The quantum structure of Fate and Destiny according to the Ascended Masters

As above so below

Every living and existing thing is constantly vibrating in the Intelligent Body and in the Love of God. Because God is All and dwells in every aspect of life, He has so many Messengers to assist Him. Like a chief executive of a large company, he does not deal with every single service existing in his vast organization but he avails himself of the assistance and the collaboration of an innumerable host of trusted and well-trained beings who are fully connected with his Divine Intelligence. In turn, they draw on other collaborators who report in detail on the various tasks performed in the different subspheres, and so on ad infinitum. There are therefore many Messengers of different grades are responsible for each of the different departments of life, and report to their superiors.

Any individual who has ever lived on Earth, or some other planet, and has achieved the Ascension Victory has become an Ascended Master therefore a true Messenger of God. Ascended Masters ensure that there are thousands of them and that there is a great Divine Being who he is in charge of every department of life. Some work with humanity on an individual level, others with groups, nations, the elemental kingdom and Nature, animals and every aspect of life. Others work with the Angelic Host and each can be considered a specialist in their particular field of operation.

This Great Spiritual Hierarchy, known as the Great White Brotherhood, is composed of these Ascended Beings, many of whom have lived on Earth in physical bodies like any other human being. Through the application of the Laws that govern life, they have been enabled to a Sphere of Higher Service. Some of them, wishing to assist terrestrial humanity in difficulty, have even given up serving their own Spheres of Beauty and Perfection and have remained hooked on earthly events, bringing you assistance (only when they are invited to do so, because by Cosmic Law, it is not allowed to interfere with human free will). With their choice, they have thus become real “Prisoners of Love”.

Great Men like Buddha, Moses, Jesus etc. they were messengers of God (as they carried a message to man from the Creator). They belong to this Great White Brotherhood and currently function as messengers of God in the Higher Levels of existence. But most of these Ascended Beings serve by remaining unknown and without acclaim or recognition from humans. One by one, these Masters of Light achieved their Ascension and joined the ranks of other Messengers of God who love and serve humanity.

Most of mankind has forgotten:

  1. The great Cosmic Laws that govern the Earth and humanity and the Divine Project foreseen for every being which, if fulfilled, ensures Love, Peace and Happiness.
  2. the existence of this Great Spiritual Hierarchy that has guarded humans trying to guide them for eons of time so as to prevent them from completely destroying themselves and the planet.

The Ascended Masters have thus undertaken the task of re-establishing a link between the human and the Divine, in order to offer God’s enlightenment to all who desire it and to those who are to play a role with all nations, races and cultures in way to develop the ability to be a polite and tolerant Brotherhood, so that each one is free to pursue the indications of his own heart, and spread his own Divine Light by implementing the Mantra: “May your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven“!

Indeed, the intent of every true spiritual teaching is to help sincere seekers of the Truth find God in their hearts, a living God by whom they feel filled with Life and Intelligence. Once you find The Source within you, you must be taught to grant It the privilege, the honor and the courtesy of directing your individual existence so that The Divine Plan can be fulfilled, enjoying the inner certainty that God’s Plan provides everyone always and only blessings and happiness.

The Ascended Masters have promised that they will continue their selfless service of training and counseling until each individual has reached the milestone of Ascension and Peace and Highest Good is achieved upon Earth from all expressions of Life. It is no coincidence that according to these Masters, as a direct consequence of a process already underway, the Golden Age and Freedom is upon us. Soon an Earth as beautiful as the Divine Light will replace any filth that currently exists. Indeed, the Masters promise a planet where only Peace and Beauty will exist. Happiness will dwell in every living being due to the fact that following the planetary Ascension, poverty, disease, war and death will no longer exist.

I Great Men like Buddha, Moses, Jesus etc. they were messengers of God (as they carried a message to man from the Creator). They belong to this Great White Brotherhood and currently function as messengers of God in the Higher Levels of existence. But most of these Ascended Beings serve by remaining unknown and without acclaim or recognition from humans.

The Purpose of Life

According to the Ascended Masters it is extremely important to have a clear understanding of what one’s purpose in life is and what goals one has set out to achieve when we have accepted the existential plan of our incarnation. According to these wondrous Beings, the wisest purpose in life consists in fact to actively try to answer these questions, ceasing to waste time in materialistic activities. In this era, full of both planetary and cosmic transformations, it is in fact essential to make one’s life and energies available, in order to facilitate the external manifestation of the Divine Perfection on Earth and collaborate to make it the brightest Star in our Solar System.

Perceiving the inner drive to bring greater perfection into one’s world and that of others means having an open mind and a compassionate heart, to which must be added a sincere willingness to put oneself to the test in a concrete way. It is no coincidence that every gift that humanity savors through music, art and inventions, before manifesting itself in the outside world, was a vision or a thought in the mind and heart of some individual connected with the Divine, even if unknowingly.

It should in fact be specified that according to the Ascended Masters any attempt to make humanity evolve corresponds in reality to a manifestation of “God in Action”, to the human connection with that One God who created all that exists and who constantly blesses all the vital energy that circulates in the cosmos, bringing Beauty, Peace, Freedom and Perfection everywhere. This process should consequently be extended and applied to the vision of full Freedom on planet Earth. The Ascended Masters have in fact made available to a dormant Humanity some basic concepts, which are normally recognized in spheres of existence that dwell in realms higher than the 4D, with the aim of offering a deeper understanding of God, His Messengers and the Divine Plan, for the benefit of this Cosmic Moment, in which the contribution and assistance offered by willing and sincere humans can be truly considerable.

