For man, freeing himself from the ancient “constant” of mental hypnosis is a continuous process of Awakening. The emergence of the Essence involves a physiological break from the consensual social agreements programmed by our planetary cultures, now increasingly alienated and dehumanized. It is increasingly evident that the current human condition is that of slavery.
A new type of slavery, a slavery little understood because it is psychological and spiritual rather than coercive and physical. Human consxiousness is the target of a vast war of control and submission in which the ignorant crowds voluntarily consent to social conditions that not only do not serve their interests, but even cause them harm.
We accept the status quo of war, fear, environmental destruction, greed, corruption, poisoned health and false scarcity because we have been educastrated. Caught in psychic traps, we are hostages of false beliefs, fascinated by appearances of comfort that cloud reason and limited by renewed emergencies and imminent dangers.
In the Absolute, it is the Spiritual Awakening that sublimates the illusory sense of self by opening the individual to a renewed vision of Life. The man awakened to his true Essence cultivates and applies Principles of peace, acceptance of differences, is inclined to humanistic progress and exploration, these are necessary requirements to improve the current human condition.
First, however, we must see and recognize the boundaries of the prison in which we find ourselves. Only if we are aware of being in prison can we aspire with ardor to Freedom.
However, today psychological slavery is mistaken for independence, and it is useful to remember that in this era it is much easier to deceive people, than to show them that they have been deceived. To each, the arduous sentence.
“Know what is before you, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you; for there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.”
Thomas 1.5