The concept of Public Debt is pure theology. There is no debt to be repaid, as the amounts involved, in credit of international and national banking institutions, with debt currency are “inextinguishable”.

Public Debt (which is a minimal part of a nation’s aggregate debt across the entire financial/banking private-corporate and State spending perimeter) is nothing more than an indicator of the securitization rating with which the patrimonial and monetary-economic asset of the nation was sold to private institutes.

The “exhibition” rating qualifies what can be defined as a rental fee, equal to the amount of interest paid on the sale/management of national assets to private credit institutions.

When the Public Debt (and also the aggregate/total exposure of private banks and companies) “goes up”, then the overall Wealth – but held with the profusion of money in debt by the banks that “indebt” the State and citizens – “grows” in as the circularity of money and economy are growing.

The “overall” level of Returnability, in considerable part and Re-Purchased not only by international investors (i.e. a “basket” of banks in the SEC area equal to a few dozen institutions authorized to operate internationally in the financialization of “client” States”) but also by private citizens with Government Bonds on the secondary market, is materialized in the growing “rental-interest installments” paid by the nation.

All this is on the realistic basis of the fact that the debt is not extinguishable by any nation, but constitutes the “scepter of ownership” of the economic asset of the States in the hands of international finance which is the real owner by the issue of Securities debt, after having “deprived” the same of their right to mint and print money (which is, in the case of national property, credit and not debt).

The concept of Public Debt is pure theology. There is no debt to repay, as the amounts involved, in credit of International and National banking institutions, with debt currency, are “inextinguishable”.

Below there are some “practical/illustrative” examples to help understand what the Public Debt consists of, which has been propounded as a concept to the public opinion and imposed on the States by procedures of international Banking Elites which have modified the hidden meaning of the nation’s patrimony.

The Public Debt, the result of the transformation from “credit wealth and patrimony” to national debt, is comparable to the salary (on credit, comparable to the national currency) of a family man (the nation) who is, due to unexpected economic-social choices and compulsory speculative

impositions, obliged, due to presumed financial unavailability of the employer, to accept a “conversion” of salary into an installment loan for total and successive amounts.

What would be the economic condition, terrible and supervening, for the father of the family, a worker?

Various ways of managing debt expenditure can be followed:

  • to spend the entire amount of the loan for spending needs that cannot be reduced immediately and in a single solution, without any further possibility of future subsistence.
  • to partially spend the available amount, hoping to use part of the rest for “partial” installment payments, but with a reduction in purchasing power for the available delta.

In any case, for the “asphyxiating” and reduced management of expenditure due to constant reduction, it is necessary “not to miss” the regularity of installment payments. Otherwise, the denial of further “increasing” survival loans, which are the only possible way to access to a pseudo-profitability in progressive and vexatious decrease from the first loan up to the following ones. They constitute debt restructuring and which will become increasingly unquenchable, due to the worsening of the exhibition rating and the poor father of the family’s ability to repay.

All this translates into the figure of an indebted father – without limits – who will find himself paying more and more by “thinning” the spending capacity to try to be punctual with payment deadlines and margin minimum purchasing capacity.

The amount of interest, anatocism, usury and ancillary costs, will always grow indefinitely, up to a phase of total reduction in purchasing power with the inevitable personal default of the unfortunate former salaried employee on credit, but indebted to forced and substitute financing.

Public Debt (which is a minimal part of a nation’s aggregate debt across the entire financial/banking private-corporate and State spending perimeter) is nothing more than an indicator of the securitization rating with which the patrimonial and monetary-economic asset of the nation was sold to private institutes.

‎ Another example of the transfer of assets that has taken place is that which is comparable to what an owner of a property can suffer who, due to monetary logic etc., is subjected, despite having respectable assets and liquidity, to a forced expropriation and securitization of the real estate asset in exchange for an obligatory “monetization” operation of the asset through a debt loan equal to the value of the property as a “payment” on a devaluation basis in installments.

That is: if the house is worth € 100,000.00, a liquidity of the relative amount will be provided in payment for the forced subtraction and securitization in the form of financing … obviously to be “returned”.

In short, the synthesis of the securitization and expropriation operation leaves “cuckolded and mazziati”, with a pseudo indemnity to lose with installments to be repaid, against a compulsory loan imposed with the guarantee of one’s own expropriated house.

All of this happens, especially with regard to real estate of value, and with “healthy” and debt-free assets. Making a financial comparison with the “expropriated” national asset, the Neo-Liberal agenda has chosen a “sound” patrimony managed “on credit” by national currency and with a very low “foreign” debt profile and with virtuous Government Bonds “on the internal market”, and considered debt in the forced reconversion phase of the indicated model.

In summary, the Public Debt of each nation is the transfer of forced and obligatory securitization of assets to third parties and on which, in exchange for the need for an obvious consequent subsistence, “ownership” loans are granted with patrimonial guarantee of what has been extorted.

Paradoxically, the wealthier and more virtuous one was – before the forced expropriation – and the worse the situation is because securitizations of higher value (see, for example, the high patrimonial, financial, industrial and gold assets of Italy before the wild privatization operations of the Neo-Liberalism) “impose” corresponding financing and even more difficult to sustain and moreover in the absence of the “stolen” assets and previous bank profitability and national credit.

Absurd? Incredible?

Sure… in the common-sense logic of every honest citizen or business manager or other.

But this is the “perverse” and destructive logic with which supranational financial institutions expropriate the assets of nations, canceling their value and transforming it into a need for debit liquidity, replacing the national currency “at a discount” to private national commercial banks, which pour their monetary lending business into the real economy, corresponding to the “stolen” and imposed Asset, which constitutes the compulsory certificate of expenditure and to which it is inevitable to make cuts for the mechanisms of increasing loans and derivative debt restructuring.

In summary, the Doctrine of Neo-Liberalism, as for its decades-long agenda, has deprived the rule of law of its economic-financial property by “cession” to private authorities who derive not only profit and income from it, at the expense of the deprived citizenry of sovereignty, but ” control” of intentions and orientations of all kinds, economic, industrial and 18 productive, which “supported or not” also inevitably determine social and therefore cultural and educational impacts.