Perceiving the inner drive to bring greater perfection into one’s world and that of others means having an open mind and a compassionate heart, to which must be added a sincere willingness to put oneself to the test in a concrete way.

An Unveiled Mystery

“Seek and you will find
ask and it will be revealed
knock and the door of your Freedom will be opened.
Enter and be at peace!”

Knowing how the Ascended Masters are operating in our time allows us to decide whether to work with and to assist Them. In fact, it is not so important what they have accomplished in the past. Instead, humanity needs to know what is taking place in the present, in order to unify the energies and enhance the protection and blessing of the Earth. This is why the Great Beings have offered the explanation of Creation and have made themselves available to answer the fundamental questions of existence of which they know the answers.

They know that by understanding and applying these Truths, we too can attain Their Freedom. They also know what self-conscious effort must be made by each human being to attain the Sovereignty They enjoy, and they offer to show us how to proceed.

The first point to settle concerns the difference between Fate and Destiny.

Etymologically Fate means a decreed response announced as an oracle that stands halfway between the human and the Divine. The Latin meaning coincides with “the word spoken” (by the divinity) to which one must adapt and which it is useless to try to escape. The term fate indicates being subjected to an event or a series of unknown events, which are perceived necessary even if they randomly appear, which guide the succession of events according to an unmodifiable order.

On the other hand, Destiny is defined as an invisible force that pushes people to act in a certain way. It is a bit like the wind, which cannot be seen but whose strength can be perceived. Destiny can be transformed as it is connected with individual qualities. If everyone is the architect of his/her own destiny, the concept of destiny therefore contrasts with the concept of Fate. That implies resignation and passivity in the face of the immutable course of events.

For the Ascended Masters, Fate and Destiny coexist and mutually intertwine in a dynamic and never immutable way depending on how the individual treasures the lessons faced and learned and how much he/she turns, more or less intensely, towards the Light and his/her spiritual evolution. Fate and Destiny can be considered the founding elements of Karma, not an arcane and mysterious force, but a complex of situations that a human being creates through his/her own work. There would be some aspects in karma that are extremely ductile and modifiable by human work, others more marble-like, which constitute real milestones to be faced, but which can always be reclaimed by the extraordinary intervention of the Karmic Tribunal of the Ascended Masters, in relation to the individual’s commitment, motivation and evolutionary sincerity during his or her incarnation.

The Ascended Masters are in fact always available to help man purify and harmonize the four lower bodies (physical, etheric, mental and emotional) so that each one learns to ‘free up’ the Inner Divinity and to realize one’s raison d’être. Being in contact with a Good God, whose will is that living beings be happy and at ease (and this applies to every being on Earth), these Great Teachers observe and respect the “Law of the Circle”, according to which every person sows with thought, feeling, word, deed the good or the disharmony. In some appropriate way and place, he/she will reap in due time. According to this Law each individual is therefore the sole creator of his/her own happiness or despair.

Knowing how the Ascended Masters are operating in our time allows us to decide whether to work with and to assist Them. In fact, it is not so important what they have accomplished in the past. Instead, humanity needs to know what is taking place in the present, in order to unify the energies and enhance the protection and blessing of the Earth.


It is also known as the Law of Retribution or the Law of Cause and Effect. The Law of the Circle refers to the aspect of Cosmic Law which is defined as Karma. Even though humans have not yet learned to predict its effects, it works infallibly in generating the consequences resulting from human actions. Indeed, Ascended Beings argue that it would be much wiser and safer to live within the Law of Harmony until the Element of Love that dwells within each has developed to the point where it becomes spontaneous to desire to live constantly in the frequency of Love. Indeed, the Law of the Circle governs all manifested life, from the smallest molecule to the Divinity.

Indeed, humans have not been taught that every expression of life is endowed with a certain amount of energy, according to its own needs and development, through which the opportunity to experience and expand the Divine Harmony is bestowed. This light energy is the channel through which the vibrations travel and the distance it is able to travel depends on the intensity with which it is projected. Every particle of this precious energy drawn from the Heart of the Divinity, by Divine Edict is charged with absolute obedience to the will and command of man and this is the highest expression of God’s love and of the Generosity that he reserves for His children.

However, as a conscious expression of life, man is held responsible by the Cosmic Law for the use he makes of this Divine energy which, in his outward and return journey, obeys the Law of the Circle.

Furthermore, there is no error in the return of the energy emitted by man and no one can deny his model of vital energy imposed on any part of life in a constructive or destructive way before the All-Seeing Eye of God, because the mark of his work imprinted on each molecule of energy received is like a “stamp”, like the indelible imprint on one’s qualifications. Everyone must answer to life for what he/she has accomplished.

Few people know that as the energy is emitted, it attracts vibrations along its journey that correspond to its frequency speed. From the time it completes its circle and returns home to its creator, it is accompanied by a number of thinking and feeling vibrations which possess the same quality with which it was initially imbued. Furthermore, when the return energy touches the aura of the person who projected it, it restructures itself and begins to germinate the seeds
that produce the harvest of what was previously sown.

