We are Naturidei, i.e. Free, Indipendent Human Beings

After having had studied, known and comprehended each and any existing self-determination status and created files inspired by a manuscript dating back to 5000A.C., we felt the need to coin a new word never used before which could have been nurtured and nourished by a new, untainted energy.
A new word to bond together human beings who rediscovered their own divine origin, who reawakened, or in the process of waking up.
A new term to identify with, in order to experience that healthy sensation of natural belonging. A sensation that does not create any attachment and dependency but makes us free to be and to manifest who we really are, in full harmony with the whole.
A new lemma to empower the individual and collective “re-memberance”, to re-invoke the meaning of one’s own being.

Through this sensation of a natural belonging, a Naturideo, an authentic human being, born free, connected to the Natural Right, will be driven to live this earthly experience in wholeness, balance and harmony with the Spiritual Laws, becoming independent at first and than inter-dependent with all life forms coexisting at this level.