Although the non-dual vision differs from the global one, if we fully understand the first, and see its implications in our Life, we can spontaneously arrive at the second.

The non-dual vision is one of the possible realizations that we recognize and experience in our Work, and it is profound, important and decisive. It recognizes that all forms and manifestations perceived by us are inseparable from their nature, which is the ground of Reality. However, due to the uniqueness of each individual, there are numerous non-dual realizations, which depend on the way in which the ground of Reality is understood and experienced.

The important aspect of any realization is that it is free from the conventional view of a self that experiences objects and the world as separate from itself. In the non-dual view, of course, not only is the personal self absent, but individual consxiousness is only one of the forms that manifests like any other. So the self, the personal I, can be understood as an illusion or, in our case, a simple manifested form, and all actions are only expressions of the continuous manifestation of Reality as a whole in its unity and uniqueness.

However, to access the non-dual reality, the global view is necessary, because it reminds us that without individual consxiousness there would be no realization, enlightenment and awareness of the non-dual state.

The existence of any thing makes itself alive and confirms itself by its opposite; it is a Law.