The Ascended Masters urge us to be very careful about how we use energy, because depending on how we send it, upon its return, we will receive happiness or pain. We must also pay close attention to how words are used, because every time we pronounce a sentence, energy comes out of the mouth and creates a thought-form consisting of the model of our life flow. Earthly Suffering depends on the fact that God has given the human being free will, as the privilege of being a Creator like the Father himself. Free to experiment using one’s vital energy as wished for, if out of superficiality or with the intention to harm the individual breaks the Divine Law of Love and Harmony and causes discord, the same imperfection will return to the sender and the individual will face equal difficulty.

Ascended Beings argue that it would be much wiser and safer to live within the Law of Harmony until the Element of Love that dwells within each has developed to the point where it becomes spontaneous to desire to live constantly in the frequency of Love.

The Deception of “Salvation”

At this point it is good to clarify that the Ascended Beings offer every possible assistance to those who invoke them, but none of Them can replace us! No one was born for us, no one lives or dies for us and no one can save us. It must therefore be clear that spiritually speaking, it is not possible for anyone to ‘save’ anyone else! However, as long as humanity chooses to think and perceive qualities that create reasons for anxiety, they will remain. For this, individuals must spontaneously desire and commit themselves to expressing the constructive qualities of Light, Love and Peace to see them manifest in their own world.

Everyone must learn to proceed on their own strength learning to know the Individualized Presence of God “I AM” that envelops every human being, knowing that this Divine Presence is anchored in every heart and can be contacted through a Love that forgives and transmutes errors of the past, again in Perfection.

The Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings (especially Ascended Master El Morya, the Maha Chohan and Ascended Master Saint Germain, who is responsible for Earth for the next 2000 years in bringing the Era of Freedom to all life forms) are the promoters of the activation of this Divine Connection, although all the Ascended Host of Light are participating in this gigantic task.


In response to the prayers and the decrees of the students who are knowingly working with the Ascended Host, a bridge of energy has been built that is constantly being held and reinforced by all who acknowledge the existence of the Ascended Masters and invoke them. In every age, there are also some individuals, trained over the centuries in this particular service, who incarnate with the task of maintaining this ‘bridge’ of contact with the Ascended Host of Light in order to transfer Their message to the people of the planet.

In agreement with the specific training of the individual, some of the chosen ones “see” while others “perceive” the information they receive, but there is never any trance situation, loss of consciousness or loss of control of mind and body, nor personal glorification by these carefully selected and authentic contacts. This allows these individuals to consciously cooperate with Ascended Beings at times when it is truly necessary. Even the ‘prophets’ have shown themselves capable of carrying out this task, but only those who have been specifically trained for this task have shown themselves capable of giving a clear and truly reliable message. According to these Beings of Light, authentic contact is always under the control of the mind and body, because They NEVER operate in situations of dim light or darkness but always in full light, inviting their mediators to achieve any earthly experience through the Power of ‘Divine Love.

Many people, who see and perceive deep levels of consciousness and receive from the spiritual world many beneficial suggestions for the management of one’s life, do not fall within the small number of individuals chosen by the Ascended Masters to be a qualified instrument, able to disseminate Their instructions throughout the planet and for an entire era.

Furthermore, the calls that people make to God are actually received by these Ascended Masters as Messengers of God. The informational vibrations coming from the Higher Spheres are in fact so fine and delicate that very few are able to receive them and decode them clearly, in order to act on the received suggestions. When the Ascended Masters find in a physical incarnation a trained and tested contact capable of receiving Their instructions. This makes it much easier for them to convey the Truths of life to humanity through it.

However, Ascended Beings specify that this type of connection has nothing to do with spiritualism and with calling the attention and thoughts of deceased people (They emphasize that this type of contact delays the progress of the deceased). For the Ascended Masters the “true contact” is the one that proves capable of evolving awareness in order to favor the encounter with the Superconsciousness of the Ascended beings.

Having conquered the material world and abiding in the fullness of God’s Love and Wisdom, Ascended Beings, when contacted, offer instructions steeped in truth which, if strictly followed, will enable human beings to attain True Freedom.

Everyone must learn to proceed on their own strength learning to know the Individualized Presence of God “I AM” that envelops every human being, knowing that this Divine Presence is anchored in every heart and can be contacted through a Love that forgives and transmutes errors of the past, again in Perfection.


The life of people who live on Earth is bound by material laws that limit every sector of earthly existence. But on closer inspection the entire Universe, of which our Planet is but a very small element, is governed by a great law, known as The Great Cosmic Law of Pure Divine Love which regulates bodies, spiritual growth, evolution and even the individual happiness of each living being.

We have already seen how the troubles and anguish that afflict today’s man are caused by his disobedience to this Divine Law of Love and how the discordant energy produced falls on its creator both individually and collectively (Karma). The Ascended Masters have explained that Planet Earth, being a planet of evolution and development, especially with regard to the emotional sphere, requires incarnates to acquire mastery in qualifying the energy of the world of feelings, because in this school of the Cosmos it is the emotion which, while
qualifying our actions (physical, mental, emotional or etheric) determines our karma.

According to the Ascended Host the concept of energy qualification is more important than anything our outer mind can grasp, because the world of feeling is the energizing power whereby all thoughts become things in the world of form. Consequently, by activating ideas of all kinds, man constantly uses the Vital Energy and the Spirit (we would say the motivation) and by shaping the Vital Substance, he determines the effectiveness of the current and future manifestation.

