
Today I find myself writing an article which is “out” of my usual topics – “Border Researches”-and I will explore another field which could be part of the themes I have been exploring for the last 45 years.

The theme deals with the tricky discussion around the “change of paradigm”, regarding the planet and its inhabitants. I do apologize to the philosophers, who are better experts than myself on the noble and ancient science of human thinking, for my short “raids” in their territory, which I know quite well because of my previous scholastic and academic courses of studies.

For some time I will drop my identity as a researcher in the field of aliens and UFOs even though I will use some of information I gathered during my deep searching, just to allow myself some proper considerations and verifications. So, in this forward, I won’t go on about it, yet I invite the reader not to perceive the article as a severe pamphlet but as a simple reflection from my side about how we could arrive to a human society without having to act out the “Great Reset” – a very dear word to the globalists. Personally, I grimace quite a bit when I hear/read that word, expecially when it is used to describe the revival of a feudal system, in post-modern and post-apocalyptic perspective.

I am writing the article in August 2022, and I do not know when it will be published. So, I think that some of its topics will serve the possibility to forecast what will happen after September 25th 2022, poll day.

What more to say? Fasten your seat belts, and have a good reading!

We woke up in Dystopy

Since the 60s, our humanity was waking up from a previous course made of worldwide wars and famines. Through the Rock and the Hippie movement, people were claiming a worldwide peace, a release from old and worn-out habits connected to the political and geo-strategic ideologies – at that time they were dividing the world in two politically and militarily distinct blocks: USA and USSR.

Some of the readers might already want to argue: “those movements have been created by the elites in order to control the mass of juvenile movements, to shatter and undermine them via trafficking synthetic drugs and oppiate “derivatives”. I partially agree: there have been some maneuvers by what we commonly define “Deep State”. But it is true that they have been not able to fully control the mass of the youngsters because the youngsters started to think in a “different” or “divergent” way. That brought mankind to such a level where it can be stated that our Planet had already reached a critical mass number, a positive and productive way of thinking and reasoning, that can act as a driving force in order to “launch” humanity in a New Era.

Some of the “senior” readers might remember the large number of magazines and books about the transformation of humanity published, while the mainstream was proposing show schedules about “border sciences“ and ufology was one of them.

Everything seemed to lead toward the hoped-for direction, that is: humanity would have reached that goal, the New Era, in a quite short time, with some help by “inspired” leaders. The fall of the Berlin wall in 1992, even though it was not wanted for “inspired” purposes, (and the collapse of governamental parties in Italy) had been seen as a rite of passage toward the New Humanity. Unfortunately, behind the scenes, the shadow of the “Deep State” was already hovering around. Even then, various world governments, financial, military and industrial institutions were planning it. We have been “trained” to adjust ourselves to unpleasant and damaging situations without reacting to them (reaction happens only when it is too late). We actually live in a society where people are literally “crushed” by economy, politics, media, numbly accept decay, oppression, demise of values and ethics, resulting from the uninterrupted undergoing in silence with no reactions at all.

So, here we come to September 11th 2001, an unfogettable date, both for the US and the whole humanity, that started a sequence of “avalanche” events which for ever changed human behaviours, behaviours that were inclined to and “inspired” by the New Humanity.

All of a sudden, the “critical mass”, started to shatter and shrink by means of fear and dismay. And not-quite spiritual forces were allowed to prepare the ground for their purposes.

Now let us take a jump to December 31st 2019: Covid-19 arrived in our lives. I do not want to remember all the sorrowful and disquieting events that forcefully insinuated themselves in our hearts and our minds…

I will not express any judgement in relation to those happenings because I do not want to taint my current analysis. My task is to reaffirm that the mutation of the virus in pandemic has allowed many Governments to carry out repressive and anti-constitutional policies like never before (I state that as a legal expert), which are still enduring, persisting and being periodically reinforced. I feel like asking myself some questions, that I recap in following list:

  • When was it when we all started to subjugate ourselves to what was forced like “a new normality”?
  • When was it when we started to say that it is ok to pollute our food, our planet and ourselves?
  • When was it when we started to give in our freedom of choice to the government?
  • When and why all this happened to humanity and how can we allow it to happen over and over again?

