In the current global-existential crisis, science and technology have achieved, at least potentially, the goal of influencing the masses and appearing as a perfect instrument of power, so far functional and indisputable, capable of directing the destiny of individuals by dictating the new rules of a new transhumanist and globalizing society. To this end, the current technocratic models have developed, efficiently and effectively, the necessary tools to ensure that every man, whether voluntarily enslaved or not, is forced to bow to the effigy of the “new global religion”, so as to preclude any possibility of becoming fully aware of the potential of life and no longer being master of the flow of his thoughts and the government of his actions.
But it is precisely these same tools, so far used to influence and manipulate entire populations, that will deny the fatuous hope they have evoked, highlighting the true purpose of those who have obsessively pursued and flaunted them.
“If this science that will bring great advantages to man, does not serve man to understand himself, it will end up turning against man”, Bruno prophesied a few centuries ago.
This empirical and analytical knowledge of which we are so proud, our inventiveness oriented towards materialism and comfort and its rich social rewards, our determination to seek power by destroying life and matter, rather than adapting to the energies of Nature, while the sailboat simply adapts to the wind, this entire methodology of contemporary science is responsible for both the success and the failure that will inevitably come true.
Successful conquests cannot be separated from the use that man in general has made of them through finance, religion and politics, from the motive of profit or the thirst for social power, from class domination and the needs deriving from our particular philosophical and religious approach to existence, from life cemented in the city, from the evolutionist spirit to the detriment of biodiversity, and from all types of interpersonal and group relationships aimed at the sole purpose of “consuming” and using without criteria the resources of our fertile nurse and Mother: the Universe.
What we can and must do instead for the survival of our authenticity and for the affirmation of our Essence is to understand this undeniable fact and realize an irrevocable separation between Being and appearing. This is certainly a process of ever greater priority and necessity that is looming for all of us, and in many respects, it unfolds to be not only tragic but a cathartic and evolutionary one.
This admission must coincide with full awareness, because it requires a profound individual crisis, capable of spreading and influencing the social and collective field, revealing itself as a remedy and instrument of psychic reclamation.
Are we really predisposed? Do we really want to see all this and go through it relentlessly, irrevocably, indisputably?
Are we ready to sacrifice our inherited dogmas, our fatuous certainties, the forced dependencies dictated by a dying society? Are we really ready to be the seeds of the new civilization? This is the dilemma to which we are called, this is the appeal to which we must respond. The solution to this imperative call is seated in the depths of every man and every woman: it is enough to silence the surface noise and lend an ear to the suggestions dictated by the Heart. It is true that, sooner or later, every Heart wonders why it beats.
Be pure as doves and cunning as serpents, the Scriptures recite; the true cunning of the serpent is True Knowledge.