“Who then will be of help in the days of the Battle?
He who, already patient, wears the armor of courage.
You know well how indispensable it is, on certain treacherous steps.
Faced with the alternative of choosing between a safe path and a dangerous one,
the ardent heart will certainly decide for the second”.

Agni Yoga – Heart

In the world, a large part of Humanity proceeds disoriented, confused, prey to astral illusions and with limited capacity for discernment, without the ability to read events and understand the general meaning of what is happening in the world and why it is happening.

He thinks it is more urgent to take care of his own little garden, of physical and emotional survival and of the problems connected to the contingent, forgetting how to build a new Possibility, the Future, which due to uncontrolled fears is not contemplated, since it would require radical changes that instead it fears.

We are witnessing an apparent decay of consciousness, we do not accept that contemporary man is prey to a marked emotional immaturity and an evident ontic deficiency, but it is essential not to let ourselves be discouraged by the reading of daily events and by the insistent and often shouted negative interpretation that is fed to us by the prophets of consumerism and also by those of misfortune.

We are at the dawn of a new Civilization and we find ourselves at the moment of transition between a culture built on divisions and differences and one that will have to unify them. A new world is rising before our eyes, habitually still half-closed and inattentive, asking us for new and yet ancient ways to cultivate that interior space of consciousness, the only one that can truly build in harmony with Life.

The first step to take is therefore to learn to see Reality for what it is, without being too influenced by external events, seeking the Beauty, the Truth and the Good that Humanity is building, therefore taking a position among the ranks of those who work for the common good and the future of Humanity. We must not fear our imperfection, because in this there is change, impermanence, development and evolution, and from it propagates that tension of Consciousness that leads to fullness: it is the gaze turned towards the Celestial Lover, complete and perfect in itself, that pushes us gradually towards a new world, where the superior Laws are reflected in the best way on this earth to guide Humanity.

When one takes responsibility for the journey towards the individual goal, the Vision that opens to the awakened conxiousness shows that this goal can be shared and built together with other men and women who, called to action, use “hands and feet”, “will and heart”, to build the New world that resonates to the notes of Unity-Love and Intelligence-Knowledge, since they are supported by right thinking and right acting.

All these energies-forces require the Builders of the Future to have the ability to discriminate, to adapt intelligently, to have vision and to take on a clear and determined responsibility. This is in fact a moment of transition and reorientation, which proves to be preparatory to the achievement of the goal of the individual and of all humanity. What has been said may certainly seem inaccessible to some, and certainly relative to many.

To these people we can still suggest, with unshakable confidence, that the inaccessible is the door to pass through to Be and that the relative has always been a prelude to the Absolute.

The Work is accomplished through the fires of Will and Knowledge.

The true Initiates, immortal, tower over History.


taken from «A Dive from the Depths – The Inexhaustible Source»