The blossoming of the principle of Love in us implies the death of the ordinary, or empirical separative, self; and this act, it must be reiterated, is not for everyone. Or rather, not everyone is qualified (although everyone potentially is) nor willing to understand and transcend the collective illusion to find themselves in the sphere of the inner Self (…)
“Do not give holy things to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and, turning around, tear you to pieces”
Mt, VII-6
The “Way of the Rose” is useful only to those who truly want to fill their empty wineskins, having understood that they possess, at the beginning, only their own Aspiration.
You cannot offer what you do not have, most hope and believe they are giving what they do not have. We are at war with each other because we are at war with ourselves. Do not seek, therefore, to transform others, but work with discipline to transform yourselves. He who asserts that Order can be established without first realizing it in individuals, is far from having understood the determining cause of human conflict.