In my head, many theories are taking form, even though it is difficult to find some final anwers.

Looking at the recent past, istances of absoloute incoherent behaviour have been rampant. The “leitmotif” seems to be this: masses are always agreeing with that behaviour, and therefore they “let it happen”. The program for mass mental controlling have been operating and have damaged people since decades. On this very moment in history, they are much more aggressive.

I can state that our current reality is a reflection of the acme of mass mental control and of what we managed to accept in approving the “new normality”.

Those like myself who are healthily minded and impersonal watchers consider it psychotic, while others see it as normal.

I would like to keep analyzing some current topics by asking myself some further questions:

  • When did farmers start to accept pesticides, and herbicides to control their crops for the first time?
  • When did the first group of farmers say “it is ok to poison our crops” in order to improve production to the detriment of health?
  • When and why did the first farmer decide that it was right to plant genetically modified seeds, gambling with nature, at his own and ours expenses, regardless of consequences?
  • Is it logical to keep on abiding those regulations?
  • To which extend did the conventional medical wisdom accept garbage science that fabricated results according to which chemotherapy, mammography, CAT scans, vaccines and pharmaceutical products were supposed to aid people’s health?
  • How did the whole medical profession agree to carry out damaging medical interventions?
  • How did they manage to convince millions of well-trained professionals that was the way to progress human health?
  • Why did sheer ignorance become the distinctive mark of medical practice throughout history, and mostly during the last two years and a half?
  • In which way did adding chemicals in water supplies, whether chlorine or fluorite, become extensively approved all over the world without a massive opposition?

Safeguarding of communities from dangerous chemical substances seems to be totally missing in our society.

Today we have more chemicals than ever. And despite the knowledge of them killing us, we keep on adding more toxines every year, and nobody is objecting. We started to criminalise and incarcerate populations because they own plants that have and have had powerful therapeutic properties.

I could go on and on writing about the post-industrial insanities, but the how and the why can be found in historical investigations. Anyway “the end does noy justify the means”.

Many small alterations, brought about in time, create a change on a larger scale. Almost all the worldwide powers have embraced that systematic knowledge and applied it to the gradual decay of human health with one only purpose: a total mass control.


It is about time to start imagining how our 2030 will be. That is how the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Forbes magazine started off on Friday, November 11th 2016 and published a short essay called: ”Welcome to 2030 – I do not own anything, I have no privacy and life has never been better”. Holy smoke, what a great discovery! That affirmation makes me recall an episode of the TV series “Star Trek – Next Generation”, where an interlocutor coming from an evolved planet (evolved as the Earth is evolved nowadays) asked to the very famous Captain Jean Luc Picard:”...Captain, in your civilization I do not see banks, cashier desks or any other payment system, how do you manage to buy things for your needs?” The answer was: ”...In our society each one of us has a precise place to make it work, there is no ownership as such, the system provides everything we need, based on how much we contribute towards it!…”

The readers will come to their own conclusions. Coincidences? Due to my professional deformation, I do not believe in coincidences, especially when Dr. Klaus SCHWAB (founder of WEF) has the habit to dress up as if he were to perform in an episode of that TV series.

Ida Auken, the Danish Environment Minister then, imagined how life could be in 2030, and wrote an article about it: ”…Year 2030 has been chosen for its importance in reaching the Sustainable Developmen Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The SDGs are a collection of 17 interconnected targets which have been adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the illusory purpose to end poverty, protect the planet and circulate peace and prosperity to all people by 2030…

SDG’s actions never live up to the intents they declared.

SDGs were part of a wider resolution known as “Agenda 2030”, with the stated intent to fight against the climate change. Even though SDGs and Agenda 2030 of the UN are often promoted as a tool able to establish healthy multilateral relationships betwen nations, in reality they are based on a deeper agenda which wants to monitor, control and manage the whole of life on the planet.

Although SDGs are six years old, the majority of people learned about of the sentence “You will not own anything and you will be happy” when the WEF announced The Great Reset Agenda in June 2020.

Another coincidence?

