In 1998 I met prof Josè Arguelles for the first time. Former professor of Aesthetics and Art History at several US universities, including Princeton – considered the most important academic institution on the planet; author of a large number of books, translated into many languages; initiator of the Earth Festival, which is still celebrated worldwide in April.He had a leading role in organizing the Harmonic Convergence Global Meditation, in August 1987. He did notice that the conclusive dates of two different prophetic traditions, the Tibetan Buddhsist Kalachara and the Mesoameric Quetzacoatl’s Prophecy were coinciding on August 16th and 17th 1987.

Ashram Bhole Baba, Cisternino, October 2009: Prof. José Argüelles holds a weeklong seminar, organized by his translator, Antonio Giacchetti, author of this article
In 1994, while I was living in Miami FL, a dear friend of mine “enocuraged” me to read Arguelles’ best seller “The Mayan Factor”. I was shocked by that book. Our knowledge about the Mayans were vague, incomplete, controversial, delimited by Morley’s, Coe’s and Thompson’s books.
Sylvanus Morley, author of “The Ancient Maya”, published in 1946, was an American civil engineer sponsored by The Carnegie Institurion. He studied the Mayan hiroglyphic calligraphy and brought back to light the main architectural structures in Chichen Itzà. Only after his death, it was discovered that he was on the payroll of the Office of Naval Intelligence, he was a spy and his archeological sites in Mexico and Central America were a cover-up. Already in 1919 “The Nation” published a letter of proptest by the famous antropologist Franz Boaz where he was denouncing “some fake archeologists who did prostitute science as a cover-up for their spy activiities”.
Eric Thompson, an Officer of the British Army, was one of Morley’s students and became the leading figure among the “Mayan” experts. He was sponsored by the Carnegie Institution too and agreed with Morley that the Mayan inscriptions were merely esoteric and religious. At the end of the 60’s, the studies by Tatiana Proskouriakoff on Piedras Negras Stones made him admitt to be totally mistaken in his assertions and explanations, expecially about the Goddess Ixchel.
Michel Coe, Harvard Graduate, did work for CIA during the Korean War. He wrote that many talented academics spent more time renovating the Mayan sites for turistic purpose than researching. According to Coe the Popol Vuh – considered the Mayan Bible together with Chilam Balam – is nothing but a fragment of a lost Pan-Mayan mithology, and the governors of the Mayan classic period were shamans, not administrators.
An homonymous Thompson, US consul in Yucatan, bought the land sorrounding Chichen Itzà ransacking its riches by dredging the cenote (precious artifacts in gold, quartz, obsidian, jade, turquoise,…)
Gold? How come? We have been always told that the Mayans did not perform metallurgy. Gold has a very high melting point; only platinum melts at a higher temperature. So…Mayans were performing metallurgy! “Mr. Thomson the 2nd” smuggled the rich booty to the US, and he got quite wealthy selling about 30,000 finds to museums and private collectors.
Also the “maestoso” red jaguar who acted ad a throne at the top of Quetzacoatl Pyramid – it had been removed, crated and made ready to be exported, but an Austrian archelogist living in Chichen Itzà “set alarm”, and then it was spared.
So, thanks to those men – crooked, without a solid background in History and Atropology, invariably British or American – that the imagery of Mayans as weird people, incomprehensible, obsessed by a great deal of things (time, calendars, Vesus, the Sun, the Moon, eclipses, human sacrificies) got stabilized in the collective unconsciuos. Let’s not talk about their bizarre customs of modifying somatic traits: the skull altered and made oblong since birth; caused strabismus in girls; tooth filings and inserts of metal decorations or precious stones ( custom still in usage in Mexico and Guatemala).
A mysterious people, an incomprehensible enigma – like its hieroglyphics. On one side they were great sky watchers, astronomers, mathematicians, architects, engineers, plumbers and refined artists. On the other side they were superstitiuos, rough, unknowing of agriculture and plowing, dedicated to unspeakable, macabre, painful and bloody religious practices, all the way to the most supreme aberration: human sacrifices.
Arguelles’ researches and his book “The Mayan Factor” radically subvert that status. The Mayans revive, reminding everyone their life, their pride for being heirs of an immortal tradition, their inexplicable knowledge and their prophecies. The Tzolkin, their sacred calendar for determining the dates of their orrible and bloody ceremonies, was made to literally explode and its true natures were revealed: Harmonic Canon, Galactic Rotation, Universal Matrix. In that book the date December 21st 2012 is indicated as the End of the Cycle.
After having translated the his book, I met Arguelles in Monza, Italy, on July 25th 1998. I told him I would have sent an email with some questions and that I would have translated his answers to publish them on the website I had just created. The first one was: Who were the Mayans?
His answers was:”First we need to make a distinction between the Archeological Mayans, the Antropological Mayans – the Native Mayans – and the Galactic Mayans. It also needed to acknowledge the nature of the mind and the civilization that are now so fascinated by the Mayans, and that are creating a “Mayan Revival” at this point of their cycle of growth”.
And I imagined to have asked a simple question…
The Archeological Mayans lived in MesoAmerica for over 1,500 years and left us their scientific, artistical and mysical treasures: pyramids, calendars, mathematics, prophecies. The Antropological Mayans are the natives who have Mayan blood and still speak one of the twenty Mayan languages – languages, not dialects. And then the unexpected ones: the Galactic Mayans.
Nobody before Arguelles had ever mentioned the Galactic Mayans. In 1968 Eric Von Daniken, precursor ante litteram of the ancient astronaut theory, had shaken up the paradigm with his “Chariots of the Gods, where he defined the picture on Pacal Votan’s sarcophagus in Palenque (Mexico) as “Palenque’s astronaut”. Arguelles postulates the existence of a patrol of star brothers who came in touch with some natives in Mesoamerica, and transferred some of the extraordinary knowledge which still astound us.

