It is very important to know that by transforming one’s mental and cognitive model – the paradigm with which one elaborates and shares Reality – one also changes one’s perception and vision of the world and its events.

This is a secret that the Initiates knew in all ages, but that modern man has forgotten, relegating his Reality to an exclusive narrative based on a single dual interpretation.

Modern man believes, and has become convinced, that separative thought is the only possible thought, and therefore also the only way to consider one’s world, stereotyped by the moral fundamentalism of good and evil. Generational defects, and adherence to cultural, scientific and religious paradigms, favor not only dual thought, but the development of a passive, conformed and polarizing thought, the primary cause of the many internal conflicts that afflict humanity today.

Modern man, trapped in a psychological bit (right/wrong, good/bad, true/false), is now deaf to the call of the alchemy of Consxiousness.

When you point the camera at a certain angle, you reduce the totality of the panorama to a single detail and therefore all the conclusions that can be drawn are linked exclusively to that detail: this is passive thinking, associative and automatic thinking.

When you frame the entire landscape with a wide angle with the camera, the vision opens up to the totality of the event, exponentially expanding both the details and the quality of the whole: this is active thinking, the thinking of consxious attention.

Active thinking is motivated intention and presence in action, and this focus of attention is what we call “being there.”

When this Presence is active, then the Truth – what is Real in that given moment – ends up showing itself spontaneously. When I am identified with passive thinking,

I let myself be carried away by the present moment, I come into conflict with Reality and I lose the sense of the right measure: I polarize.

When I react, I get offended, when I deny my mistakes, when I do not embrace Reality, when I deny my Divinity. In short, I end up prolonging my inferior state: I experience the “dream”.

The development of active thought opens to the synthetic vision of the complexity and totality of things, favoring by successive degrees the understanding of the true interrelations, the causes, which give life to the event that is experienced: I experience Reality.

This state of awareness, mastered, inevitably awakens Consxiousness.