The Law of Retribution, called the Karmic Law, also takes note of any small detail that has been committed by every member of humanity that has been a part of the human race for eons of time. So, the quality and the Spirit that we bring into play through our world of feelings determines the happiness or unhappiness that will manifest itself.

Since by Divine Law, every incarnation is recorded in the “Book of Life” any man, woman and child must, in one way or another, atone for the errors committed against Life and Love, both in previous existences and in the current incarnation. According to the Ascended when our emotional sphere is attracted by a destructive intent, if it gives rise to a corresponding action,
it commits a ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’ which is mostly unforgivable.

The Ascended Masters have sometimes shown a select few how God’s mercy has hidden most of man’s memories and disharmonious actions during previous lives. Nevertheless the account must be balanced. It is no coincidence that evil or destructive creations not yet transmuted upon Earth (i.e. not yet counterbalanced by all incarnations involved) currently create great tides that spew destruction in the form of tornadoes, earthquakes, and any other frightening manifestations that human conscience is pleased to label them as “accidents”.

The Ascended Masters have explained that Planet Earth, being a planet of evolution and development, especially with regard to the emotional sphere, requires incarnates to acquire mastery in qualifying the energy of the world of feelings, because in this school of the Cosmos it is the emotion which, while qualifying our actions (physical, mental, emotional or etheric) determines our karma.

Reincarnation as a formative-reparative process

The Karmic Law allows individuals a series of periods, marked by pre-established intervals, called earthly incarnations, during which individuals are expected to participate in the mission of their Spirit. After this period, the personality is withdrawn to make space for the spirit of another individual awaiting redemption. This ‘entering’ and ‘exiting’ of individuals is called ‘Birth’ and ‘Death’ and corresponds to a series of recurring episodes in the evolution of every being who uses planet Earth as a schoolroom. Through the recognition of “re-incarnation” as an evolutionary and reparative tool, it is therefore possible to understand the nature of the evils existing in the world, which have invariably been generated during one or more
incarnational periods.

Therefore, leaving the terrestrial stage is therefore only the transfer of the individual to a place of rest and peace where he/she can renew his/her energies and receive precious instructions, before the next evolutionary stage on Earth. In the moment of the so-called death, Consciousness remains in fact in the fourth dimension, i.e. beyond the dissolution of the physical body, where the intermediate life takes place, and then it returns after having further enriched its personal patrimony which forms the foundations of its new life experience on Earth. For those who have successfully fulfilled their Divine Plan, it even corresponds to an Open Door to Eternal Freedom. It goes without saying that the richer and more perceptive our individual consciousness is, the faster our growth will be both in the terrestrial and in the otherworldly dimensions.

The Ascended Masters also point out that no incarnating individual receives more destructively created personal karma than his/her development allows him/her to fully atone in a given lifetime. There is no sickness, distress or condition established by the law of Justice and Mercy which is to be experienced in one incarnation, greater than the consciousness and power developed by the individual to whom that specific karma belongs. Indeed, what would be the Divine Justice and Mercy if debts returned faster than the power developed within the individual to be able to expiate them effectively? The Ascended Host also underlines that the Power that allows to atone for every shred of karma (to be understood as an unfulfilled mission) that belongs to each individual and must be transmuted during each earthly life, is located within the Holy Christic Self.

Due to the “fall of man” and his slow ascent towards the Consciousness he enjoyed before his progressive existential collapse and due to the balance that everyone owes to the Law of Life, due to the improper use he has made of the Divine energy that has been bestowed on, there are very few people who know and love the Divine Inner Presence and are capable of externalizing that power to achieve the balance of accounts. Incredible as it may seem, the Ascended Masters ensure that when human beings learn to connect to It, disease, death, disintegration and failure will cease to exist on Earth.

Through the recognition of “re-incarnation” as an evolutionary and reparative tool, it is therefore possible to understand the nature of the evils existing in the world, which have invariably been generated during one or more incarnational periods.


At this point of the discussion it becomes indispensable to deal with the issue concerning the quantum constitution of the flow of Vital Energy constantly bestowed on every living form by the Creator, whose substance is made up of tiny luminous, pure and perfect particles which are called to obey, only out of love, whatever is asked of them.

The Mystery of the Divine Electrons

These luminous particles, which we will call “electrons”, are the smallest manifestation of life comprehensible to humans. Electrons, made up of a very Pure Universal Luminous Substance, are considered by the Ascended Masters to be the Body of God. Endowed with their own intelligence, they are the founding elements of the physical world and with their movement, speed, organization and vibratory frequency they give rise to the innumerable types of atoms which in turn make up the matter we know. It is actually the Creative Power of God which (being the essence of the Universal Luminous Substance of which electrons are made) vibrates in these particles of Light determining the frequency of each atom.

According to the Ascended Master AEolus, being all manifestation contained and part of the Body of God, the sparks of Electronic Light can only be extremely sensitive and obedient to the direction required of them by the Creator. In fact, everything is in continuous movement, everything pulsates incessantly because it turns towards an ever-greater expansion and knowledge of itself and of the existing.

