Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to experiencing the Essence of Life.
A mind trapped by fear lives in confusion, distrust, conflict, deception and is therefore insecure, petulant, hypocritical, cynical. Living superficially, educated in competition and scarcity by a corrupt and culturally stupid society, we are overloaded with fears, and fear is a condition that deforms, distorts and numbs our days, our dreams, our entire lives.
We are always afraid of something: fear does not exist in an abstract form, it always has a cause, it is always in relation to someone or something.
Do we know our fears? Fear of losing our job, our partner, our loved ones, of not having enough food or money, fear of what others think of us, fear of not being successful, of being ridiculed, despised, fear of illness, fear of losing loved ones, fear of losing our faith; and the list goes on and on.
What do we do about these fears? How do we live with our hallucinations? We usually run away from them, but running away from fear means making it grow. It may seem like a paradox, but one of the main fears is that we are afraid to face our fears.
We lead a certain type of life, we think according to an exclusive model determined in general by social, religious and cultural standards. We follow a certain faith that predisposes us to particular beliefs, precepts and dogmas, and beyond our blind convictions, we do not want these statuses to be shaken because, consciously or not, they are deeply rooted in us. After all, we have constituted ourselves as individuals in them and we have learned to repeat that they are our character, our values, our uniqueness, our life.
Everyone wants to be “reasonably” sure of themselves and master the state of things they encounter, preferring the known and rejecting the unknown.
Living without fear, simply, means being beyond the patterns of the ordinary world.