Until we understand that it is not a matter of being here now, but of being here more and more, we will not be able to do anything to improve our inner situation. Understanding the purpose of our earthly journey, motivated Attention can convert every form of distraction that clouds our consxiousness.
Eventually, by persevering, we will come to understand that what we are looking for is what we are, that it does not matter how we feel, it does not matter what we think of ourselves at the moment, because we are always what we are watching, pure projection of the intimate reality that we are. We cannot look at anything other than ourselves. So are we alone? And yet we are not.
One day we will realize that our eternal destiny is to be parts of a single Being, completely alone, surrounded by wonderful hallucinations, which are nothing but the dancing vision that springs from the reflection of our state of ignorance, that vision that illuminates both the joys and the sorrows of our eternal indestructibility.
In any case, man is given to determine the folds of his own destiny and to be the light of his own Sun.
How much suffering is granted to a man who trudges in his state of sleep?
And how much infinity is given to the awakened man who nourishes his Sol Invictus?
Me? Do I exist? Is I here? Hello, Me.