The growth process from 1 to 7 years of age allows the innate Nature in man to shape the child by providing him with the structures and the necessary consxientious contents to face life on Earth. When this esoteric wisdom process is exclusive to a dark and manipulative power, it transforms, in fact, into psychosocial engineering.

The mass production of psychoslaves is made possible by practices of ritual and ceremonial High Magic that, from the sublunar astral plane, act on the collective human subconscious distorting the perception of reality. The rituality of these practices is then renewed by the same ignorant masses who, through the accepted dogmas (religious, social, scientistic and cultural), daily reiterate the rites necessary to nourish and feed the pre- established egregore.

The containment environment, the family and preconceived beliefs are at the basis of this system, today decidedly anti-human, which appears as a good shepherd who cares for the well-being and growth of his sheep, but which in fact works to abstract the individual from his own spiritual Essence. The egoic sense of self, sick of separation, is the central fulcrum on which the suggestive fascination of such ritual magic operates.

A loop of repetitive and associative thoughts holds the virtualized man prisoner, obscured by an illusory veil, a shadow placed between the True Reality and the psycho-magical model generated by the shadowy reflection projected by the Matrix. The individualized man, on the other hand, is well aware that the external world is a direct reflection of his internal worlds; he no longer deals with the reflections that appear in the mirror, but rather contemplates the Source that generates the shadows.

The beliefs and convictions of the individual are never constituted by his thoughts – although everyone can believe that their thoughts are intimate and original – but are always generated by systems ordered in macro architectures, constituted by collective thought forms.

This simple awareness can be a keystone, capable of inverting and transforming the personal crystallized egoic tendencies, fertile ground for any power structure or adverse forces related to it.

In this brief excursus, we try to convey a syncretic vision of how the chemistry of images (thought forms energetically dissolved by the mind in flows of biochemical frequencies) is the basis of psychosocial programming, and why this science, consciously used and practiced at the top of “institutionalized” societies, predetermines standardized scripts that the masses, mostly unaware, assimilate as certain truths, and from which they construct the infinite narratives of the world and of their own lives.

In the collective sphere, the Matrix offers macro social, financial, political, cultural and religious models, obtaining as a fair exchange the total enslavement of the users who, consciously or not, sanction their consent with tacit assent (in the blissful sleep of the unjust).

How to get in touch with this possible truth? How to make sure that, deep down, the power of free renewal is within each of us? What tools does the common man have to depersonalize himself and structure himself as a whole individual, and free master of his own soul?

Absolutely the Awakening, True Philosophical Knowledge of what you are, is the solution practiced since time immemorial by all the initiatory paths of the planet. Tearing the Veil of Isis to be irradiated by the dark inner Light of your true Sun is the goal of every prodigal son.

The expansion of Consxiousness, generated by direct contact with one’s Essence, is a reality accessible to every human being who devotes his life to the Opus.

The integration of this Consxiousness awakens in man the awareness necessary to Be what he is, generating that intimate sense of tireless gratitude indispensable for fully experiencing every moment of true Life.

All that remains is to wish everyone their own free considerations.


“You were not made to live like brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge”

Dante, Inferno, Canto XXVI, v. 119