Category: Articles
Cancer Explained from an Orgonomic Point of View
If the “fight” against cancer has not made real progress, this is due to the belief that local tumor has continued to be considered as the real disease, ignoring instead that cancer is a global disease that affects the whole body.
Read MoreMES – “Toxic” Finance for the National Economy
The Covid effect and the related “financial support instruments” (this is the sold image of these financial transactions that add up to the national debt status) has “silenced” the economic issue relating to the ESM which is still in force and looms over the economic structure of Italy. There are rumors regarding economic issues, through “improper” slogans from some sources, that the ESM is an expression of Financial Sovereignty on the part of the Member States and participants in the operation heralded as “salvation”. This is a “flagship” proposal totally far from reality. It deals with Sovereignism with “deviant” commentaries. It is like saying that the Banks have your interest at heart as a customer. This is certainly not the case if they “lend” you money at interest (financial and not ethical).
Read MoreThe Takeuchi Documents and the Researches for Ahnenerbe
The Takeuchi Documents unveiled the secret history of the Earth and Man according to the oldest Shinto tradition held by Japanese culture: from the arrival of semi-divine beings on our Planet millions of years ago, to the creation of the “five-color” Humanity, to the peregrin of these five human mother races, to the succession of antediluvian Celestial Dynasties on Earth and the investiture of the present Japanese Imperial House some centuries before Christ.
Read MoreThe Galactic Mayans
The research work of José Argüelles and of others leads one to make a distinction between the archaeological Maya, the Maya of anthropology – the Indigenous Maya – and the Galactic Maya, and to consider the latter as a race of Galactic origins, if not genetically, at least in terms of the type and level of knowledge, encoded in the architecture and glyphs of the Classic Age.
A masterpiece of Mexican literature, a synchronic encounter in one of Mexico City’s most distinctive buildings, a sensational little-known and even less remembered blood event, and an extraordinary story that unravels between India, Tibet, China, and the Latin American country under the banner of a higher design and the collective awakening of humanity.
Read MorePlato, Egypt and the Seven Great Islands in the Western Ocean – Part II
If Plato’s story were a mere allegorical invention there would not be so many correspondences with historical data to which we have access, nor would it allow logically fill the innumerable gaps in our knowledge of pre-classical antiquity, welding together a whole series of otherwise disconnected and isolated information.
Read MorePlato, Egypt and the Seven Great Islands in the Western Ocean – part I
A civilization that flourished on the “Seven Great Islands of the Western Sea”, now commonly known as “Atlantis”, tragically disappeared around 9,600 BC. due to an apocalyptic event that would have plunged the world into barbarism, bringing about the end of a previous long line of evolution.
Read MoreNotes about the Great Tartaria – Part II
Prosegue questa ricerca basata sull’assunto che molte civiltà del passato, e con esse la loro cultura, in taluni casi molto sviluppata, siano cadute nell’oblio storico-culturale, semplicemente perché “fastidiose” nella realizzazione di interessi politici e privati, legati a conquiste territoriali, dominazioni varie, e soprattutto potere gestito da svariate “gilde”.
Read MoreNotes about “The Great Tartary” – part I
The first in a series of articles that will deal with one of the greatest mysteries in history, namely the “disappearance” of what was presumably one of the largest and most evolved empires in the world, characterized by an extremely sophisticated society in every respect.
Read MoreAQVANTICA: a “True” Water Treatment
Light and Water are two fundemantal element of life. Both have been studied by a countless number of scientists, physiscists and researchers who have been dedicating their existence to discover new sources of energy in order to improve all forms of life existing on our planet.
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