Άρχέργον οὐσία

The Essence of the Original “Work”

“In fact, one is the principle of numbers: but if there is no principle, there could not even be the elements that derive from it. Therefore if one is not there, there is not even a number, not even a single one.”

What is the extreme peak of Knowledge, the ultimate limit of the Consxiousness[1] of Reality?

Surely, after having experienced superior states of consxiousness that transcend not only logic, but rise beyond the superior mind, testing the flows of pure Intellect, the moment opens us to this eternal question, to the Why of all things. Before us, millennia, millennia and even millennia before, the ancient Ancestors, the first enlightened thinkers, the mystical seers of the East and the West had already asked themselves this question. In these verses taken from the Vedas, the Mystic seer sings:

“What is that thing by knowing which everything becomes known, just as by knowing clay everything that is made of clay becomes known? The forms of individual objects are nothing but efforts of voice. The only reality they have always remains clay. Oh, wise men, investigate these things! Oh, wise men, seek their foundation!”

. . .and what if that thing by knowing which everything becomes known might be the Number?

In these odes, the universal substance is compared to the clay from which individual objects, by identification, are known as things (forms), that is, conceived and perceived as a formal interface, a shadow, of the same idea, the clay. Every philosophy, aimed at “seeking the foundation of things”, at knowing by identity, has as its purpose the sapiential development of the impersonal essence and experiencing the Reality “that is”. To investigate the clay-idea (principle) and penetrate the essence of the things-forms (images) associated with it, even though an extremely evolved mind, one is subjected to the need to evoke and, therefore to identify the principle itself with a Name, which is being investigated: in our case the clay-idea. If this is true, the Principle-Idea is the necessary requirement for investigating, penetrating and knowing. The very idea of Being is the limiting abstraction with which the mind ideally reflects itself, until it loses itself in the unlimited, reabsorbing itself in its own… Being. Likewise, one should meditate that in the esoteric context the idea of the Monad is associated with the Number 1 which, regardless of what it evokes and represents, at various degrees of intellection is and remains, albeit sacred, an idea, as is the case for the idea of unity, of absolute, of totality.

Has the mind reached its maximum extension, has it reached its evolutionary limit? Yet, if you think about it, in the presence of the unlimited, the limited burns and ignites, and smiles, like a curious child full of wonder.

Many sacred mysteries remain unanswered, and many other questions remain unanswered.

Contemplative meditation on the true reality of the Number, and the reason for the Code, can certainly be counted among the mysteries in the presence of which we have placed ourselves, for now, either with too much sacredness or with too much distrust.

However, each arcana exists in itself to be revealed.



BIOAPIΘMOΣ – The Living Number


“In fact, one is the principle of numbers: but if there is no principle, there could not even be the elements that derive from it. Therefore, if one is not there, there is not even a number, not even a single one.”

But what is the living Number understood as the Code?

The Code governs in ordered fields what consxiousness experiences as perceptions, impressions, sensations, emotions, feelings, thoughts, ideas, principles. Furthermore, the Code coordinates the fluids of the vital force energy (prana), presides over the harmony of physiological and chemical processes by ordering the cellular and atomic functions of our body. Therefore, we mentally define Number as an archetype of the order that has become coexistent. In this case, the “mind-νος” must be understood as a dynamism that operates in the unknown (unconscious, instinct, innate conscxousness), whose aspect of order, when it becomes conscious, appears to the inner vision first and foremost as the idea of Number. Number is the most suitable instrumental principle that our mind can use for understanding Order and Harmony, and, perhaps, it is the most primitive element of Order conceived by human intelligence.

The Number is therefore much more than what has been casually thought and understood up to now.

As long as Number is not free from the very idea of Number, its true and intimate nature will not be fully understood. The Number, the Code, potentially opens consxiousness to a Reality in which the act of thinking is clearly transfigured. In this state of Being, the process of thiking is spherical, alive, and Life is meaning since the clear Light of the intellect resolves itself into Living Light.

Spherical thinking is a flash of an all-encompassing experience, in which the unitary essence of mutual interdependence between all things is revealed. In this case, Everything is clearly contemplated as a self- germinating Code Number. (For further information see “Aritmographia“).

This Reality is always a Symbol of an internal dialogue experienced by “counting and weighing”, while taking care to remain with “the feet planted on the earth and the spirit anchored in the heavens“.

The Code, seen from this perspective, is everywhere. The force energy of every wave/particle in the universe is animated by the Project governed and ordered by the Code. Sphere and Cube, Sky and Earth, Essence and Substance, are here united in a single infinitely harmonious dance, unlimitedly experienced by the entity as a real indissoluble totality.

