The nature of what we are
comes from far away
when a supreme mind thought up
an autonomous management project
for the entire evolution.
“As Above, So Below”,
with a fractal order of information
that creates the symphony for each manifestation.
“As above, so below”,
everything was born from a cell that multiplied
and then differentiated,
creating aggregated solar systems
where to recognize and multiply.
We live in a cell called Earth,
aggregated to our solar system,
which is also a set of aggregate systems
in which the various species: plants, animals,
recognize each other, live and proliferate.
The human cell has differentiated itself by creating aggregate systems of
different races,
differentiating into social systems aggregated by needs or interests.
Man himself is born from a cell that fragments
and then differentiates,
creating aggregate systems in which the various organs
recognize each other and complete their evolution.
A perfect evolutionary fractal order.
The larger system feeds the smaller system,
the smaller system supports the larger system.
Both in the infinitely large and in the infinitely small.

Gurà Samir Levirò (Zelia)