The question “Who am I?”, far from being dismissed in a banal way, if asked in a profound way, can help us understand who we really are, what we are doing here and what we represent in this world. This question always accompanies us, wherever we go and whatever we do. Ultimately, we live to discover who we are, even if often, abstracted from Reality, we are not aware of it.

The moment we bring it to consxiousness, the question begins to work deeply within us. Day by day we realize the inconsistency of our certainties, our convictions, our beliefs; we intuit that what we believe we are is not what we are… Masks, personalities, idealizations, ways of being… veils that disappear as we proceed asking ourselves more and more and better: “but then who am I?”.

The question is the first step of an essential path of Life that leads us more and more towards the spiritual and divine dimension of ourselves. Along this path we will discover increasingly extraordinary levels of depth of our Essence, developing a sense of peace and fulfillment that fills that existential void of a materialistic life without purpose or direction.

What we truly are is beyond description, yet it is something tangible and experienceable, which imprints itself on our consxiousness, freeing us from multiple conditionings.

Trust yourself, quickly abandon the veil of illusion, free yourself from prepackaged beliefs, realize your unlimited nature, since it is your true Essence, loving and perfect just as it is.

Everything happens for me, not to me.