There are two Laws to which all souls are subjected and bound: the Law of Cause and Effect, which returns the fruit of one’s thoughts, feelings and actions, and the Law of Affinity, in which the similar attracts to itself only what is similar to it.

The lesson that the two Laws offer is well explained in the two evangelical principles: do only what you wish to be done to you and love your neighbor as yourself.

In order to better understand these two principles, rather than evaluating their moral or religious aspects, it is useful to know the potential they offer in terms of Awakening. Learning to live and relate aligned with fundamental laws makes individual and group evolution more dynamic, when united by a common purpose.

The essential component that unites souls among themselves is a communion of intent animated by a higher Purpose. The fact of creating intense and loving relationships between groups motivated by these Laws is one of the spiritual purposes for which we are called to live the earthly experience.

With practical experience these two Laws naturally open us to the Law of Love, which is equivalent to the full development of that “healthy spiritual egoism”, a necessary requirement for every form of individualization of Consxiousness, and because ultimately, each is the Love with which one loves…

“We should behave towards each other in such a way as to avoid making our friends enemies, and at the same time to make our enemies friends”
