Every practice aimed at personal growth helps to improve, modify or change a behavior by promoting a possible balance where there is disharmony. Personal growth aims to solve the individual problems of the personality by stimulating its qualities and talents, thus helping the bystander to overcome the difficulty of the moment.

In short, personal growth is aimed at the external world and has as its goal the affirmation of the individual in the sensitive world of transient forms, created by the infinite and personal interpretations of Life.

Inner Work has as its main purpose the expansion of Consxiousness and consists in bringing Light and Life where they were previously absent, regardless of what one lives or what one feels, what is pleasant or unpleasant, what one believes or not.

The Work aims at the Heart of the experience and does not deal with the individual problems of the personality, being precisely this “personalized” structure the limit to be overcome and sublimated. The Work works directly on the entity that believes it has a problem or that wants to improve its negative aspects, bringing Light to them until the recognition and dissolution of their impermanent and illusory nature.

The Inner Awakening is the lively predisposition to love what is difficult to love, it is the middle Way that leads to enjoying the Beauty of creation, valuing and exploiting even the difficult and dark moments. The Work is therefore aimed at the integration of Consxiousness, torn and split in the entity identified as a person.

Both ways are admirable and fundamental for both the personal and spiritual growth of the individual, but they are placed on two different realms of experience; there is no “better” or “worse”, they are only different evolutionary priorities.

It is important to understand the differences so as not to get confused and to be aware so as to give each thing its own meaning and sense. Finally, every possible experience always leads to Being, the substantial difference lies in being aware of it.


“Follow me, and let the dead bury their dead”

Matthew, 8, 22