Wonder Has Woven the “Fabric” of My Life

Wonder has woven the fabric of my life since my early years, when my mind was wandering in the imagination of a supposed visual defect. This supposed handicap turned out to be an extraordinary gift: the ability to perceive a subtle world that escapes ordinary eyes. Through this unique filter, I began to observe the energy permeating space, manifesting as micro-grains of dust in the aether.
These micro-polka dots, as I tenderly call them, have taken on different forms throughout my life giving me the opportunity to understand that everything communicates in an invisible way, at any distance. In some moments, they became larger and more colorful spheres, which I saw appear in the sky and which entered my being, enriching my visual and spiritual experience. This perception was not just a personal aspect, but it shaped my vision of the world, my relationship with the reality around me and added value to my gift as a healer.

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