Category: Tenet22 Magazine 11
Tenet22 Visual Magazine n 11
Tenet22 Visual Magazine N11
Loving Ourselves to be Ourselves
When our actions are in communion with the Intellect and the Heart, we intimately perceive that the Being that animates us is of the same Substance as the world in which we experience the reality of existence.
This particular Job lasts for an indefinite period of time, so whoever has time, might not waste time.
The New Quantum Medicine according to the Burgarella Quantum Healing (BQH®) Model
The perception of the scent of a rose is different and unique for each of us; it cannot be planned a priori by brain neuronal correlations. This opens the field to consciousness and the experience of new perceptions increasingly makes its way in me, which however everyone can experience. NEW QUANTUM MEDICINE moves in this direction: the supremacy of consciousness over matter.
In the era of post materialism, mechanistic science, which still wants to explain all natural phenomena through quantitative characteristics alone, resists the entry of consciousness into its field of study, but evolution cannot be stopped, we are moving towards a ” Spiritual Science”.
Wonder Has Woven the “Fabric” of My Life
Wonder has woven the fabric of my life since my early years, when my mind was wandering in the imagination of a supposed visual defect. This supposed handicap turned out to be an extraordinary gift: the ability to perceive a subtle world that escapes ordinary eyes. Through this unique filter, I began to observe the energy permeating space, manifesting as micro-grains of dust in the aether.
These micro-polka dots, as I tenderly call them, have taken on different forms throughout my life giving me the opportunity to understand that everything communicates in an invisible way, at any distance. In some moments, they became larger and more colorful spheres, which I saw appear in the sky and which entered my being, enriching my visual and spiritual experience. This perception was not just a personal aspect, but it shaped my vision of the world, my relationship with the reality around me and added value to my gift as a healer.
About the Principle of Principles
The study of Numbers, and this one in particular which investigates the relationship between Number and Psyche, does not have to do with quantities and calculations, but exclusively with the recognition of the symbolism hidden by Numbers and the way in which they represent the different aspects of Cosxiousness, of spiritual evolution and Life, of Creation and the evolution of the Universe through the functions of Sound, Light, vibration, rays, waves and forms. The qualities of Number, in ancient esoteric philosophy, were compared to the principial functions of ideas and therefore, of the qualities of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions. Numbers are not abstract and inanimate “things”, but living principles of laws and universal processes that are unlimitedly creative, functional, dynamic and active. In this study we want to demonstrate that Numbers are living and express themselves through an Arithmographic Code language.
Read MoreThe Intelligence of a Body in Movement
“If you know what you are doing, you just do whatever you want”. “Listening to our body in motion, playing with it, is the most effective way to shape our mind”.
The first sentence, far from being a commercial slogan, is a statement used by Moshé Feldenkrais (1904 – 1984) to explain the nature of the psycho-corporeal practice that bears his name. The second thought, in quotation marks, is from the writer, a Feldenkrais practitioner for about 15 years. A thought, the one I expressed, which Moshé declared in multiple and more effective ways than my own. The teaching that summarizes every discovery made by Professor Feldenkrais can be summarized as follows: “Every aspect of our life, including self-esteem, relational capacity and creativity, is closely connected to our posture and the way we relate to our body in motion.”
Personally, this is how I define Feldenkrais. It is a brush to draw and redefine, infinitely, our internal and external image. It is a tool with which we “learn to learn”. In other words, by practicing Feldenkrais, we improve in every area of our lives, because we do it in a more functional way. There is no right or wrong in the practice we are talking about. There is only a more comfortable, easier and more functional way to do it, as we have already said. And the parameter is ourselves.
How to Access the “Here&Now” through PranoPhotography®
The camera, beside being an object, connected me in a much higher way than with a person, and therefore it became my interlocutor, my accomplice of the present. Pressing that button, that shutter button was like pressing the trigger for a perfect, straight shot into silence. A gesture that was not an end in itself, but which resonated within me, in space, in light, and,subsequently, in the observer through an emotion. It was like entering the DNA of people and animals, the particles of light, the sap of plants, the electrical circuits where everything is interconnected, and I no longer felt that sadness that had accompanied me for so long as a child. I finally had a medium that could be put at the service of humanity. A humanity that is afraid of fading away, of disappearing, afraid of living, but that,thanks to a photograph, understood as a new image in 4D rather than 2D, can see exactly what happens in being evanescent, impermanent, precarious, fragile, and can acquire the reading ability to find in these emotions the beauty and power of change, transformation, suffering and pain; for a dry leaf is not dead, it has only transformed itself. And it is wonderful.
Read MoreMind and Heart
Today I summoned my courage and I took my mind under my arm I told her don’t be afraid of...
Read MoreTreasure Hunting
This is life, a treasure hunt, we don’t know where it is, we don’t know if it’s...
Read MoreField of miracles of Gurá
This column is dedicated to all the writings collected after 2012 when I integrated a fragment of mine that had experienced concentration camps in its last incarnation.
I began from then on to perceive within me, a voice telling me the truth of life, in its harshness, without judgment, helping me to see love in every act of manifestation.