During the last two years, so many reaserchers, podacsters and journalists shared their worries with the public trying to prevent such an anti-utopian world described by Ida Auken. If we were to watch what has happened so far, we may say that the efforting of the “System” did have some success.

Ida Auken issued a statement in response to the concerns of people and of the indipendent press, and the WEF withdrew that text from its website.

In the statement, June 2020, Mrs.Auken says: “…Some people have read this blog as a utopia or a future dream of mine. It is not so…It is a scenario that shows where we could be heading to, for better or worse. I wrote that article in order to launch a discussion about the pros and cons of the current technological development. When we are dealing with the future, it is not enough to work with reports only. We should launch further discussions in very many new ways. That is the purpose of the article…”.

it is interesting to notice that Ida Auken is listed as an “Agenda Contributor” for WEF, and she has been the first Danish politician chosen for the “Young Global Leaders” program. Mrs. Auken has also published 3 blogs envisioning the world in 2030.

The readers will understand for sure that part of what Mrs. Auken and WEF describe as innovations for Humanity 2.0 do sound as an effective step forward for the Planets and its inhabitants. After all, would anybody not want an intelligent city or a more “walkable” and more suitable for cycling city?

Who would not appreciate more tracks and more trees?

And what about the suburbs? Are we risking a deportation from the countryside to the big metropolis?

After we overcome code words and promises by WEF and its “front men/women”, or affiliate spokesperson, we recognize that the world in 2030 isa world where technocrats plan any aspect of society. It is a world with no privacy, no personal ownership, with mandatory digital IDs, digitalcurrencies and social credit scores.

Any more coincidences?

In a code word it will be:”…you will own nothing and you will be ‘Happy’”…

Mrs. Auken furher explains those points in her essay in 2016 where she remarks: “…all what you considered a product has become a service”, or “in our city we do not pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we don’t not need it. My living room is used for meetings when I am not there...”

She also underlines how shopping will transform in: ”…choosing things to use, and let the algorythm do it for you because it knows your taste better than you do…”

Finally, Mrs. Auken defines people as: “…those who are not living in our cities, those we lost along the way”, referring to people who gave up Smart Cities and move away from cities in order to build “self-supplying and self-supporting communities…”

What Mrs. Auken did not understand is that millions of people are already choosing to leave the cities and building outside of the digital anti-utopia of 20230. Those who cannot or do not choose to leave the cities are asking themselves what future might bring. Even though the majority of the readers does not agree with WEF, UN and their coalitions – by now all gathered in “guilds[1]” – it cannot deny that those institutions are working day and night to achieve their goals in the Agenda 2030, at any cost.

They are working with hundreds of corporations, with most of the world governments and are spending trillions of dollars to make “The Great Reset” evident and tangible.

Can we get out of that trap? By all means! It is about time for us to imagine how our 2030 will be. If we manage to say no to the “new normality” and “The Great Reset”, we must understand what we are trying to create as well.

It will be “you will own nothing and be happy…”? Or maybe”…you will have health and prosperity and you will be happy to live on this Planet?…”

The answer depends on what each one of us will do as from today in order to change the paradigm they want us to accept, in order to create a new one, fitting each living Being on the Planet.

Future generations rely on us in order to build an alternative vision to the technocratic one.

After all the suffering humanity went through in the last decades because of the globalist elites, people are waking up by the dozen, the majority is unaware, and keep being misled by the mainstream, by the control System of the ruling elite.

Actually, we are confined to live in a fake and limiting paradigm, a global “Truman Show”.

  • How could it ever be possible to create a new paradigm in front of the insurmountable possibilities”?
  • After having seen through the great scam, the “awakened” ones would be able to change the control system?
  • Can we continue to pursue new theories and new practices for a new experience of a human paradigm, which will create a different world for all the living beings and the Planet?

Before answering those questions, I am going to list some of the ways in which the majority of people is understood by the control System of ruling elite in the current fake and limiting paradigm:

1. Fake Science or “H-Science”

During the last thirty years, the pseudo-science is controlling humanity. It is sponsored by corporations and bankers, and it is guided by very dogmatic fake-guru scientists. That pseudo-science is approaching a blind “scientism”, totally enslaved by the System.

