Author: Lorena Di Modugno

The actual assistance of the Ascended Masters to humanity

“The Truth must be assimilated. The old motto: “Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise” has a seed of truth within it. The individual who has not had the opportunity to receive assistance and guidance from the Ascended Masters is not as accountable to Cosmic Law for manifest works, unlike one who has received with time, energy and thought, the instructions of Beings whose every breath is priceless and which can and must only be used to further the Divine Plan. It is not enough to read the words of the Master, nor to increase one’s intellectual or spiritual knowledge. The true seeker must indeed build those words into his own nature and become the Master.” Master Kutumi

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The substance of light and its liberating goal

In order to embrace the nature of Consciousness, human beings should, first of all, learn to understand that they have the conscious ability to change the vibratory action of any electron or group of electrons that orbit within their personal sphere, whether it concerns the physical body, the private and working environment or the beings that compose them.

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Electronic karma

Everything that lives and exists is constantly vibrating in the Intelligent Body and in the Love of God. Since God is All and dwells in every aspect of life, He has so many Messengers to assist Him. Like a chief executive of a large company, he does not deal with every single service existing in his vast organization but he avails himself of the assistance and collaboration of an innumerable host of trusted and well-trained beings who are fully connected with his Divine Intelligence, who in turn, they draw on other collaborators who report in detail on the various tasks performed in the different subspheres, and so on ad infinitum.

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