Hello TENET22,

I’ll share with you some passages from ASDO which also contemplate some philosophical and spiritual aspects in a broader sense, beyond the very concept of Atheism/Belief, while referring to the meanings of the apparent High, and of human greatness and longevity, both ” lost” in the mists of time.

I don’t yet know when I will finish this work, but I am happy to anticipate fragments of it, as well as a more intense prologue.

I hope they are welcome.


The Superior DNA which was artificially extinguished in the mists of time

There was a superior and “extinguished” DNA in the remote past.

In relation to this theme, there are synchronous ideas from research that has been ongoing for years on spontaneous abiogenesis “violated/ modified” generically by the “alleged” Kreatori (named with the initial “K” to suggest the imposture) who have ” blocked” the natural evolution and longevity of Terrestrial Humans.

Not everything is plausible in the reality around us, and it is the anomaly of Faith that is the evidence of artificial, bio-genetic programming, induced by Third Parties, compared to the superior naturalness of the remote past. The in-depth analysis of the real points, as opposed to the fideistic ones, is underway.

Humanity was in natural, peaceful and constant evolution with spirituality and creative magic, with the faculty of action on matter, whose profile was totally atheistic and peculiar to spontaneous freedom and longevity.

This remote wealth, disliked by the so called Superior or Alien Identities, has been plundered and removed from the human vital process. Humanity was induced into slavery, had accelerated mortality, disease and violence, which were artificially transmitted to every living animal and not just to human beings.

Faith, a consequent millennial educational result, has the purpose of corroborating and inducing, in a virtual way, the hope for forgetting this remote and positive past, in order to perpetuate the evolutionary, magical, scientific and spiritual block of the human race, through axioms of so- called deities, god, and creators to bow to for emulation.

Traces of such past are present in humans, with the resonance of the informational impact of DNA that has been passed down over millions of years. The so-called sensorial and magical perception is nothing more than a substitute and illusory bio-digital emulation of what was removed from natural human capabilities. The mass distraction induced by Faith and false sensoriality does favor collective “dormancy” and obedience in antithesis to natural evolution.

Essentially, Atheists who have informational traces of a primitive and very ancient DNA, aim, by nature, to remote longevity, or perhaps even to live forever (an evolutionary stage never reached due to artificial intervention to our detriment on our genes).

By nature, they are inclined towards freedom by essence, and they are difficult to tame, non-compliant and more prone to disobedience.

Believers have a more recent and manipulated DNA (Homo Sapiens Sapiens), whose effect of bio-genetic programming induces the hope of liberation by superior Third Entities, yearning with the illusion of a post- mortem life.

By nature, they are inclined towards Faith and obedience and more easily tamed by mass conformity.

The aim of evolution and human freedom is to recover such extraordinary peculiarities. Now they are only “noticeable” as inclinations or tendencies, or non-existent or recognizable in some accents of freedom, intellect, science, or semi-emulated magic through mental stimulation, not entrusting the Soul and Consciousness to third entities, which do not exist!

We are the Superior and “extinguished” Entities of the mists of time.

The Damage…

The damage of things recalls, par excellence, the concept of illness and death, which were given to Us by the so-called creationist myth of the Divine.

Feeling and Perceiving

Feeling and perceiving are not the same thing.

Feeling is a sensorial biochemical process. Perceiving is an informational- digital mental process. It follows that the alteration of one of these structural elements by levels involves an alteration of the meanings and of the lived experience, which is considered or imagined as real, or due to the structural environment as emulated and virtual.

This lends itself to a vast series of implications, from the point of view of the concept of reality, extra sensorial perception, spirituality and lived experiences.

Information and Soul

Information is the digital/analog Soul of things, but it is not Life.

The Soul is not living, despite being Soul (meaning/imposture to “distract” from the imposed reality of death and to “sugarcoat the pill” by other natures/entities). Unlike life which is its own “dense” matter “of the living Soul”, that is, a set of two elements and not just one of them.


Atheism is a primordial trace of free and spontaneous spirituality.


Humanity became extinct with the advent of humanoid carnivorism.

The Shamanic, Esoteric and Vegetarian Figure of Christ

The historical and literal, or mythical, sacred and esoteric passage of the figure of Christ is truly to be appreciated, despite being Atheists.

It is important and ethically positive to remind Believers who do not know about the spiritual and moral betrayal of the Church, that the Church enjoined the obligation to “eat chicken”, through its tormentors, as a strategy to “find out” and eliminate Christians who were in line with the shamanic teaching of Christ, by being vegetarians. The spiritual and shamanic figure of Christ was manifested through a declared and clear antithetical approach. A “rebellious” approach, against the law. A human, peaceful approach, that was different from the one that was expressed by the bloody divinity of the monotheistic “god” of Israel. This is a dystonic fact than was cleared in an institutional way with the additional advent of Catholicism.

The Deception of Hope

Hope is the artifice designed to make harmless and passive the suppressed and repressed ones, due to an exhortation to an indefinite Illusion and to the infamous so-called Resilience. Faith is structured to fuel this artifice, beyond the everyday life, with the undoubted benefits of distraction that it grants and an uncertain and predicted future instead of a real and present solution. It leads to passivity, lack of action and waste of time, which are all very useful for mass domestication.

 Divergent Thinking…

If what the esotericists say is “true”, a powerful, “highly extended” divergent thinking should influence the course of events more than a physical fighting action by a “minority” group.

But the lack of Extended Awareness will prevent its implementation, together with the small number of rebels who will equally achieve nothing with their sacrifice, thanks to the shapeless and empty mass which, with its tireless obedience, makes the system granitic and irreformable.

The Soul is Born out of the Vibration of Music

The Soul is the pre-vital composition that leads to the spontaneous generation of Life and to the existence in Life.

Even as Atheists, we can describe Music as a spontaneous, vibratory and remote factor, to which we owe the mysterious and soulful advent of Life.

Animals are Living Archetypes

Animal Friends are living archetypes of the purest feelings; something unknown to us humans, or worse, Humanoids, and to the so-called deities or superior powers.

We only have to learn from them, although they too are victims of the genetic manipulation of the most remote past which produced violence, carnivorism and death..

(Taken from: “ASDO: Sensorial Atheism of the Origins”.
The recovery of a free, peaceful, long-lived and evolved nature. By Ruben LW Bellucca)