The fundamental nature of Man is to be fulfilled in being the aware Son of “One Reality”, which, apparently, is experienced as chaotic order.

Anaxagoras tells us that “The νος, as an active and ordering power, organizes chaos (πειρον, ápeirōn), thus creating the worlds”.

Number therefore has much more to tell us.

However, as long as the Reality, that we seeks to penetrate, will be processed and conceptualized in the manner of principles supported by the ideas contained therein, it will allow to be penetrate beyond the very nature of the principle with which it is investigated.

To penetrate the Secretum Secretorum of the Number it is enough to learn to dialogue with the Code.


Volume Ratio: 1 = 1/Φ + 1/Φ²

Duality in Unity constitutes the essential mystical ternary. In the Code the Unity-Totality in numbers is 1, 1/Φ, 1/Φ2 (Father, Spirit, Son). They are three mystical thirds of which the 2-Two are worth 1-One, that is, the All from which they emerged: 1/Φ + 1/Φ2 = 1, that is, the Spirit and the Son give the Father. In this extreme synthesis the Code reveals the mystery of the Trinity.

Likewise, the functional action of Φ in the human spermatozoon produces the human form. Its gestation is a coagulation of the spatial substance in temporal situations, which is divided into embryonic phases in temporal relation with micro and macro dimensional gestations.

The activity Φ is universal, although it is homogeneously invariable. The variety observed in multiplicity cannot be caused either by the coagulated spatial substance or by the action of Φ, but it is given by the rhythm of a succession of moments (golden/auric sequence) of a single Genesis which, for us, has its finality and concreteness in man. All forms are placed between an extreme which is the first, universal form, and the final one, which has man as its current form – the project.

Therefore, the first form is virtually and potentially Man, and every moment of this genesis is a potentiality, a specificity that will be contained, summarized and elaborated in Man, be it an energetic, atomic, geological, vegetal, animal, planetary, stellar, cosmic moment.

This succession, each moment of which highlights a Number (and therefore a Name), constitutes the natural series of Numbers. The nature, the character, the relationships, the affinities, the connections and the proportions, specific to moments and things, contained as a synthesis in human genesis, are ordered by the Code.

Everything, therefore, appears as an alternation of intensity of functions. We call the nature of an activity Function. It includes an impulse (1), a purpose (2) and a mode (3).

Essentially the function is an impulse with rhythmically variable intensity. The variation is Number. If the intensity were invariable, there would be only one phenomenon and the Cosmos would be confused with its impulsive Cause. Therefore, it is Number that creates Nature and rhythm distinguishes its variety.

Essentially, the Number is triangular, it remains so through all forms which are simple compounds of this primeval trigonal Principle.

The 9-nine members of the Tetraktys (generated by T1+T2+T3+T4), that surround the Unity, are the nine transcendent Powers or Numbers that through their trigonal Functions characterize the Igneous Impulse in the four phases of emanation, creation, training, action. The same goes for the twelve Numbers around the original Ternary in the fifth triangle (T1+T2+T3+T4+T5) which spirally define the space in which the cyclical quality of time is experienced.

The original distinction, or polarization of Energy, is the beginning of Number and a first numbering. For Man, this becomes an a priori knowledge that imposes itself on psychological consciousness.

This then idealizes, identifies, classifies and names what the Number imposes on it.



What is demonstrated today was only once imagined – William Blake

The study of Numbers, and this one in particular which investigates the relationship between Number and Psyche, does not have to do with quantities and calculations, but exclusively with the recognition of hidden symbolism from Numbers and the way in which they represent the different aspects of Consxiusness, of the spiritual evolution and Life, Creation and the evolution of the Universe through the functions of Sound, Light, vibration, rays, waves and forms. The qualities of the Number, in ancient esoteric philosophy, were compared to the Principial functions of ideas and, therefore, of the qualities of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions. Numbers are not abstract and inanimate “things”, but living principles of laws and universal processes that are unlimitedly creative, functional, dynamic and active. In this study we want to demonstrate that Numbers are alive and express themselves through an Arithmographic Code language.

From this assumption, the ontological and logical ordering of Numbers translates into fluid rhythmic geometric images, or rather into living psychogeometries. For its descriptive power, as an exponent of a concrete analysis, the Number is an essential classifier. For this reason, it is used to identify concrete sets of any nature and order, without limits. It can serve as an etheric library, because it indicates the various types of organization that are imposed on things when they manifest themselves in their correct order in the cosmos, and it can harmonize and reorder disharmonious and chaotic systems of every nature, plan, state and degree. This leads us to believe that the same principle is potentially applicable to fluid therapeutical preparations that work for the rebalancing of psychobiodynamic fields of the human triadic system.