If we tried to tell some followers of the “Church of Scientism” that the so called gurus are fake and wrong, they might look at us as though we have 3 heads and 6 arms. It does not matter whether we are experts or good at communicating the “True Science”.

2. Fake political parties

The awakened ones sense, or know, that regardless who is in power, all the main leaders of political parties are puppets in the hands of string pullers (the elite in power). Therefore, the elite in power takes its main decisions aside from parties and their leaders. In Italy we are bitterly experiencing it since 1992. The masses are distracted from their awakening since they are controlled and manipulated by the use of finetuned techniques, so that they are directed as if they were herds.

3. Fake wars

The majority of people is still falling in love with the fake tales around wars. Those tales are spread by psyops, “false flags” or “divide and rule” strategies. The warmongers, supported and promoted by the mainstream media (true fake news) threaten the existence of each man, woman and child, as well as all the life forms existing on the planet with the possibility of a nuclear war. As part of the scam, the power elite offers its own programs as “beneficial”, while they are actually damaging and enslaving. Bigger the difference between something perceived as “beneficial”, even though opposite to reality, and easier will be for the elite to carry on with their own schedule. Agenda 2030 is a typical example.

4. Performing “confusion”

One of the tricks used in order to bury information and to keep carrying on with fake and hidden agendas, is to induce the masses in an ongoing state of confusion or “numb” neutrality.

For example, Big Pharma has deceived and confused the masses through misinforming and concealing scientific proofs.

The Creation of a New Paradigm

One of the main replies to the mass control system is “cutting off”.

Here some examples.

Avoid to give your support to those puppet politicians who are dazed by power, dishonest and self-centered. The whole of the Western government is a myth because it has been designed to give the illusion of choice and change. We truly need to expose the puppeteers not quite the puppet-politicians.

We must display their cruel and criminal activities..

Let us disconnect from the wireless technology, more and more dangerous for our health, and from “The Internet of Things”. Let us stop the compulsory use of the “intelligent” technology, because it wastes us and makes us even more stupid.

Let us find alternative ways to bypass the System.

Let us boycott the mega-corporations. Let us support the small enterprises…

Let us reconnect with our inner Essence

Human beings have now reached an unprecedented level of self-importance. We are losing our minds in narcissism, in materialistic greed and in consumerism. While the rich ones become even richer.

It has been reported that 5 people on our Planet own the same wealth as half of the world population. About 90% of the world population lives in poverty. And the mega-corporations become richer and richer.

Let us take Jeff Bezos and Amazon as examples…

We have been pushed to the limits. A change must necessarily happen. The status quo has to come to an end since it keeps on being a dyscrasia which is larger than our ongoing awakening. Besides efforting in disconnetting from the control system of the ruling elite, in order not to be manipulated we should change our way of living. We should reconnect with our true self and with what is surrounding us.

The inner reconnection means changing our inner world so that the changes will be evident in our outer world as well. We need to safeguard truth, honesty, integrity, kindness, care and compassion in order to preside over our new experience of paradigm. So many people collapse in dissatisfaction, frustration and slavery. The day we will good again with ourselves it will be very easy to move from being victims to being victors.

The inner reconnection means changing our inner world so that the changes will be evident in our outer world as well.

It will be a huge effort, but we need an open mentality and an open heart, because we need to build the necessary multiple layers for a radical change so that the new paradigm will be so solid to bring an everlasting peace..

Let us get together to create a New Paradigm

From what I extrapolated during these years of researches, what clearly comes to light is that a lunatic global elite has launched the final stage of a planned long ago agenda, that is killing a significant part of the human population and enslaving the survivors…

International organizations, like UN and WHO, politicians, medical personnel, “controlled” governments, national and international media are playing a very important role in actualizing that program.

If we want to create another finale we must group brave, honest, loyal and incorruptible people together, and to strategically operate to undermine the global elites. We can free ourselves from their attempt to force an even more burdensome domination.

While each one of us meditates upon his/her own involvement in the creation of a New Paradigm, we must keep in our hearts and minds this: if, in this historical moment, we do not fight to protect our human nature, no other human being will have the opportunity to do so in the future.