All human beings have an unlimited amount of this Universal Luminous Substance that wants nothing more than to be magnetized with the intrinsic qualities of the Divine (Beauty, Harmony and Perfection) in order to do its job and be able to bless and fill everything with Light or living thing with which they come into contact. Unfortunately, in addition to being unaware of the wealth at his/her disposal, today’s human being ignores that he/she is the sole creator of his/her own happiness or misfortune.

From the point of view of the Ascended Masters it is therefore essential to know more precisely the quantum structure of karma, understood as the return trajectory of the electrons which, starting from the Great Central Sun of the Galaxy (which according to some spiritualists corresponds to Alcyone, the Sun of the Pleiades) reaches every living being in the Milky Way to ensure life and evolution on every existing planet and star within its jurisdiction.

According to the Holy AEolus, electrons have a different elementary structure from individual to individual, comparable to snowflakes which corresponds to the unique and unrepeatable model of the identity of each I AM Presence. In fact, every living being continuously requests from the Central Sun large quotas of vital energy whose electrons, every time they are “delivered ad personam” are branded with the specific electronic model of the applicant.

Most of the time the individual unknowingly receives this precious energy of Life and uses it as he/she pleases without knowing that sooner or later he/she will have to account for the way in which he/she has used it.

If he/she uses it in a harmonious way, with the intention of creating Beauty, Harmony and Perfection, the electrons circulate in the terrestrial environment and in the galaxy, with a specific and beneficial frequency, distributing the good everywhere.

When they reach the Great Central Sun, which is surrounded by the “No Pass Ring” (a shield of very high frequency energy that protects the heart of the galaxy from any disharmony) the electrons that have been enriched with emotions, actions and thoughts of perfection divine are further received in Alcyone, loaded with further quotas of Love, Abundance, Joy and Peace and sent back to the sender, who will receive in his/her own sphere of life, every type of prosperity and Divine Blessing.

Conversely, if the individual uses the pure electrons he/she receives to perform malevolent actions, or even just to emit thoughts, words and feelings that are out of harmony with the Divine Law of Harmony, these particles, suffering and distorted by the hostile energy of the individual, distribute the disharmony with which they have been loaded everywhere, both on the planet and elsewhere in space and when they reach the Ring No Pass” are immediately rejected and returned to the sender to be redeemed (i.e. cleaned up) through a set of negative or uncomfortable events and situations that correspond to the accumulated Karmic debt.

To better clarify the concept, it is as if we received an infinite quantity of packets full of diamonds every day, with the aim of making them not only intact as we received them, but more splendid and luminous than before, or even mounted in gold jewels and original sets. Not knowing their true value, most human beings kick the packages, throw them at others to hurt or threaten them and in doing so not only shatter these precious gems, but use them to cause harm instead of benefit. All this mismanagement of the received good is inexorably recorded by the Holographic and Quantum Network of the Universe which, in due time, will
ask these subjects to compensate for the fraud they committed.

What Master AEolus would like to underline is that Karma is not simply and only a bill to balance, comparable to the motto “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, but it concerns the need to free electrons from the pain and the distortion to which they have been subjected. In fact, out of obedience to the Creator (who, as we have already underlined, gave free will to humanity) they “crumpled up and got dirty” to comply with the dystonic requests of the individual who forced them to feed and create harmful and disreputable states.

In fact, these battered Electrons need to be freed from this weight and for this to happen, they behave like carts full of rubbish, which, when returning to those who have mistreated them, first of all unload a part of the bad vibrations accumulated at the sender, giving place to many unpleasant situations in the subject’s life.

However, the Holy Aeolus is keen to clarify that the purpose of this process of restitution of the generated disharmony has nothing to do with an alleged punitive will on the part of God, who instead with great mercy offers his own wandering children the possibility to learn the lessons of the Divine Law on one’s own skin, treasuring the mistakes.

In fact, this makes it possible to regain within oneself the true meaning of existence and one’s own mission. Aeolus says: “Hidden within you is a hidden part of the Divine Plan… and even though all are ONE, all individuals are different in their expressions… (therefore)… God has chosen through you to express a particular manifestation of Himself upon this Earth, in order to comfort those in need… only God and your Magna I AM Presence know how to externalize these talents.” Constantly reminding yourself that you are part of this Divine Plan and committing yourself to keeping your frequencies in consonance with the Divine Law (which must be known, studied and put into practice daily) is therefore the best way to ensure well-being, prosperity and Peace, gifts generous that the Creator bestows unreservedly on those who sincerely make themselves available to trust in God’s Love.

Electrons, made up of a very Pure Universal Luminous Substance, are considered by the Ascended Masters to be the Body of God. Endowed with their own intelligence, they are the founding elements of the physical world and with their movement, speed, organization and vibratory frequency they give rise to the innumerable types of atoms which in turn make up the matter we know.


The Ascended Masters have repeatedly reaffirmed that Harmony is the fundamental law of life on which all the rest reposes. They also claim that the religion of the future will be extremely simple because it will coincide with the Law of Harmony. Without a harmony sustained by one’s thoughts and feelings, the pure Life Energy of God is in fact incapable of giving us his blessings.

Consequently, when it is broken, man pays a penalty of distress of some kind. When humanity understands that disobedience to this simple Law is what has caused all its suffering, it will become more motivated to make the effort to maintain self-control and focus solely on Perfection.