In this study we consider the possibility for a new therapeutic model, structured on natural qualities of the Name-Number with possible practical and functional applications. In OmoioAxioma, the specific qualities of the Number are not limited to governing and ordering abstract formulas and structures, but through particular codings, they offer the possibility of generating equanimity and harmony in disharmonious bioenergetic fields.

Generally speaking, the basic intuition with which the method is conceived takes us back to the principle of the similar cornerstone of Homeopathic Medicine, naturally applied with completely different operating methods. The numerical rebalancing codes are special mediators, real “reconciliators”, powerful harmonics of the organic systems in which biofluid energy flows.

Having identified the Name with which by language convention we define an organ, the limbs, a concept, a key word, an emotion, pathologies and so on, we proceed through special permutations of the letters that form the key word identified as a specific symbol of the disharmony. From the Numbers extracted from the distillation of the letters composing the Name, “the Armonikè (Harmonics)” are obtained, which, at this point, are true simillimum Codes.

A Name defines and encompasses the totality of what is named, to varying degrees.


The letters that make up the Names (of a psychophysical disharmony as well as of any other psychobiodynamic function) are ideographic symbols which, as mentioned, also contain a numerical value. This codified numbering is analogous to the Principle itself with which the Name specifies, translates and makes psychologically comprehensible the nature of what has been named.

Through the OmoioAxioma method, the energetic preparation of Armoniké is made possible by transferring the codified information deriving from the existing correspondence between Name and Number into a hydroalcoholic solution.

The numerical code obtained, by isopsephic permutation, adapted to specific transcription procedures, is copied by impression into the water which memorizes the information by coding it thanks to its innate talent of “remembering“. Any numerical-named information generates by similarity a corresponding magnetic fluid dynamism, an Armoniké.

What matters about the memory structure is not the chemical or energetic capacity, but it is the form that the systems, composed of numerical matrices and the names corresponding to them take, which, similar to the Principle, are capable of inducing a natural “updating” of the psychobiodynamic system.

“[…] the one hundred thousandth part of a grain of wild rice is the soul, one hundred thousandth part of this is the Lord of the cosmos, the fifty thousandth part of which is the Supreme Consciousness, beyond which there is the Absolute. So the perfume is in the flower, the oil in the sesame seed, the gold in the quartz.” Dhyânabindüpanisad (9th-4th century BC)

As far as the energetic action of the Armoniké OmoioAxioma can be described, the ability of the preparations to interact directly with the Vital Principle and therefore with the Vital Force driven by it is only mentioned here.

The Armoniké OmoioAxioma essentially interact on both the energetic excess and deficiency of biofluid systems, activating or favoring the innate Spiritual power of rebalancing and self-healing. What makes an Armoniké different from other energy remedies is its psychobioenergetic functionality capable of generating, by affinity and analogy, an update of the corresponding system where disharmony exists. This operation is never in conflict with the resonant system, so it usually does not generate unwanted side effects.

Beyond the vibration emanating from the scent of a flower, we penetrate the infinite realm of Sound. In theory the Armoniké resonate precisely in this realm, since Number and Sound are of the same nature as they are two facets of the same Reality. Similar to a tuning fork that when “touched” propagates its particular sound, the Armoniké resonates with the “cause” of disharmony, favoring the natural process of resonance necessary for renewed harmony.

The peculiar characteristic of this method, in the field of Self-Healing, is helping and encouraging the development of awareness regarding the spiritual message contained in every pathological disharmony. Once the spiritual message is understood, the bystander’s awareness naturally opens to the innate power of Self-Healing. In short, once you pass the test you gain access to the inherent teaching of the experience. We could define the Armoniké as a “mantic medium” capable of communicating with the Ancient of the Ancients, innate Wisdom and power of Self-healing that is dormant within us.

As the Sound is in the Harmonikè, so the Perfume is in the flower, the Oil in the sesame seed, the Gold in the quartz…

For the Grace and the Divine Light



Centro Sei AltroveSeialtrove.it
Blog: Archematica – La Teoria dell’Impossibile
Mail contatto: hermes@seialtrove.it

[1] The word Consciousness is intentionally written with the letter x, to constitute a sort of “stumbling block” in order to remember the value of this term which defines the relationship between Spirit and Substance and which is often used in an improper or superficial way.