Oh, Divine Law
Blow into my overshadowed clouds your speech And of Mankind,
the Life tell me about…
For the bent bow of the Law fashions the arrow for every Heart
The course of the Way is the strange Dart that levels the Oppressor
The Sand of Time is desolate rust for Kings
The Poisonous Slime is ruin for the Iniquitous
The dunghill of Shame forms the Life of the Deceiver
The colorful Style of the groaner and the complainer is a source of Despair and Weakness
Impotence and Infirmity, are the Religion of the Oppressed
And the secret of the Lord? It is with those who fear Him!
Heart bewildered by Beauty, by ruinous Desolation now thresh Thy thorny Plants
That the Lamb may be glorified, Breathe the Breath into the Sacrificial Bowl
Resist invention, cease from simulation, refuse pretense
For the Hermetic Light the more you retreat inward, the more it reveals itself
The Mercury of Excellence, Conjurer and Magician of Folly, is the Spirit of thy Network of Joy
And the written Life is the Bud of Thy plantation, the Work of Thy hands.
Dare with Courage, when all the Light shall never again set, nor the Shadow withdraw
The Sun shall no more be the Light of Day, nor the Moon the reflection of its Splendour
Then shall thy God within be thy very Glory
And the Divine Lord be to thee an Eternal Light
Fly, Sun and New Beauty