The Ascended Beings emphasize that it is unthinkable for Peace, Freedom, Love and Happiness to manifest on Earth if these qualities have not first stabilized within human beings. In fact, they explain how the unpleasant feelings of hatred, prejudice, intolerance, jealousy and malice towards some living being, first of all crosses the brain, body, feelings and affairs of those who have generated such emotional discords. It is therefore essential to consolidate within us kind feelings, unconditional Divine Love and to know how to invoke the Presence of God ”I AM” (in addition to the Ascended Host of Light), in order to receive guidance, protection and Peace by repeating the invocation: “God grant us Peace, having the grace to start from me.

The Transformative and Harmonizing Power of the Violet Flame

From the foregoing, it becomes clear how and why the Ascended Masters are repeatedly trying to point humanity back to the Divine Power “I AM” which dwells within the heart. And to teach humans how to get in touch with that “I AM” for advice, Love, Enlightenment, Healing and whatever they desire, in perfect coherence with Jesus’ phrase “Seek first the Kingdom of God and then all things there they will be given more!”.

From His Ascended dimension, Jesus also specified that: “every individual must, sooner or later, establish contact with the Presence of God which is the beating of his/her own heart. Before becoming a Representative of the Father this mystical experience is necessary to anyone who wishes to express and manifest their Divine Nature. Finding God in another is cause for joy in the unfolding of one’s Divine Flame, but finding in God oneself is the purpose of incarnation and the only way to go home again , that is, recovering that state of natural Bliss, Peace and Power that one reaches when one realizes one’s God Consciousness“.

We have already underlined how through free will men have the power to choose what they want to create, or what qualities they decide to include in their lives. When the Energy of Life reaches the body, everyone becomes its custodian and will have to account for the use he/she has made of it. All life that we qualify through thoughts and feelings with constructive qualities, is deposited in the Color Circle known as the Causal Body. All vital energy charged with anything below perfection stations around the physical form and corresponds to the pressure of discord that is perceived.

Until recently, the knowledge of the Sacred Transmuting Fire was only known and taught at Ascended Masters Retreats, but due to the short time available within which certain particular things must be accomplished, It has been brought into the third dimensional world. so that anyone can know it, use it and experience the Freedom it produces. The existence of the Transmuting Violet Flame has therefore recently been revealed to humans, the Divine Instrument thanks to which human creations (or sins) can be painlessly dissolved and transformed, back into Perfection.

The Transmuting Violet Flame is a current of energy, an activity of Love, Mercy and Compassion, which can dissolve all causes created by mankind, whose effects would be very painful to bear (the Eastern Masters call it Karma). The energy full of impurities, discord and wickedness that envelops humanity and the earth’s atmosphere will therefore have to be transmuted by the Violet Flame. When this happens, mankind will again be able to spontaneously receive indications from the ”I AM” Presence and by the Ascended Host of Light. At that point, every living being (including animals, plants and minerals) will be able to unfold their existence in Love, Peace, Harmony and Freedom. Therefore, unless humanity becomes willing to learn how to consciously use this Sacred Violet Fire, it will have to face the effects of previously generated causes, which as we can well observe in these times, are producing considerable individual and collective suffering.

The Sacred Violet Fire may seem invisible, like electricity, Love or hate, of which, however, we can perceive its effects in a tangible and real way. Once invoked It does its work perfectly allowing us to experience a pleasant lightness of feeling, clarity of mind and a burst of energy in the physical body. Indeed, by invoking their Divine Presence “I AM”, all Great Beings who serve on the Seventh Ray intercede for this Transmuting Violet Flame to flow through us and initiate the removal of disharmonious creations accumulated in our emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies.

The Ascended Masters have repeatedly reaffirmed that Harmony is the fundamental law of life on which all the rest reposes. They also claim that the religion of the future will be extremely simple because it will coincide with the Law of Harmony. Without a harmony sustained by one’s thoughts and feelings, the pure Life Energy of God is in fact incapable of giving us his blessings.

Daily use of the Transmuting Violet Flame can also prevent many nasty things from happening in our surroundings. If something unpleasant happens despite serious use of this Fire, it does not mean that the Violet Flame is not doing its job perfectly, but that our discordant creations are making their way faster than we are dissolving them. This mechanism has been likened by the Ascended Masters to an escalator that carries the energy of the past into your world for action. The goal must therefore be to use the Transmuting Violet Flame with constant intensity, in order to dissolve this type of energy before it can be activated. In fact, the beings of Light argue that it is good to insist with determination in dissolving everything that comes to the surface, in order to achieve the purification of karma as quickly as possible, avoiding weakening one’s motivational momentum.

It should be remembered that in the past we may have harmed not only people, but also animals and other life forms or abused beings belonging to the Earth, Water, Air and Fire Elements (all endowed with intelligence and all driven to evolve eternally towards a greater Perfection, just like any form of life). By the Law of the Circle, every bit of Life ever entrusted to us (which actually corresponds to many tons of energy) must, therefore, in due course be purified, harmonized and returned to God, after being retrained with the same Perfection it had when it was first given to us. In other words, the shadows that each of us has generated must be transformed into Light and the opaque colors that envelop our subtle bodies must become bright and shining.

The Law of Forgiveness

The use of the Transmuting Violet Flame should always be accompanied by a sincere Feeling of Forgiveness towards one’s mistakes and all humanity’s. The Transmuting Violet Flame should never be called into question without first having invoked the Law of Forgiveness for that which created the matrix of the conditions that one wishes to purify. In doing so one produces extraordinary assistance even to oneself. In fact, when the “I AM” Presence of all mankind is invoked, asking the Violet Fire to forgive the errors and free all the forms of life involved, the “I AM” Presence is enabled to take action even on the disharmonies older ones that have crystallized.

