it happened to their mother, father or brother.

The most lethal diseases of our times like diabetes, cardiovascular problems and cancer are not provoked by genes but by complex interactions of many factors, both genetic and environmental factors. We are not victims of our genes, we are creators of our destiny. Genes, through hormones and neurotransmitters, cannot be the only ones in charge of our body: the quality of our thoughts, our beliefs, the frequencies and the environment have an influence.

We are organic processors. Each cell can be programmed, the nucleus acts as a hard disk, and the software is of genetic nature.

Then, who is the programmer?

WE ARE. Or better: the vibrations we resonate with.

Here is an interesting anecdote by Bruce Lipton:

If I show you my set of keys and tell you that one of them is controlling my car…we could think this to be true because we all know that a key is needed to start a car engine. But is it true that the key controls the car? If so, I should never leave my key in the care since the car could decide to habe a short drive in full autonomy.

A key is necessary to ignite a car, but who does insert the key, who does ignite and drive the car? It is ME”.

A recent study at California University shows how our genetics can be modified by our lifestyle and the surrounding environment. The study has been performed on 30 men who had prostrate problems. They were asked to change their lifestyle for three months: half an hour meditating, 20 minutes walking, and a more balanced nutrition.

Well, within the three months period 500 of their genes in the DNA changed activity.

50 genes turned themselves off and 450 genes turned on. Many genes were involved in apoptosis and other functions of the disease.

Dr. William Tiller, Stanford University states: “Everything we think with a specific intent has a great power on the physical realms, even though we do not notice it”. In 1997 Dr. Tiller tried to prove that human intention could have been “memorized” and reused to influence a chemical process.

He used a small “black box”, with only a reading memory, intending to modify pH in water. Tiller asked a group of meditators to bring their intention to the black box for fifteen minutes so that the pH could increase or decrease of one unit. Tiller then wrapped the black box up in tin foil, and placed it in a Faraday cage, a shield used to block electromagnetic fields.

Tiller prepared a second “control” black box where no intention had been transmitted, without specifying what was what, a blind testing. Then he placed some test tubes filled with water close to the two boxes. The test was very successful. The test tubes close to the black boxes that had received memorized intentions did modify the water pH. The other ones did not. This demonstrated how much thought, directed by intention, represents the true power and how much intention can influence matter itself.

In order to understand the power of intonation at 432Hz we have to understand what Harmonics are.

Harmonics are sounds following a very precise arragenment and the same proportionality in relation to the fundamental sound.

The Pythagorean tuning showed the right disposition.

Through Pythagoras we realize how important is the relationship between vibrations, that is correlations and intervals among frequencies. We can apply that with to everything, from planets to atoms because we are talking about relationships: for example, 4/2 is equal to 4000/2000 or 40,000/20,000. We use relationships, the intervals, in sound-puncture. We use tuning fork-therapy with frequencies tuned into A 432Hz. We have tuning forks at 256Hz which is a C but also a G 348Hz or a D 288Hz. By placing the tuning forks on acupuncture points the vibrations flow along the meridians. Using two tuning forks related at Pythagorean fifth we achieve amazing results as if the fifth C 256Hz – G384Hz.

Some recent studies on the correlation between tuning fork-therapy and the production of nitric oxide substantiate the empirical results we achieved with the Pythagorean use of frequencies, in particular the right fifths.

Some pathologies can compromise the production of nitric oxide, as well as the alteration of psycho-neuro-endocrine immunology (PNEI). Metabolic disorders may cause Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, autoimmune pathologies and cancer.

The 128Hz frequency stimulates the production of nitric oxide, by using two tuning forks, C256 and G384. That frequency is expressed by their difference (384Hz minus 256Hz equals 128Hz).

We understood that 432Hz frequency is in harmony with nature, and nature itself responds to cosmic laws which can be translated in mathematical functions; it gives us the whole knowledge we need live in harmony with the whole of creation.

They are out-and-out rules working for all the energies. These cosmic laws are translatable in mathematical functions. Let us look at a fractal, an object that keep repeating itself in a way which is identical in the form but on different scales: by expanding or reducing it we get a form containing the original one always.

Every single part of everything contains the whole. We saw what happens in music through harmonics. It is interesting to see Lissajous figures; we can note how two tuning forks in vibration, thanks to bright optical beaming, produce figures corresponding with important archetypes, a circle or the number eight.

Frequencies become a geometry.

Vibrations become matter.

Pythagoras said: ”The geometry of forms is solidified music”.

The intonation at 432Hz is the intonation of nature, and it has to do with sacred numerology. Pythagoras and Fibonacci come close to the study of sacred geometry, which is solidified sound.