It is about “now or never for all of us”. This is the final call, and as I will explain in the following lines, we will not be left alone.

An allegory from the past

As I disclosed earlier on that I would have looked for some phylosopical “food for thought” to convey the meaning of the times we are undergoing.

The most suitable paragraph is in “Republic” (in ancient ncha Πολιτεία, Politéia), a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 B.C., about the definition of justice and the order and character of the right city-state and the right man.

It is the most well-known work by Plato. It proved to be the most intellectually and historically influential philosophical work.

Socrates, together with some Athenians and some foreigners debate about the meaning of justice and evaluate whether the right man is happier than the unjust man, taking in consideration different cities coming to light “with the word”, culminating in one city (Kallipolis) which is ruled by philosopher-kings; and they examine the nature of the existing regimes.

The participants discuss also about:

  • the theory of forms
  • the immortality of the soul
  • the roles of philosophers and poetry in society.

In “Republic” Plato describes four kinds of government:

  • monarchy
  • oligarchy
  • tyranny
  • democracy

Let us imagine to bring about the allegory of the cave to our times – that allegory is a discussion around human mentality and the political body, our way of thinking and our being.

There are four kinds of people inside the cave, even though in no section of the text the characters are openly counted.

In the cave there are kidnappers and prisoners.

The prisoners are monitored and they know nothing but the cave, actually just one wall. The kidnappers use fire to cast shadows on the wall to fascinate and distract the prisoners with a made-up reality.

Some of the prisoners are chained and some others are not.

The chained ones are kept in such a position from where they can see only straight ahead and are sure of the truthfulness and importance of the shadows.

The free ones are pierced by the imaged and sure of the authenticity and importance of the shadows, that’s why they do not need chains. They are held back by the shadows, like elephants on a rope.

Both prisoners do not show an interest in their real existing as prisoners in the cave.

They are not conscious, they have no self-awareness, and no awareness of the surroundings or the kidnappers. They are only aware and worried about the shadows.

There is a fourth character: the free prisoner.

The free prisoner, after having spent his/her life in the cave, finds him/herself outside the cave. At first he/she is blinded by the light of the sun and then he/she starts to see.

At the beginning he/she only sees the shadows, because this is what he/she has been accustomed to see, and then he/she starts to see the reflections, then the objects casting the shadows and at last the totality of the surroundings, him/herself, the others and the stars and the sun.

The free prisoner comes to known the light of the sun, and becomes aware that everything relies on it.

He/she learns the basic principles of “reality”: the sun is the true light, not the fire of the kidnappers. The free prisoner finds out the simple conditions of reality, and becomes aware of what the shadows of the kidnappers did symbolize. He/she becomes nchainedess itself, and understand his/her own place in the world.

He/she nchaine to have been deceived like everybody else in the cave. After having been freed, the free prisoner goes back to the cave and tries to inform the prisoners about their situation, and to make them free.

The chained and nchained prisoners disregard the free prisoner because he/she is not able to see in the dark cave anymore, since his/her eyes got accustomed to daylight. At the end, they decide to get rid of him/her, they consider him/her crazy, guilty for having revealed their captivity and having subverted the status quo.

That allegory reflects the way in which the control institutions work. One of the most important layers of the Allegory of the Cave is the personal layer inside the cave: the caves people build around themselves. The shadows are false proofs which appear as real fear.

The majority of people reproduces shadows within itself to keep the status quo on, in order not to leave the comfort zone and not to face reality as it is.

The free prisoner, the just rebel, is powerful in the world and can guide us out of our personal caves towards enlightment. Shadows are symbols of consensus, constantly programmed and reinforced by the mainstream media, and the majority of people believe them as real.

When we follow our intuition, we end up behaving in ways impossible to understand by the conditioned and imprisoned minds.

They have to “rationalize” your words and your behaviour, they say you are “crazy”, “dangerous” or “delirious”, and they might behave towards you in a compliant way.

You are simply different; you see reality from another point of view. Follow your heart, because it is Consciousness talking: the Silent Voice, your Inner Self.

Follow your heart and the adventure will begin…

Lao Tsu’s Sayings are more relevant than ever before

The lesson we started to learn since 2020 keep being imparted.

