Essence is the life force that animates our physical body. According to the Teaching, this force is more than life-energy, since it contains the seeds of the tendencies and talents that make us unique.

One person is attracted to nature, while another excels in languages, and a third is particularly sensitive to people. These, and many other of these innate differences, are characteristic traits of Essence.

In every human being dwells an innate Consxiousness and an innate ignorance: the first contains and determines, through the characteristic traits, the potential to be developed; the second creates the necessary conditions, through difficulties and obstacles, to develop said potential. From this assumption, we understand that in man there is no morally understood good and evil, but two forces that are indispensable to his spiritual evolution coexist. Giving the right meaning to things pacifies the soul, offering that necessary state of quietness from which to face the mother of all challenges: being aware “children of God”.

God is Love; in this reality experienced by a specific state of consxiousness, Evil is simply the throne of Good.