The exoteric teachings of religion always speak of an external god or gods who govern the world we inhabit. Jehovah in Judaism, Brahman in Hinduism, Zeus in ancient Greece and Allah in Islam.

The focus is on the correct relationship with these gods, the forms of worship they invoke and the behavior that is convenient or inconvenient for them.

Even the “outer” meaning offers a moral code to which its community of believers must adhere with dedication and faith.

The outer meaning speaks of the external world, of the macro-cosmos. The inner meaning speaks of the human being, of the micro-cosmos. These two states of consxiousness, specular and complementary, only if unified form the Cosmic Man, the Áνθρωποκόσµος.

When religious texts refer to a god as the highest power in the universe, the inner meaning refers to the inner deity, the highest power of Spirit within the human being.

When religious texts speak of a demon as an evil force, set on leading humanity astray, the inner meaning refers to human weaknesses, fears, imperfections, and bad habits in general.

When religious texts speak of justice and government, their inner meaning refers to self-mastery, self-government.

In other words, when you move from the outer meaning to the inner, you move from religion to transpersonal psychology, and from there to initiatory Science.