Was the universe created or is it eternal?
Does its evolution hide a supreme will?
What is the role of Man in this formidable crucible of consxious energy?
What is the origin of Life?
What is death?
Where does the earthly adventure lead?

Humanity usually remains indifferent to these questions. It seems that a paralyzing veil descends to cover its short capacity for interiorization; in the general confusion, the exteriorization of consxiousness has become the only possible reality.

It is so urgent to survive and conform to the current paradigm that it wastes no time asking itself: “What is Life? Who is Man in relation to this Life?”.

In doing so, one distracts oneself from the problems that ultimately arouse one’s own greatness; one renounces the relationship with one’s own Essence, limiting the vastness of what it is, of one’s own Being.