Category: HomeSlider

Tenet22 Visual Magazine N8

“As above, so below, and as below, so above”
“Truth without lies is certain and very true. What is below is like what is above and what is above is like what is below to work the miracles of the one thing. And as all things are and come from one, through the mediation of one, so all things came into being from this one thing by attunement. The Sun is the father, the Moon is the mother, the Wind carried it in its womb, the Earth is its nurse. The father of all, the goal of the whole world is here….”

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Tenet22 Visual Magazine N7

The Challenge of an Autentic Life
In a world where the daily frenzy often distances us from our true essence, some fundamental do questions arise:
Who are we?
What do we really want?
How can we create a life of authentic meaning?

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Tenet22 Visual Magazine N6

Responsibility Creates Autonomy
Out of fear of making mistakes, and what it entails, man has delegated:
His own health to Healthcare and Physicians
His own education to School and Teachers
His own Wealth to Banks and Financial Institutions,
His own Spirituality to Churches and Priests,
His own Power to Politics and Politicians.
By taking no responsibility at all, he now finds himself a Slave.

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Tenet22 Visual Magazine N5

Everything has a price and nothing has a value anymore!
“The value of things does not lie in the time they last but in the intensity with
which they are lived. For this there are unforgettable moments, inexplicable
things and incomparable people”

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Tenet22 Visual Magazine N4

Life is a precious gift, it is a sacred gift, and the sacredness of life must be protected, guarded and honored.
We have the task of celebrating it, constantly acting with Love and Respect towards ourselves and towards all the beings who cohabit this plane of existence, thus increasing the potential inherent in each of us, through the authentic spirit of Service.
Our inner greatness is mirrored in our outer actions!

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