While a musician is playing, an electric activity starts in his/her brain, an activity which is similar to fireworks.

When monitoring a human brain via functional MRI or PET we can see that certain areas of the brain are activated while we are studying math, or we are reading or writing, without any motoric action. For example, we can activate the visual cortex or the auditory one.

When we test people listening to music and moving the body at the same time, we can observe an explosion of brain activities in many different areas of the brain simultaneously.

When we test people listening to music and moving the body at the same time, we can observe an explosion of brain activities in many different areas of the brain simultaneously.

That discovery is simply extra-ordinary.

When we test musicians performing in the emphasis of the pathos they feel while playing, we discover something similar to a New Year’s Party. Myriads of areas and brain activities are activated, creating a sort of a complete physical phenomenon. There is also a huge exchange of information at an extremely high speed in all the areas of the brain.

I am not talking about professional musicians. I am talking about any amateur musician or people dancing or singing while showering. The brain functions increase, and the motor abilities as well because the volume of the corpus callosum increases as well – a corpus callosus is the fascia of nervous fibers that connects the two brain hemispheres which allows the information exchange.

There is a logical/mathematical balance of the left hemisphere and the artistic/creative f the right hemisphere. There is also an increase in the capacity of data storage because the dendrites, the extensions of our neurons are stimulated, and that allows the creation of new synapsis.

On a neurochemical level music can:

  • strengthen the immune system
  • reduce anxiety
  • regulate states of mind in a more effective way than medications can do.

Music enhances the production of oxytocin, the hormone of love and happiness.

Recent researches paid attention to endogenous opioids (opiates): they are natural chemicals of the brain, they analgesic and physiological properties much more powerful than morphine and opium. The most renowned ones are endorphins produced by the frontal lobe of the pituitary gland and they are classified as neurotransmitters.

Which are the main characteristics of opioids?

Here are some:

  • they eliminate pain
  • they slow down ageing
  • they trigger well-being
  • they promote self-healing processes.

Music has been already used in some hospitals to relieve pre-surgery anxiety and to treat post-surgery pains.

Music has been already used in some hospitals to relieve pre-surgery anxiety and to treat post-surgery pains.

Sven Bringman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, states: “Music is not yet used as it should beacuse it takes longer than a nurse administering a pill of sedative”.

An interesting study about 432Hz music has just being published on the Journal of Endodontics: “Influences of 432Hz Music on the Perception of Anxiety during Endodontic Treatment: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial”: 432Hz music relaxes patients under dental care, and they have better vital parameters.

Patients undergoing endodontic therapy often have a preoperative and interoperative anxiety, which can bring to a higher perception of pain. That study had the purpose to test the influence of music as a nonpharmacological adjuvant in terms of significant changes of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) before, during and after the endodontic treatment in a population with different levels of anxiety according to the Coral Dental Anxiety.

100 patients have been recruited. The have been divided in two groups: the first one listened to 432Hz music, the second one did not. The results were collected and statistically analysed: in the first group of patients all the measured vital parameters (SBP, DBP, HR) decreased creating calm and harmony, before and after the treatment.

Dr. Catherine Meads and her team, at Brunel University, published on The Lancet Journal an article: “Listening to music, before and after surgery supports relaxation and recovery in patients”.

She also adds:” Music is a non-invasive intervention, which is safe and not so expensive. It should be made available to all the patients who undergo surgery”.

Dr. Andrea Markelz, Buffalo University, NY, says in article published in Nature Communication: ”Our organism has its own music. A real symphony is produced by the vibrations of proteins that, like violin strings, modulate their movements”.

Thanks to those movements proteins can quickly change their shape to bind to other proteins and make vital functions possible in our bodies, like breathing, oxygen uptake, cell repair and DNA duplication.

When we manage to understand the power of vibrations and of harmonic resonance, we will be like a big orchestra performing a perpetual symphony…in total harmony with the whole!

When we manage to understand the power of vibrations and of harmonic resonance, we will be like a big orchestra performing a perpetual symphony…in total harmony with the whole!

Sound is the voice of Love and Love is awakening. The modern man is risking to live in sleep. Paraphrasing Ouspensky, man is born in sleep, and if he does not awaken from oblivion, he will end up dying in his sleep.

What can a sleeping man come to know?

If we really want to live, we need to know and to know means first of all recognize our condition of ignorance, so that we can come out of it.

Humanity is going through the “dark forest”. Let us not forget that there are neither good nor bad ones out there. Light and shadow are only forces to uncover and integrate to support the necessary growth process. And light and shadow are both within us.

Good vibrations and good awakening!