The Reality of Life makes us aware of the dual nature of man, the “terrestrial” and the “celestial” and of the need to transform the first to recover the original unity.

This process, which is revealed over time, is implemented with the experiential purification of the Soul, that is, a “rejection” of everything that is heterogeneous and foreign to our true essential nature.

This journey within man, aimed at the Awakening of Consxiousness, is called Initiatory.

Initiation, therefore, means awakening and actualizing what one already is. One cannot, in fact, become what one is not.

The much-feared initiatory death is dying to what one imagines oneself to be, it is death in front of the world, as overcoming the limiting and profane condition in which the personality is identified.

This necessary permutation of “vision” is not a passive act, but an active one, since it is not the body that, by decaying, loses the soul, but the soul that, gathered in its innate power, frees itself from the inferior bonds imposed by earthly nature and therefore from identification with the body.

From this point of view, esotericism seeks to offer man the way for his progressive initiation, to awaken what is real in him, so that he can recognize himself as the natural Son of God and potential seed of the New Man.