Nobody is pardoned.
No sin will be remitted.
Nobody will go to Hell
because everybody is creating it here.
Paradise only exists in consciousness
and you can go there
by joining Spirit and Knowledge.
Then we will all go to Purgatory
to think on how we lived
asking forgiveness for what did happen.
We will all meet there.
Will we recognize each other? Who knows!
Who knows whether we will help each other
and will remember
in order to come back here to find the main way;
the way that uses consolidated laws:
“Respect everybody”, “Love yourself…”
Move close to people who moved away,
who moved away from themselves,
who moved away from the right way,
who accepted to compromises
instead of using their own mastery.
“Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”,
who does not have the courage to go forward moves back.
Therefore, everybody in Purgatory in order to re-examine
whether we were right or we missed the opportunity to love.

Gurà Samir Levirò (Zelia)