The slab of the sarcophagus of Pacal Votan in Palenque
“The Mayan Factor” stresses on the transmission of the Galactic Mayan Mind, where the conditioning of our mind, determined by what we think possible (e.g: the Fermi paradoxis the discrepancy between the lack of conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life and the apparently high a priori likelihood of its existence, and by extension of obtaining such evidence. As a 2015 article put it, “If life is so easy, someone from somewhere must have come calling by now.”) milslead us to think that a transfer of knowledge from the star brothers implies their physical presence on our planet.
Maya is the name of the brightest star of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, that for some unknown reason attracted the attention of all the great civilizations of the past; could it be because there is Alcyone, the central sun of our galaxy, around which we all revolve?
But “The Mayan Factor: Path beyond Technology” introduces the concept that Maya is everywhere:
- in Sanskrit, Maya is illusion, the Maya veil is between us and the authentic reality – the search for truth requires the Maya veil to be torn;
- Maya was the name of Buddha’s mother, who had an immaculate conception like Christ’s mother – Maria has one more letter than Maya.
- Maya is the name of the brightest star in the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters, that for some unknown reason attracted the attention of all the great civilizations of the past; could it be because there is Alcyone, the central sun of our galaxy, around which we all revolve?
- The Maoris (or Mayori?), New Zealander natives have a calendar that start on June 16th – they say it is because in that day the Earth is the closest to the Pleiades. In their cosmogony originally the Earth was part of that constellation and later it moved away. They say that in that day the Seven Sisters come closer to the Earth to greet her; the astronomers had to ackowledge that fact;
- Maya is the name of the Greek goddess of Spring and in Rome has the same name, as a matter of fact Mayo (May);
- Some scholars claim that “maya” is the universal root of all those words and concepts that point at mastery, majesty, major; so majesty, the mayestas, means being Mayan.
Keeping in consideration the above, the identification with race associated to historical, geographical, space-temporal coordinates seems to be limited. Maya is a frequency, a vision, a non-ordinary state of consciousness. And anyone sharing that vision, being in tuned with that frequency, accessing that state of consciousness is a Mayan, not less than Pacal Votan.
So, it was not necessary for Pleiadians or Arthurians or Syrians to embark on space trips whose duration makes us flinch. It was necessary for some natives to tune in that frequency to receive information. A mental broadcast, that works the same way as when we tune into a radio station: what do we really do? We just tune into the frequency of a certain radio station.
“We are living electromagnetic fields floating in an electromagnetic ocean, receiving and releasing frequencies.”
“WINCLIL: human being. WINC: tuber, root; LIL: vibratory. So human=root or cosmic vobratory resonator.” – Josè Arguelles, “The Mayan Factor: Path beyond Technology”.
For the Mayans a human being is a vibrating tuber, a potato with antennas. The subheading of The Mayan Factor is “Path beyond Technology” where the path beyond technology is ourselves. In his interview in 1998, Arguelles writes: “My work, and others’, leads us to think that the Mayans are a race of galactic origins, if not genetically at least in terms of quality and level of knowledge, which are encoded in architecture and glyphs of the Classical Age.”
In one of his workshops he said: “We say that mathemagics, those codes, that knowledge are Mayan; it would be like saying that electricity is American, even though the human being who discovered, studied and used it was an US citizen. Electricity is a cosmic, universal force that exists and acts in every single corner of the system as a whole.”
In the same way, the extra-ordinary knowledge that came to us thanks to the Mayans are not attributable to a Mesoamerican ethnic group. They have a universal nature. We have to acknowledge the Mayans for having managed to receive and share that knowledge with us by engraving them in stones ( most likely, they suspected, or knew, that books would have been burned or made disappear in the Vatican’s kilometer long secret libraries…) And for that they have all our appreciation and gratefulness.
What does make us Galactic Mayans? Sharing that knowledge, taking part in that vision, tuning in that frequency; using the numbering dot/slash instaed of the Arab numbers, studying the vigesimal maths instead of the decimal numbering; changing calendar – a calendar is an occult power tool by the fake ministers and the lords of war, lets’ burn it- and being in synch with planetary, galactic and universal cycles are not New Age mannerisms.
We can distance ourselves from the frequency of artificial timing in order to deny the enchnatments: “time is money”, “war is the only resolution for conflicts”, “children die of famine and there is nothing we can do. Let us wake up from the hypnotic sleep we have been in since five thousand years ago, and remember who we really are and what we came here for. Let us reclaim our destiny and let us go back to consciously carry out our co-creating function.
In Lak’ech (I am another you)

Cisternino (BR – Italy), 16 November 2021 Kin 77, Terra Cristallo Rossa