The instinctive function of all species is fundamentally the same.

It is responsible for the survival, procreation and well-being of the organism. It governs all its physiological processes, such as breathing, digestion, circulation, homeostasis, etc.

Being a rudimentary consxiousness, it formulates its priorities accordingly, even if these priorities are very often in conflict with the needs of the personality and even more so of the Essence. However, without the instinctive functions, our species would not meet the basic requirements for living and would risk extinction.

As it is well understood, the priorities of the instinctive function do not provide for inner emancipation for man. Instinct, in man as in animals, through consolidated habits and mechanical repetitions, performs its function of nature at its best and for millennia.

In the initiatory field, all efforts to transform the psychological structure and the attention to observe its functioning are hindered by the mechanical nature of the instinct of preservation, which to varying degrees inhibits and resists voluntary attempts at soulful progress.

In the absence of such understanding, any attempt at spiritual emancipation is doomed to oblivion.


“The wise men and prophets of the most diverse ages have come to conclusions identical in substance, though dissimilar in form, on the fundamental and final truths, all following the same system of interior initiation.”

Schuré, “The Great Initiates”