Attention is the primary instrument of the essential Being.

Attention, Presence and Bearing are the triune scepter of the Master of the Heart.

When we exercise our Attention, focusing it on something, without imposing it, without contaminating the object on which it is focused with our personal and subjective interpretations, without obscuring it with our ignorance, with superficial interpretations that distort our understanding of its true nature, only then can we let it be what it is, and in this way be ourselves what we are.

In the absence of Attention, our perceptions are so imbued with absolutist personal meanings, monologues never truly experienced and even less verified, that we can be certain of their erroneousness. They are erroneous because they are the fruit of our lucubrations, of the distorting suggestions to which we are continually induced by mechanicalness, squandering a large part of our creative energy.

Generally, we do not see what is there, but only what we expect to be there. We must learn to perceive things as they are, not as our mind, feelings and impulses desire them to be.

This Bearing is not at all easy to develop. All in all, it only requires that we retrain our entire perceptive apparatus and the system with which we process information, and that we throw away everything that by coercion, convention or convenience we wish to believe, that is, those roles that make us appear conformed and presentable on the stages of the worldly and socio-cultural nightmare that we call “life”. What is stated here fears no denial, if the Power of Attention watches over our experience the Presence is without veil.

The doors that open the Heart to the reality of Being have no human connotations, however the price of Absolute intimacy with the Presence is being alone.