Twenty years have passed since I started talking about topics such as the influence that “little human” species have had on human life since the most remote antiquity, and how only an egocentric and short-sighted thought could argue that the earthlings they are the only tenants of the universe.

That could fit as long as we are dealing with distant alien hypotheses… but even postulate them omnipresent from remote antiquity here among us, and ready to reveal themselves at the beginning of the luminous age of Aquarius…….laughter, jokes, ironic or, often, very resentful comments …… and fortunately I sent everyone to hell, where it is right that the poor in spirit should be.

What a pleasure now to receive half-confirmations, assents, or a polite skepticism, which is splendid because it is eager for deepening.

And the most insistent request I receive is this: how can we find, other than in the works of independent or bizarre thinkers like you, here in the life around us, objective evidence of what you say?

The Traditional science, in its by now classic twentieth-century form (therefore obsolete and very backward compared to what branches of the new physics are revealing to us) has put certain and established things on one side, and the miraculous on the other. Well, there is one thing in nature around us that blends logic and miracle, this is the crystal!

And do you know which is the peculiarity of crystals?

If you study minerals with a powerful microscope every form of mineral, you will realize that what characterizes the structure at an atomic or molecular level is randomness……the irregularity that almost becomes the rule.

Well, if you look into the bowels of a crystal, you find something that leaves you dismayed… like in those under construction skyscrapers of a science-fiction metropolis that are endless intertwining of steel grids… a perfect regularity in every direction and in every way, and a jamming, due to great pressures and great temperatures in the bowels of the earth, in such a regular way that it does not seem possible that mother nature was capable of such a measure. Understand me: in a world of disorder that thrives on disorder, structures of divine perfection and imperturbable regularity for millennia and millennia hidden, like a consignment, in the heart of the earth…

Now we come to us, human beings!

The mistake that, after quantum physics, we still continue to make is to consider ourselves what we appear in the mirror, creatures of bone and flesh, “self-movable cars“, that hop here and there. In reality this is a very partial description of ourselves, due to five senses that barely collect the pennies of reality, its levels and its complexity…

If you study minerals with a powerful microscope every form of mineral, you will realize that what characterizes the structure at an atomic or molecular level is randomness……the irregularity that almost becomes the rule

We are, in reality, vibrations, “waves”… what more than the surname, it connotes us in our being in the world, it is a particular series of frequencies. Then the resultant, the sum of the many organs that compose us and each vibrate at its own frequency, is a kind of torus that passes through the spine and envelops us as if we were in the center of an apple, crammed along the core… and draw a similar figure of energy.

From this perspective which, I repeat, is infinitely more truthful and accurate than our volumetric image (three dimensions) in the world, what are our emotions?

Frequencies: different frequencies that do not remain internal to us, but which vibrate in and around the space. Mind you: this happens even if we keep quiet! Ecstasy, joy, happiness, serenity, boredom, anxiety, dismay, wrath, anguish… And each of these emotions from the most pleasant to the least, in addition to being a vibration, organizes atoms and molecules into distinct shapes and draws them.

Masaru Emoto, a great Japanese, began to photograph the water molecules (very similar to those of crystals but with the ability, compared to them, to constantly break down and recompose themselves) and he realized that those structures were different when two people carrying two distinct emotions passed on the surface of the water…

The emotions in the upper part of the list I mentioned created regular structures of great formal beauty. Those in the lower part have irregular shapes and even cracked or broken structural designs. By freezing and photographing the results, he realized that water, for example, adores Mozart and preserves his listening footprint, and cannot bear heavy metal …

Well, crystals don’t just have structures that amaze with their regularity. They have a faculty that amazes even more so… if they receive your broken vibrations (for example due to great anxiety) they respond to you: they take that scribble that you draw in your proxemic space and organize it into more acceptable drawings, they console you, they limit your anxiety…

Easy to laugh, and think generically about the new age……. not at all!

That’s just the way things are. As you vibrate your bad song, they answer you with a beautiful melody… and souls are always “metronomes”, do you understand me?

I won’t go on and on quoting monatomic Andara crystals, which have this faculty reproduced by the thousand, which come to blow your mind with a natural faculty of harmonizing, transmuting anguish into serenity like not even your best friend, or partner or therapist they would be able to do.

I won’t tell you about the places where they emerge and who left them as a gift precisely for these magnificent and restless times of greenhouse of one era and opening of another… they will be the true monuments of the future and in gigantic portions… They will be at the center of new cities and in place of those ignoble thefts from Egyptian culture, the obelisks, placed (for example in the Vatican) to certify power, virility and true ignorance of the symbols… these are things that you must discover by yourself in order not to remain faced with such big issues in a passive state of listening.

In reality, our negative emotions are just accidents in the flow of energy. All our physical or psychic ills depend on it, without exception. Energy blockages that turn against us.

