We come from a bad experience that turned the whole world upside down. Despite this, Covid 19 is a small thing compared to the pandemic that we have been experiencing within us for many years: life “sickness”.

According to the World Health Organization, nine out of 10 people have a high level of psychological distress ranging from chronic anxiety to panic attacks and depression.

Being mentally ill means being physically ill (direct implication of the psychic system, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system) and transferring an evident state of disorder into society with an impressive diffusion of personality disorders. In this way the societies themselves are adrift.

The human brain is no longer able to concentrate, it cannot discern, it only sees dangers, loses its optimism and with it the ability to plan, alternating submissiveness to aggression so as to fuel social disorder. I clearly see the video of Michael Jackson’s song Thriller and the social presence of perceptual fences.

My name is Alessandro Rubino and I have been a psychologist for 30 years. I started working with the human resources in companies, then I became passionate about the study of human engineering which I still do by integrating different disciplines in order to have a unified framework that helps me to see better the logic of the psyche. I try to help people get out of this unbalanced condition but I often notice that the sick person is unaware of his own malaise.

According to the World Health Organization, nine out of 10 people have a high level of psychological distress ranging from chronic anxiety to panic attacks and depression.

What is going on? Why is the phenomenon so serious and at the same time undersized?

In my opinion it is obvious to note that the majority is unaware of the phenomenon due to an inability to discern, even though for some years now I have noticed the reaction of 20% of people who want to shake off the malaise and take back their autonomy.

They scammed us! They didn’t tell us how we work, what we are looking for and, above all, how to promote human well-being.

We were born into families where there was no time, and at best, despite having two parents, we could not enjoy their physical or psychological presence due to economic and work priorities. They put us in kindergartens full of forced rhythms in which to start a school path full of logical procedural activities without shared motivations and without being able to develop the musical, creative, intrapersonal, interpersonal, kinesthetic, visuo-spatial, naturalistic, linguistic intelligence, required today to enter the working world.

Nobody told us that we are made of cells, space, water and, above all, of an open dynamic bioelectromagnetic force that epigenetically governs a life project written in the DNA.

I didn’t know that at the moment of fertilization there is an explosion of light and that the very formation of the fetus follows the logic of light.

No one has explained to us that the entire engineering structure of which we are made is in a spasmodic search for heat and energy, i.e. light.

I don’t remember hearing authoritative people explain to me and show me that the most important thing for my engineering is light and photosynthesis and that breathing is worth 20,000 euros a second!

No one has ever shown me that being surrounded by the sun and being outdoors is a miracle to be enjoyed like drinking some holy water!

Nobody told me that being breastfed by a mother, being caressed from an early age, having the serene and affectionate gaze of one’s loved ones are directional sources of light, heat and energy, much more powerful than food.      No one has shown me that the first 7 years of life are engineered to achieve a development of physical balance, right and left, and that in order to better achieve this result it is necessary to have a lot of reassurance and emotional security.

I never knew that from 7 to 14 years human engineering should have enjoyed the previous goals and on those develop emotional balance and lay the foundations for a healthy management of emotions towards others.

I didn’t know that between the ages of 14 and 21 our engineering must be able to decode our native predispositions, our interests, our role in the world.

No one has ever told me that this identity is written in the handprints, in my face, in my brain.

They scammed us! They didn’t tell us how we work, what we are looking for and, above all, how to promote human well-being.

No one had ever shown me the existence of a book written inside the DNA which, through triplets of 4 letters, (ATCG), made up a project capable of being translated into my ears, face, somatic features and physiological dominance.

No one has ever shown me that the native human temperament already indicates compatible external sources of heat and energy (places, foods, people, contexts, jobs, passions, etc.), which should be identified in the first 21 years and then developed in the following years. seven years of life, yes because the number 7 is one of the miracles of this engineering.

At school they forced me to focus on other things, putting fears related to grades in me and including in them a good part of my self-esteem and my worth.

The worst thing is that no one has shown me the biggest “news” of this human engineering, namely that we have an AUTONOMOUS source of light that represents the majority of our need for energy and heat: putting our predestination into play and supporting this direction with the right breathing, the right water, the appropriate choices and preparatory thoughts for the development of our virtues.

The sensational thing is that this autonomy of light, with which we can evolve our earthly passage, is guided by an engineering protection system capable of showing us coherent directions and when it sees us in difficulty, it activates specific alarms with mathematical precision.

Yes, because they didn’t tell us that we have 7 major sensors in seven specific parts of the body, which translate our thoughts into biochemical messages and then determine works and actions.

They help us with special alarms when we are moving away from predestination, hoping in our ability to decode the message and make the necessary changes to the choices.

Few of us have been informed that these 7 points correspond to the 7 human virtues, and that these represent the purpose of the game of life through which we can reach ever higher levels of acquisition and production of light.

Have any of you received lessons on interpreting coincidences? What about dream interpretation? And about the mathematics of life? Did you know that our engineering, if respected, generates minutes or hours of FLOW every day

This state allows us to be happy in an expanded way and to concretely experience the human sensation of psycho-bio-physical gratification. We can all reach this state, balance the hemispheres and activate the “halo”, but how many know about it?

The school made us afraid of questions and then measured our essence with the grade, creating discomfort, the same that we see in the faces of our parents, friends and relatives in relation to the precariousness of a world that seems to lack everything: shortage of money, time, affection, love, security, stability. Everything would seem precarious together with all the false priorities that force us to pursue from outside our engineering.

Everyone tends to be alone, not understood. Everything seems separate, dualized, divided!

While all this is happening, the science itself, co-creator of this separation, demonstrates with the latest discoveries that the healthy direction is exactly the opposite.

I discovered that with an MRI we can know the fingerprint of the brain. I discovered that this imprint is called a connectome and it is native!

I discovered how to recognize people’s connectomes, how to scientifically measure stress, and understand the damage it causes to the nervous system.

I discovered that there are some important remedies to deal with the estrangement from one’s predestination and I have already started many paths to help people get back on their life path and encourage the development of the 7 virtues of light.

I discovered the correlations between the 3 human brains (brain, heart, intestine) and the reason for their synergy.

I discovered how to activate love for one’s life project and give concrete meaning to “know yourself” and how to adapt this divine goodness to one’s living environments without distorting them.

We are in a beautiful phase of the world, one in which the inhabitants, now still in the minority, will be able to reclaim their place in the raft of life and illuminate their life path by letting light pass through and emanating light as well.

The increase of this awareness is conquering the world and facilitating the unveiling (apocalypse).

It is necessary to “know” this engineering, LOGOS, and learn to respect it. Only in this way it will be possible to enter the ARK like that of NOAH’ and form the fertilizer of the new society now upon us.

We are in a beautiful phase of the world, one in which the inhabitants, now still in the minority, will be able to reclaim their place in the raft of life and illuminate their life path by letting light pass through and emanating light as well.

Let’s get out of our perceptive fences. Let’s take back the autonomous source of light starting from our nervous system. Science is obliged to help us, it can no longer hide.