We must also consider that when the Ascended Masters look at us, they perceive us in a totally accurate way by the colors and shapes that surround us, which are products of what we are thinking about and emotionally perceiving. They, while seeing clearly both the Light and the shadow in which we are enveloped, are not critical of us because they know that ‘being critical of oneself or others’ nourishes resentments and energy dystonias much worse than any dramatic mistake made. Consequently, the Ascended Host urges us to seize this most precious opportunity and make an earnest effort to undo all the wrongs we have ever committed against any aspect of life by thought, feeling, word or deed, so that in times of crisis it is possible to count on the protection by the Divine energy of our environment of existence. They also exhort us to do our best to activate only situations (i.e. causes) which in the future will give rise to effects imbued with Perfection.

According to these Masters of Light, the many absurd and incomprehensible situations that are happening all over the Earth depend on the imperfect, discordant and vicious errors, created exclusively by humans (and never by God) who are activated everywhere to bring about the fulfillment of Karma. According to Them, in these difficult moments the use of the Transmuting Violet Flame and the appeal to the Law of Forgiveness are therefore the most effective ways to prevent catastrophes and to prevent karmic accounts from affecting our daily activities.

Thus the Ascended Masters loudly claim that it has become extremely important to get used to repeating the decree many times a day: “I AM” the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness and the Transmuting Flame of every mistake I have ever made. “I AM” the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness and the Transmuting Flame of the errors of ALL humanity, in the Most Holy Name of God ”I AM”

And they ensure that when enough of humanity makes use of this type of invocations, it will become possible to prevent distressing events from manifesting all over the Earth.

The use of the Transmuting Violet Flame should always be accompanied by a sincere Feeling of Forgiveness towards one’s mistakes and all humanity’s. The Transmuting Violet Flame should never be called into question without first having invoked the Law of Forgiveness for that which created the matrix of the conditions that one wishes to purify.



According to the Ascended Masters, the 2000-year cycle called the Age of Freedom has begun in recent decades. In May of 1954, the Ascended Master Saint Germain became Director of Earth Activities taking over from Ascended Master Jesus who was in charge of the previous cycle, known as the Age of the Christian Dispensation.

The current Cycle governed by the Seventh Ray pursues the achievement and consolidation of Freedom for any aspect of life, (humans, animals, elementals and imprisoned angels) and will develop enormous changes in the conduct of daily life, in the way of thinking, in feelings and in the realm of spiritual understanding. The radiation of the Ascended Master Saint Germain is in fact penetrating the living substance of the Earth and humanity, bringing the inner truth that Jesus knew and used, but which was previously only taught in Ascended Masters Retreats. Such Truth has now been made available to all who accept it, apply it and put it into practice in everyday life, at any time of the day. The use of the Transmuting Violet Flame should always be accompanied by a sincere Feeling of Forgiveness towards one’s mistakes and all humanity’s.

The great Ascended Master El Morya has long served humanity and has lately supported and assisted Saint Germain in the gigantic task of freeing all expressions of life from what it has imprisoned it for so long. All of the Ascended Host are working together with Love and Harmony to bring about this project.

The immeasurable work of Master Saint Germain aims to achieve an elective goal, the realization of which can be summed up by answering the 3 fundamental questions of human existence:

WHERE DO I COME FROM? All humans are born from the Heart of God and are indeed “Gods in embryonic form”.

WHY AM I HERE? Humans have chosen to incarnate on Earth for the purpose of learning to gain mastery over all energy, that is, over one’s thoughts, feelings, words and actions. When this task is accomplished, all Life that has been loaned by God is purified and re-harmonised to the point that the individual is filled with sufficient Divine Love and becomes a candidate for Ascension.

WHERE AM I GOING? At the end of the series of incarnations it is possible to become an Ascended Master, forever free from imperfection. This is called going home to God’s heart, coming back where we came from.

These Great Beings of Light emphasize that, in addition to making a serious effort to find the answers to these fundamental questions, it must be realized that the true purpose of life is to improve the world we live in. First of all one’s internal world (which must be cleaned of any conscious and unconscious disharmony and then kept in perfect and harmonious balance and in connection with the Divine Perfection) but at the same time the environments that surround us and that we frequent, in order to contribute with devotion and kindness to make things, people and situations more beautiful than we found them.

These goals correspond to the complete balancing of the polarities that marks the current Third Dimension on Earth and through the knowledge and use of the Transmuting Violet Flame. This Flame accompanies its acolytes to reach the Fifth Dimension, where all earthly limits are dissolved in the Divine Light and in the total and gratifying Freedom foreseen by the Creator for mankind.



The purpose of the creation  and the sustainance of our Planet is to allow each life stream to evolve upon It and to have an opportunity to unfold its Spiritual nature and become the Master of Energy and vibration, through conscious control and the use of creative faculties. To become such a Master Presence, man’s threefold nature must be nurtured and developed. The Cosmic Cycle has been established and sustained to this day solely for this purpose.

