This is life, a treasure hunt,
we don’t know where it is, we don’t know if it’s gold.
Every day with so much will,
we look for clues that take us further,
that help us understand which direction to pursue.
Before recognizing the clues
and understand that you are on the right path
you have to find the key that opens the new envelope.
The door of the heart is that of perceptions
which will slowly change your actions.
You will slow down your action, you will listen, you will think
and you will finally perceive the clues.
At first you don’t know what use you can make of it
like a puzzle being put together
you place them but you are not yet at the its complition.
Then comes a more important clue
that unites everyone else and you feel great,
from there you start to see the whole project
and the treasure that was already yours but locked in a drawer.
Now your task is only half done
you have entered the flow and you can change your reality.
You understood that you just have to stay still and wait
and one by one your actions change.
This creative stillness will carry you to dream and create a new reality.
Gurà Samir Levirò (Zelia)