If you are walking a spiritual path, then, in the important moments of your life have Trust, because when you least expect it, you will meet perfect guides. Thanks to your inner magnetism they will appear to you in the guise of benevolent or occasionally hostile people; other times they will manifest themselves as joyful or even tragic events; other times they will be fleeting sensations or intangible dreams. The trials of life are your infallible guides, and you understand this only when you are willing to welcome your divine Essence because, mature, you are ready to experience the true Art of Life: Being.

An ancient axiom says:

When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.

Mystics, Initiates, and Artists who have reached the highest levels in their discipline or art form, are able to perform extraordinary feats, exceptional and often unpredictable creations. Why? Because body, emotions and mind, integrated, no longer impede the Creative expression of Being.

This specific state of individualization allows the experimentation of Being at one with one’s own art, with one’s own inner world, and therefore with the Kabbalistic miracle of every single moment.

This is the divine function of your Spirit: to make music, to be the Word “without strings”. To play this type of music, just remember in humility that you are instruments. This is the impersonal state to which every man or woman should intimately aspire, and if necessary, fight to be.