Do you believe me when I tell you that in a few years all the medicines based on the poisonous chemistry of the current overwhelming Pharmaceutical Industry will disappear from the face of the Earth, because of tachyon chambers, which identify the blocks and explain you how to remove them?

Get yourself a crystal. They can be found at affordable prices. Keep it with you. I know of no better friend for these “years of ford”, I know of no better friend to help you understand that everything in the world vibrates and everything lives, and the new world is built mainly by listening (infinitely amplifying our dormant faculties of listening) of the language of plants, animals, mountains, mother nature and all the life forms that coexist with it, understanding that we are part of the whole, but we are not the center of it all.

Believe me, this is the only thing that brings us closer to the true Universal Language and to the future Telepathy, much more than that Esperanto buffoonery…. And to tell the truth, something that performs a function similar to that of crystal in nature does exist, it’s your cat. But I’ll tell you another time.

I don’t want to provoke skepticism and disbelief in you, so I won’t dwell on telling you that low and harmful vibrations, those that cause us feelings such as anger or fear, if experienced collectively generate real ethereal figures, entities called “egregore“.

Rather I suggest: vibrate high! Be serene, stay in nature. Buy yourself a crystal. Get out of the city… and above all do this: take your TV and throw it in the trash!

You must know that from the beginning it was invented in very specific places, as a means of brutalizing and homogenizing people, alarming them with the same fears, reassuring them with the same stupid jokes and making them buy the same foods with those ignoble carousels: in a nutshell, manipulate and tame them, keeping them in a constant state of early warning as, for example, “at the time of pandemics”. Those who have thrown television down the toilet (with the implicit wish that all the wooden faces, fake journalism, fake politics, fake experts who live there will follow) usually say: reality, looked directly at, is so beautiful!!

Where are all disasters, wars, dangers and ignoble things that come upon us if we don’t follow the prescriptions those idiots give us? If only you could see how you vibrate in front of the television and how you vibrate when you take a serene walk-in nature, you would no longer accept negatively contaminating the space around you (your animals, your loved ones, your plants) to be connected to a useless household appliance.

In fact I am amazed every time by how people are willing to stay in such murky and not at all healthy “places / rooms”.

Get yourself a crystal. They can be found at affordable prices. Keep it with you. I know of no better friend for these “years of ford”, I know of no better friend to help you understand that everything in the world vibrates and everything lives, and the new world is built mainly by listening…

Dante Alighieri speaks in several contexts of “going out to see the stars” or, conversely, “losing the sight of the stars”… this is it! It’s just this: it’s an archetype valid throughout the Universe… it’s also called “losing or maintaining connection with one’s Higher Self”, feeling good at the center of oneself or feeling hanging from a (so-called) authority… and once it will be nice to talk about who reincarnated Dante Alighieri, here on earth, and how and why he put so much super-precious information inside a geometric shape that generates an incorrect dynamic…

Small final note on the centrality of crystals in the future of the Earth.

In the following times after university, I had the opportunity to meet with young brilliant researchers who had met by chance the theoretical thought of Nikola Tesla and who could not believe that such a great genius had not been given the opportunity to carry on his energy research. Youth makes you naive and unaware of the fact that research, if it offers prospects of clean and free energy for everyone, makes those who sell you dirty energy at a high price suspicious, suspicious and aggressive!

You cannot imagine, if you look at the list of Nobel prizes, more than a century after its foundation (in every discipline) how many prizes and official speeches wasted for awkward scientists, discoverers of hot waters, and now completely forgotten. I would like, dearest, for you to think how limiting and deviating of research the Prizes are. Commissions, almost always institutional, mixed with experts and people in power, are one of the things that most hinder research. Yet look how ridiculous and pathetic it is to wait for the assignment from scientists, sometimes even serious ones, who desperately think to deserve them. Thus, with a talented epistemologist friend, we said that it would be necessary to make a year-by-year list of the truly great innovating scientist and the award-winning one, to understand that the names very rarely coincide…

But let’s get back on track. These arguments take away our good mood and they make us vibrate low… I was able to deepen the calculation procedures, which had brought the absolute genius of Nikola Tesla, near Zero Point Energy.

Well, what a miracle! The ether (which even today foolish orthodox scientists consider a myth) if “stimulated” produces here on Earth energy of the same nature as that of a star, and makes it unlimitedly usable and free of charge… and do you know by what this entity, permeating the whole cosmos, can be “stimulated”? By tiny crystals! Tiny quartz crystals in the shape of merkabah, which, if aligned, can produce a vibration of such a high frequency that it sets fire to the ether… that vibration, if well controlled, requires the amazing energy of a star to the ether, to the extent (neither more nor less) in order to offer us everything we wish to feed on earth…

Patience… The segregated genes and the acclaimed servants!… This I would engrave as an epigraph in the tombstone that I hope will soon seal the world we’ve had so far. However, if what I have heard is true, already after 2024 in we will have something similar available in terms of energy.