How to Access the “Here&Now” through PranoPhotography®
The camera, beside being an object, connected me in a much higher way than with a person, and therefore it became my interlocutor, my accomplice of the present. Pressing that button, that shutter button was like pressing the trigger for a perfect, straight shot into silence. A gesture that was not an end in itself, but which resonated within me, in space, in light, and,subsequently, in the observer through an emotion. It was like entering the DNA of people and animals, the particles of light, the sap of plants, the electrical circuits where everything is interconnected, and I no longer felt that sadness that had accompanied me for so long as a child. I finally had a medium that could be put at the service of humanity. A humanity that is afraid of fading away, of disappearing, afraid of living, but that,thanks to a photograph, understood as a new image in 4D rather than 2D, can see exactly what happens in being evanescent, impermanent, precarious, fragile, and can acquire the reading ability to find in these emotions the beauty and power of change, transformation, suffering and pain; for a dry leaf is not dead, it has only transformed itself. And it is wonderful.
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