Most of the time, we live absorbed and identified in a fact, a decision, an event or a person.

Through these movements, we try to attract the “cause of our happiness” or to repel that of “our unhappiness”.

This means that we interpret the outside as different from us and responsible for our well-being or the exact opposite. In other words, we identify ourselves with the outside, because by blind habit we exist in relation to this outside, immersed in time and separated by space. We are unconsciously captured by the fluids of the world, of our personal world, and with it we entertain the notion of Time and Space.

Yet there is nothing other than ourselves, our Truth in which each is a unique Universe beyond time and space.

Thus, the age of Consxiousness translates into the disappearance of the conceptual notion of Space and Time.


Inspired by “A Dive from the Deep – The Inexhaustible Source