Every is been challenged. What has been hidden in the shadow is now being illuminated by truth. The current totally unstainable system is falling down under the weight of its own arrogance.

It is time to rethink about everything. One of the sensations I have is that we moved so far away from the nature of life and we grew up divided, fragmented and dangerously out of balance.

We lost our capacity di sense life in its wholeness and sacredness. And we live in a sick, concealed, dark and confused world with social distancing and self-segregation. Humans are not so mysterious after all.

We are creatures of habit; we are predictable and we love to follow dropped-from-above programs.

I came across a passage from Hua Hu Ching[2] by Lao Tzu by accident, where the venerable Lao Tzu seems to be speaking to us in this time of great crisis.

During a discourse with a student, Lao Tzu explains how the human mind of the future will deteriorate to fragmentation, and the intellectual element of the mind will prevail.

“…Gentle Prince, there is great power in an integrated and sincere mind…

…By keeping their minds whole and untouched, the ancient wisemen develop deep mental and spiritual competences. They understood that the intellectual development alone splits the mind and can take a person away from the very nature of life.

…In the future, humanity will excessively enphatise th eintellectual element of the mind. Instead of ackowledgeing the wholeness of life, people will perceive life as split in two aspects: the wordly one and the spiritual one. People will loose themselves in disconnected and fragmented conceptual information. They will become victims, and not masters, of their own knowledge…

Lao Tsu keeps on commenting that “people of the future” will be able to amend the situation, even though they will become addicted to modern ideas by avoiding the holistic knowledge which could be greatly good.

And he offers the following intuition.

“…The remedy for the people of the future lies in the old awareness about a whole lifestyle which has been handed out from one generation to another. The holistic lifestyle, practiced by the ancient wisemen, did blend body, mind and spirit together, in all life activities.

Their clothes, their diet and their homes were in accordance with nature.

They relied on their limbs for transportation.

Their education was wide and whole; it did not underline a part of their being while neglecting other ones.

They were not looking for special recreational activities; their work and their recreation were the same thing.

They “workouts” developed body, mind and spirit through balancing inner energies.

Their music functioned as a bridge between mind and spirit, it was not an emotional release only.

Their leaders were chosen because they were exceptional models of virtue, not because of their financial or military skills. Philosophy, science and spiritual practice were a whole…”

Life is a whole. We will not live forever, we will die in horrible, tragic, scary and lonely ways…

Yet we still live and our interrupted connection with the nature of life is literally cutting us out from experiencing life.

In such a state, we cannot see anything but the end. We are not able to consider life as a journey anymore.

The intellectual mind categorized life as something that has to be protected by killing it.

In the passage from “Hua Hu Ching”, the student asks Lao Tzu the question which is in our minds today:

“Venerable Master, how can people of the future face their very troubled times?”

“Gentle prince, those people of the future should not blindly accept either the new or the old. Things which have been developed long time ago can still have a great value, if they proved safe and effective in time.

The new set of events seem to be a shortcut, but things of temporal benefit might bring hidden problems later on.

The future generations will have to evaluate all the old and new discoveries and ideas to make sure they are useful and healthy according to the standards of a holistic lifestyle…”

Those passages could be considered an invitation to reconsider the ways in which technology and centralized control systems are influencing our lives.

Things that seem to be good ideas always end up to be used to enslave or control us.

Everything is coming to us at light speed. The more the outer world is becoming complex the more the inner world becomes confused, disconnected and smoky.

A Reference for a Next Future

Corey Good, an American man I made contact with in the last years (who asserted with evidence in hand to have been part of Secret Special Projects in US, as an “Empathic-Intuitive” and appointed to the “Twenty and Back” Project of the US Air Force – a sort of time travel of twenty years and back) has provided me some information about the “Change of Paradigm” we could have put to use if we truely wanted to change our course of evolution.

His credentials have been always confirmed by insiders of some governmental apparatus who, through the “Esopolitics” program came forward and issued some statements.

