This column is dedicated to all the writings collected after 2012 when I integrated a fragment of mine that had experienced concentration camps in its last incarnation.

This fragment had taken a crash course on planet earth, condensing into a single life every possible experience of pain caused by human bestiality.

Nothing had been spared from her, everything had been taken from her: “every material good, every affection, every security, every dignity,” she had endured: “every deprivation, every torture,” her eyes witnessed all the horror that in those places the Beast Man had been able to accomplish.

In all this despair, She had saved Love in her heart and dispensed it to all.

This had allowed her to transcend everything she saw, being able to perceive Love even in her harsh reality.

I began from then on to perceive within me, a voice telling me the truth of life, in its harshness, without judgment, helping me to see love in every act of manifestation.

It described every event to me by rhyming it, this voice, expressed with the joy of a child, accompanied me within each topic with sweetness and shameless truth.

I understood immediately that this mode of writing, nipped any mental reaction in the bud, as it was deemed harmless by the mind.

Over time this part, which still lives in me, has become stronger and deeper, expressing words of truth sometimes difficult to digest, but put into poetry they are accepted by the mind that is not afraid of rhyme, thus letting the information pass through without blocking it.

This information enters deeply, freeing the truth it carries with a crash, shattering the crystal cases that jealously contain fears, beliefs and programs that are immutable over time.

These truths touch strings that no one has played for too long, they are never judgmental, they integrate good and evil into a loving truth that few want to look at.

These Poems frame the stages of my every awareness, they don’t belong to me as they are at the service of those who will read them, allowing them to open up to the truth that nothing takes away and everything gives.

These Poems give the freedom to simply be who we are, removing all the structures that have created the cage in which we live.

Let these poems enter you and transform you into free humans, able to grasp the loving essence of this dual life.

Gurà Samir Levirò (Zelia Reggianini)