Pythagoras’ numbers were hieroglyphic symbols through which he could explain ideas concerning the nature of things and the origin of the Universe.

The Pythagoreans claimed that the doctrine of numbers, the most important in the whole esoterism, had been revealed to man by Celestial Divinities; that the world came from Chaos, Sound and harmony and build according to musical correlations. I will get back to that amazing topic further ahead.

I learned Numerology in the 90s, together with many other disciplines of the so called Holistic/Energetic/Spiritual world: from natural nutrition to shamanism, from yoga to meditation, from metaphysics to quantum physics and to Christian esoterism.

Ho appreso la Numerologia negli anni 90, insieme a tante altre materie del mondo così detto Olistico/Energetico/Spirituale: dall’alimentazione naturale allo sciamanesimo, dai trattamenti energetici allo yoga e meditazione, dalla metafisica alla fisica quantistica fino all’esoterismo cristiano.

I was looking for anwers, I was searching and seeking like many others who after having given in to family’s and society’s demands were expecting to feel realized, right, adequate…hence “in place”. Now I know that expectations can never be fulfilled unless they have a higher nature. At the beginning of the path, it is a classic mistake to mix sacred and profane, the octaves of the various teachings. After a long while, after many studies you would like to ensure everything is one, Spirit and Matter, but you have to deeply understand the different nature of both before.

Since then, searching has been my “codeword”. And numbers came with me along a path of knowledge, which went deeper and deeper, moving in evolutionary concentric circles. At every turn, in the same spot, they showed me the same lesson but from a different level and a diverse point of view. I went deeper and deeper inside myself, inside the “human being”, inside the knowledge of the Universo an dthe Gods, exactly as it is engraved on the gate of Apollo’s Temple in Delphi.

I warn you, whoever you are:
Oh you who wish to probe the arcana of Nature
if you cannot find within yourself what you are searching for
you won’t be able to find it even outside.
If you ignore the wonders of your home
how are you supposed to find other wonders?
In you is hidden the Treasure of the Gods.
Oh Man, know thyself
and you will know the Universe and the Gods.

Numerology allows us to explore the personality of a human being and also some animistic aspects.

In the years, I learned to trust numbers because I experienced Numerology with thousands of people. I know that when I receive answers through the numbers they are always right, there is no error margin at all. Numbers are never mistaken, as Life is never mistaken as well.

Numbers are nothing but Divine Features that human beings experience here in duality…for example odd numbers carry a creative male energy, even numbers carry a welcoming female energy. Numbers can have neutral qualities, namely in balance, and they can have morbid or healthy ones, therefore negative or positive. Numbers have quantitative aspects, like in Mathematics, or qualitative ones, like in Numerology. Through Numbers we can “explain” Creation, the Path of the Initiate or the evolutionary progress mankind has to undertake in order to rise to other planes.

Numbers are nothing but Divine Features that human beings experience here in duality… Through Numbers we can “explain” Creation, the Path of the Initiate or the evolutionary progress mankind has to undertake in order to rise to other planes.

I report a small excerpt about the story of Numbers:

Here, therefore, by virtue of Love, the Absolute Unity ONE splits in TWO
in the positivity of Light and the negativity of Shadow:
primordial forces that are the volatile balance of Supreme Harmony
and the Manifested Absolute, from where all the cosmic multiplicities,
and that from dualism express with the trinity the mystery of creation THREE.
The Light-positive is the Father, the eternal time, or eternal generating present,
the Shadow- negative is the Mother, the womb, infinite space in action;
the Son, Spirit-substance, that is Light and Shadow, or Life expressing both.
We have explained the idea of a revealed Trinity.
In the limitless space, the creative potency of the four
elements radiates in the FOUR, to weave the material weft of substance,
able to generate the strength of the motion of the universes
and the transforming of matter on them.
Fire, Water, Earth, Air are the four active principles that, in their transcendental mystery,
presides over the formation and the expansion of material expressions.
In the positive and negative forms of substance
which enshrines strength, love and intelligence of the spirit, coming from Divine Potency,
Love and Intelligence, and we have the symbolic number FIVE that
in man reveals itself in his five material senses.
Five represents the realization of three spiritual values, in the
fatal trajectory of positive and negative that became material values, where the
four elements created their evolutionary rhythm, according to the univocal law that
unavoidably returns to its origins.
In SIX you will find the two Trinities, the superior or divine one
and the inferior or action one operating in the substance,
and you can imagine them like two triangles having the same basis
and opposite vertexes. The top one represents the springs of the supreme
mystery, emanating the ray of infinite love toward those forces
that will channel, from the second triangle, the harmonic planes,
appropriate to realize the right conclusion of evolutionary phenomena in the universes.
If with the two triangles you make a regular star with six points,
you will get Solomon’s hidden symbol
that represents the balance of spirit with substance, or manifested life.
Here we are at SEVEN, expression of all the manifestations in the cycle
of the laws that enclose the eternity of spiritual powers
and the material cosmic forces of the four elements.
Everything is under the seventh dominion that expresses the irrepressible will
of the universal destiny. The law of evolution specifies the terms
of eternity which occur seven by seven, like seven are the planes where
the cathartic works unfolds and seven are the rays of manifestations.
All the spiritual evolution of mankind, past and present, actualizes itself in
that synthesis, that means the Absolute Law, the Essence, the Divine
Consciousness, the dynamism of motion and action, adding up the three powers
in the symbols of the spiritual I, the cosmic astral I, the cosmic material I.
The number seven lives in all manifestations;
you will find it in the color of iris, in the notes of the harmonic
scale, in the atomic and nuclear spans. About what concerns the individual
catharsis, seven can be found in the following values:
Wisdom, Love, Justice, Beauty, Splendor, Science, Immortality.
When you have the certainty of your immortality, you will master the secret
of the true science, you will conquer the Splendor of Intellect and Consciousness,
you will get to the pure, inner and outer Beauty and the eternal Wisdom.
Getting to number EIGHT, you will see it represented in its mathematical symbol
which has the form of two rings joined together by the love knot, the never ending
rise and fall of evolution and the two strings with which spirit and
matter are tied to the manifested universe.
And here we come to NINE, the number where everything sums up and where
the absolute expresses itself.
A threefold trinity that, in the prodigious emanation of law,
generates the universal mathematical structure which determines nature’s
limitations, from its divine origins. While transfiguring, it attracts all
the effective manifestations, similar to an immense breath, from the smallest to
the greatest of cosmic phenomena, and it broadens to come back to the starting point.
Nine: a threefold trinity, revealed in the manifested life or substance and
therefore, in the non-created, expressed and manifested Cosmos.
Now we consider ZERO, the nothingness. Placed next to the One, the Whole, we
will have 10, the Whole and the Nothingness, and precisely the Absolute Eternal.
And here we get to the end of this mysterio-sophic examination of numbers.
Behind their mathematical symbols, there are anxious enigma around life,
that, while conferring their light to human laws,
show their divine side which is enshrined in them.

 After the poem in which the Supreme Law describes “the Law of Numbers”, let us go back to pragmatic benefit of Numerology. We can say that from the date of birth we can deduce many data: personal talents, challenges, conditionings, but mostly the life path, where we came from to undertake this earthly incarnation, how we will pursue it, how we will activate change and which obstacles we will meet. Name and surname, when all the letters are transformed in a number according to a Jewish tradition, will reveal: the motivation of our Soul, the masks we put on, and how our biological apparatus expresses itself. What I love to explain in trainings and lectures is how name and surname reveal the characteristics of the medium, the Avatar, our Soul chooses to travel on Earth.

From those main studies (Name and Date) we can set off on an infinite journey where numbers, absolute preeminent figures, summed or subtracted with mastery, create a music on different octaves, a unique masterpiece that dances through familiar karmic energies, master numbers, initiations….and reveal the most secret arcana.

Each human being is unique and unrepeatable!

I always start my trainings from this assumption: the numbers are only 9 on the various octaves and we are almost eight billion people on the planet. In spite of that, even twins have a different reading. They will have the same life path because they were born on the same day, but the different time of birth and the name will define a different way of dealing with life, the different level of octave, the different time of ripening, the different tools and motivations.

People born on the same day and month as myself – some of them in the same year – had different life experiences, different karma, different soul age, different nature because they had a different name.

I would like to make a practical example: number 9 is the last one, it is often related the Hermit in the Tarots, a person walking on a spiritual path on his own, searching for a higher truth, enlightment, unconditional love, wisdom, longing for being a spiritual master serving humanity. The first time we approach life in the quality of 9 we would not be a spiritual master but, since we already feel a call toward serving humanity, we will look for a job that has some sense “of mission”, of helping people out. We will meet people having the life path in 9 in professions like firemen, nurses, physicians, special needs teachers or spiritual seekers, holistic operators, naturopaths etc…that happens for all the other numbers, and it will be different while having the same numerical qualities. Each one will experiment a specific aspect according to the Soul Motivation, the soul age, etc…in a unique and unmatched way…the only way that leads up to evolution.

I want to deal with the octaves. We can compare them with the musical ones: after the first 7 notes, C D E F G A B, the next C is on another octave, it is still a C, but slightly higher. And the same is with numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. If we keep on 10 is always a 1, because 1 plus 0 equals 1, but it is higher, and that will add one or more aspects to the basic 1 of the first octave, deepening its characteristics. And so on: For example, 11, a Master number, is always a 2 because 1 plus 1 equal 2, and 12 is always a 3, because 1 plus 2 equals 3 but on a higher octave. Any octave can give us new facets and new traits.

