Living Thinking is an immense creative power dormant in every human being.
The aware act of Thinking is Living Thinking, it is the “being” connected to Reality, since active thinking creates and modifies the energy that animates the forms of matter.
The world that we experience at this moment as humanity is given by mass passive thinking, an automatic and associative thinking that generates the average of collective beliefs accepted and endorsed, with few exceptions, by everyone.
Initiated to Living Thinking, or active thinking, the awakened man transforms not only his own beliefs, but also the world in which he experiences himself as individualized Consxiousness.
When awareness is vivified by the Light of Love (union of Mind and Heart) Living Thinking is active, and what you believe in and intimately love sooner or later comes true, for better or for worse.
The Mystical Way suggests that the consxious exploration of “Reality” is the irresistible key to access the Oneness of Life.
Life is Living Thinking.
He who knows himself knows his Lord
Sufi Maxim