The Cosmic Wheel, which from time to time triggers specific spiritual stimuli on the Earth and on the inner bodies of humanity, makes a complete revolution every fourteen thousand years. During this period, each of the Seven Rays is given the opportunity to act on the Earth and give nourishment and love so that their particular qualities contribute to the evolution of life on the planet, in order to unfold the spiritual nature of each of the parts that compose it.

The Cosmic Cycle is divided into smaller cycles of two thousand years, each of which develops under the direction of a Great Being particularly dedicated to a particular quality of the Divinity, necessary for the evolution of terrestrial life for that period. These Beings are called “Chohan of the Rays”, the word “Chohan” means Lord and the “Ray” indicates the color and activity of each of the various Spheres that make up the Aura of God.

The first cycle of two thousand years took place under the direction of the First Ray Chohan who embodies the will of the Father, i.e. the First Person of the Trinity. This Being establishes the patterns inherent in the Religious, Governmental and Individual Evolution of the souls who incarnate in that cycle.

The second cycle of two thousand years unfolded under the direction of the Second Ray, which represents the Son, the second person of the Trinity. His office is dedicated to the development of the qualities and precepts established by the Will of the Father under the First Ray.

The last ten thousand years of the Cosmic Cycle depended on the direction of the Great Being called Maha Chohan, who on Earth represents the Third Person of the Trinity, or Holy Spirit. His office has a very diversified nature, as it is responsible for the externalization of the Will of the Father, with the collaboration of the Son, through every expression of life on the Planet (mineral, vegetable, animal and human). He has chosen to divide the ten thousand years into five smaller cycles of two thousand years each, so as to complete the fourteen-thousand-year period of the Cosmic Cycle.

At the head of each of these minor Cycles, the Maha Chohan has placed a Great Being, representative of the Ray and of the Sphere connected to it. Such a Great Being is especially dedicated to the nature and qualities that are to be developed by the life currents that are evolving in that specific cycle. The Maha Chohan also holds the position of Advisory Director of all the active Seven Chohans in the Great Cosmic Cycle of 14,000 years.

The Cosmic Wheel has now reached the point where the radiation of the last of the Maha Chohan’s five sub-rays is to be emphasised. In this final cycle, every stream of life on this planet expects to qualify its energies to fulfill the Plan for which it was created.

As each new minor cycle opens up a New Method for embodying people’s energies, it is introduced to embodied individuals. For this purpose the Cosmic Law, in His Mercy, allows that at the beginning of each of the sub-cycles what is called “Incarnation of an Avatar” appears, that is, a Being who, like the Ascended Master Jesus, has dissolved the his own destructive karma prior to His incarnation as an Avatar and is, therefore, a pure channel through which the finest essence of the Ray is incorporated into the activities of the new period. Before his coming and after his coming, the work is left in the hands of good currents of life who insist on “explaining” the law as Consciousness sees it.

We are lately in this pre-phase, wherein the forerunners of Seventh Ray activities and the chosen Avatar have worked well, but have only just touched the periphery of the Truth concerning the Power to invoke, manage and dispense the spiritual Currents which correspond to the gifts of the Seventh Ray for the upliftment of the race..

Both the Celestial and the Earthly worlds have been divided into Seven Departments or Rays and the activities of the directors of each of the Rays (the Chohans) have been assigned as follows:

FIRST RAY: The Color Blue represents the Will of God (Faith, Strength and Power). The Ascended Masters El Morya, Lady Miriam and Lord Sirius have served as Chohans of this Ray. People to whom these rays belong are usually of the executive type and have unlimited energy and ability to accomplish their goals.

SECOND RAY: The Golden Yellow Color represents Wisdom, Balance and Enlightment. The Ascended Masters Lanto, Kuthumi, Confucius and Lady Soo Chee have blessed the Earth by serving this Department. This is the Ray of teachers and one of the characteristics of its intent is the Understanding of the Heart.

THIRD RAY: Its Color is Pink and it represents the love of God, Adoration, Beauty and Brotherhood. The Ascended Masters Paul the Venetian and Lady Rowena have served as Chohans here. People who belong to this ray are usually kind and full of Compassion, Love and all kinds of Beauty.

FOURTH RAY: The Color of this Ray is White and represents Purity, Resurrection and Ascension. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey has been fulfilling his duties as Director of this Ray for many years. People who belong to this department are usually artists, musicians and architects and have great stamina.

FIFTH RAY: It is the Green Ray of Truth, of the Exactness of the Law. The Ascended Master Hilarion was an exponent of Truth in His Service as Chohan. Scientists, doctors, nurses and healers usually belong to this Ray.

SIXTH RAY: With its lovely Ruby-Gold (i.e. orange) hues, it represents the ministry and the service to life. The Ascended Master Jesus, Lady Nada and John the Beloved have blessed human existence with their service. Ministers, Rabbis and people who have great devotion to God usually belong to this Ray and render service to humanity from which they receive little recognition.

SEVENTH RAY: This is the Violet Ray of Mercy, Transmutation and Freedom. The Ascended Masters Lady Kwan Yin, Saint Germain and Lady Mercedes are  Chohans and exponents of the Violet Fire. This Violet Flame is the Tool that transforms and transmutes all errors and imperfect energy into Perfection. Its intense and dynamic use by humanity will redeem the Earth. People who belong to this ray have many talents to express on Earth and usually have a great love of Freedom, which they pursue in all kinds of activities they engage in.