It is not by chance that the Master Numbers (11, 22, and the multiples of 11) and the Karmic Numbers (13/14/16/19) are positioned on the second, third octave and beyond. The Child Souls, or the Adolescent Souls, corresponding to the majority of Humanity do not always have karmic numbers in their readings.

An individual consultation of Numerology brings the person to know or to rediscover his/her own natural distinctive traits and potentialities, the infinite possibilities of the being, moving from feeling to doing, from dreaming to acting in life.

A numerologist opens up the drawers which have been closed for a long time, giving a precise background to past experiences and discerning potentialities, offering the Knowledge needed to be able to take off and finally BEING fully one’s own self.

Since we all change day after day, moment after moment, this passion of mine for the interpretation of numbers transformed itself in time, changing my approach toward people who come to me in order to learn the laws of Numerology. Now I prepare them to receive this Sacred Knowledge with intention and willingness to use it for a tangible, real life transformation, not just out of mere curiosity.

Every single day, whether we are aware or not, the universal numerical energies manifest themselves and interact with our own energy, and all the energies of the numbers in a personal reading.

Just by watching those two energies and what we live daily, we will be able to flow with life, to welcome and live the gifts, whether opportunities or conditionings.

We will become aware that our personal numbers intertwine with the numbers of the day, the month, the trimester, the year, the 7 and 9 years macro-periods. And we will create an infinite initiating journey that is inside another initiating journey, like a Russian doll, for eternity, creating brand new moments in new levels of consciousness.

We are eternal beings, and we forget that too often. And the personalities we experience are just a preparation for the evolution of the Soul.

Times are changing with a reckless speed, and they brought me to evolve from “Numerology” to “Numerosophy”.

Numerology means the Logos of Numbers or about Numbers, their “significance”. Numerosophy means the “Wisdom of Numbers”.

I do not intend to draw from etymology like everybody else. I want to show you the numerological study of those two words to demonstrate that through numbers we can study anything, not only names, last names and dates, but names for companies, compatibilities and complementarities inside staff members or couples, name sof disease, phone numbers, addresses, etc…

   3    5   6   6   91    30/3


5   4   9    3   7        28/10/1



   3    5   6   6    91    30/3


5   4    9   1  7 8         34/7



You will find interesting the following study.

The vowels written above talk about the Soul Motivation of the word itself and they both have the value 30/3, so they share the same goal. While studying in details each single vowel of the two names we deduce that both have the task to create (3) new openings and new changes (5), in order to bring forth a new balance in the person (6), so that the choice can be made (6) to be done with the past (9) and begin a new life journey (1). That will bring about creation, flow, play and the possibility to be in the present moment and to show one’s own artistic talents. Those are all qualities of 30/3 (a higher octave of 3).

The consonants tell us about the way in which the Motivation 30/3 will act, and about what the two words will produce in everyday life.

The word Numerology says: open up to the new and change (5) in everyday life (4) ending the old and the obsolete (9), creating (1) integration between matter and spirit (7), the sum is 28/10/1.

Embrace (2) your power, your justice (8), and begin a new spin of the wheel (10) by manifesting you acts in everyday life, with courage and trust in yourself (1).

In Numerosophy it is quite similar: open up to the new and change (5) in your everyday life (4) by ending the old (9) and beginning (1) to integrate matter and spirit (7) doing the right thing and bringing the perfect harmony between soul and personality (8). The sum is 34/7. Create (3) in everyday life (4) the integration between matter and spirit, manifesting the sacredness of life (7).

Actually, the sum of vowels and consonants communicates the true expression of the words: Numerology 58/13/4 says: open up to the new (5), find you power and you balance (8) by transforming and cutting off all that is not needed anymore in everyday life (4) and keeps weighting and slowing you down. Numerology helps the accomplishment of transformation.

Numerosophy 64/10/1 says: take responsibility by listening deeply to yourself in your choice making (6), in everyday life (4) and start a new spin of the wheel (10) with a new way of manifesting your I AM (1). Numerosophy invites you to be and embody the transformation you accomplished through Numerology.

Numerolgy is more suitable for understanding who we are, it helps to transform your personality and to create a connection with your Soul, exactly what we are called to do during the last years of this Era.

Numeroshopy is both the present and the future, it works more on a soul level, it asks us to BE a Soul in everyday life, to bring Spirit down to Earth, for a new beginning in the becoming Era, to put things into practice and stop bragging about and around.

And the journey continues…