Occultism presupposes the existence, at the bottom of Reality, of dynamic forces, personal or impersonal, physical or psychic, unknowable with ordinary instruments, but with which relationships can be established through cognitive or experiential instruments reserved for lovers of Wisdom.

The difference between esotericism and occultism is that esotericism is a theory and occultism is a practice. The term occultism is generally used to indicate a complex of practices that range from alchemy, to astrology, to kabbalah, to magic, to extrasensory perceptions, to homeopathy, to divination and to all those disciplines that are based on the principle that there are analogies and homologies between man and supersensible realities.

The esotericist may not practice occultism, but the occultist cannot but be an esotericist.

If we consider occultism as a means to spiritual ends and not only to magical ends, we will gain a true perspective of the matter.

He who strives to return to his original state must inevitably face the “occult monster” that dwells within himself. There are no hidden sacred liturgies to achieve this end; the only way is to penetrate esoterically and ever more deeply into the abysses of our being, until we locate its living and vivifying root, and bring it back to the true Light. Esoteric knowledge and the practice of occult science awaken the Impersonal in man.

He who walks the Mystic Path is initiated into the Beauty of the Rose.