Corey is a prominent figure in the context of the interplay between human intelligence apparatus and highly evolved species in our Solar System, and from other dimensions too. His peculiarity is having given very precise and accurate information on what would have happened to our Planet on a geopolitical, strategic and economical level. At first, he did so in incognito, and later, after Trump’s election, in a manifested way. I will not examine in depth Corey’s curriculum herein, I shall leave it for another article dedicated to SSP (Space Secret Program, but I am going to share some extracts from the information he revealed in a conference, 2017, USA.

He stated: “…As Wilcock (David Wilcock, an American researcher who is currently completing an in-depth study about the events in which Corey Goode has been involved) revealed in “The Ascension Mysteries[3], one of his authorized personnel worked with MIC SSP and has been carefully trained in their opinions, and we will explain it here…

…People in MIC SSP (Military Industrial Complex – Space Secret Programs), are very aware that an energetical change is happening in our solar system. They expect a massive release from the sun in the near future. The movie “2001” had the purpose to open the way for the final disclosure of MIC program.

If the mainstream media had managed to make such a bulk of data known, MIC SSP would have been revealed long time ago.

…2001 and 2010 have installed all the key information…

…If you try to explain to MIC SSP that a space and more advanced program is taking place around would be like “to swear like a trooper” in front of devoted followers…”, and “…FBI is silently inquiring on those disgraceful crimes since decades. David’s authorized personnel confirmed….

FBI investigators brought proofs to many prosecutor generals, just to ask for the closing of the inquiries. FBI realized that many great changes had to happen before an authorization to bring those people to justice…

…the more FBI was inquiring the more important and powerful names were appearing. It seems that sex-slave and pedophile networks have been associated to almost one third of those working for governmental organizations in US and EU. It was clear that any attempt made in their prosecution would have been blocked.

…That’s why the Confederation ( a fringe of the secret military apparatus) favours Trump…It seems to be one of the main reasons for which the majority of FBI was behind Trump in during the electoral campaign…

FBI knew that the Confederation was supporting Trump…

FBI believed that with Trump election it would have been possible to bring all the proofs to some prosecutor generals who would have gone after it…

It was such a controversial process causing much anxierty among both the political parties…

Since I made myself known to the public, some of FBI, DHS and FEMA sources of mine stopped their contact with me, due to the repression by Obama administration…

The day before the election, all three of these people reached out to me and told me Trump was going to win… They then started sharing a lot of inside information about the above investigation with me…”.

I would like to quote on eof the most important statements made by the lamented contactee Dolores Cannon, during one of her last TV interviews:

We are right in the middle…people are expecting something great and dramatic to happen…It will happen this way…It will not happen “Boom”…you will know it: here we are. It is a gradual process started in 2003, and it keeps accelerating…If you look well, you cab see that changes are happening for real…They are very subtle, and it is difficult to recognize them…Everybody was expecting the world to end on December 21st 2012, but if you had been alert, then is when everything started to truly accelerate…!!”

At the end of this long article, while hoping not to have tired you but to have “awakened” you even more, I am leaving you with the certainty that “here and now” is right now. At the right time we will all be able to recognize each other even though we never met before. And only through joining forces and freeing ourselves from all the chains, which imprisoned us in our own caves, all the shadows will vanish at once. And we will win and manage to create a new “Golden Age” for ourselves and the whole planet. We will not be left alone…

Buena Vida…



[1] Type of medieval association which, arising in England in the sec. 9th with the aim of mutual defense, religious assistance and revenge, it later developed in a mercantile and artisan sense, acquiring the economic function of medieval corporations in France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands, and becoming, in the century. 13th, regulatory element in work, professional and commercial relationships: the g. blacksmiths, painters; the g. of St. Luke of Antwerp; by now it is in the cities that guilds and guilds made up of seculars who work for the universities arise.

[2] The Huahujing (traditional Chinese 化胡經, simplified 化胡经, pinyin Huàhújīng, Wade-Giles Hua Hu Ching, literally Classic on the Conversion of Barbarians) is a Taoist book. Traditionally attributed to Laozi, many scholars believe it to be apocryphal because no written trace is found until the 4th century AD. – from

[3] Wilcock David – The Ascension Mysteries, David Wilcock unlocked the mysteries mankind have always struggled to answer: who are we, how did we get here and where are we going? – 2017-02-01