Introduction to second part
Let us remind that the topics of our articles do not represent the absolute truth of this specific reasearch. Every now and then we will confront ourselves with new data and we will update our previous thoughts in the matter. We are simply saying “let’s pretend that…”(my friend Mauro Biglino loves that). Let’s evaluate data, search for information, formulate hypothesis. Some hypothesis become certainties because they are supported by evident and difficult-to-question proofs. We know quite well though that, in spite of tangible and verifiable proofs, many scientists and many researchers have been ridiculed and threatened. We do not compare ouselves to them and to their fame and prominence. So, with Our infinite modesty, we are offering the fruit of Our researches, based on the assumption that many civilizations of the past, and their cultures as well, have fallen in a historical-cultural oblivion because they were “disturbing” for the realization of some political and private profits. I am not saying anything new, am I? Expecially if we “keep a close eye” on what is happening right these days!
In part one, we ended by quoting a CIA “decassified” document. On August 9th 1944 the Central Committe of the Communist Party, sitting in Moscow, issued a directive ordering the party’s Tartar Provincial Committee “to proceed to a scientific revision of the history of Tartaria, to liquidate serious shortcomings and dmistakes of a natonalistic character committed by individual writers and historians in dealing with Tartar history”. So, Tartar history had to be re-written, falsified in order to remove all connections with the Russian aggressions and to hide facts about Tartar-Russian relations.
So, according to the CIA document, the Russian Communist Party did so that in each Muslim area inside the Soviet territory the historyans re-wrote the history of native land in which the Russians would appear always in a good light.
I can imagine CIA was, and is, very specialized in PSYOPS operations, tending to minimize and ridicule the rival. And it is not my business to hint how much stories, that were presenting facts in a sincere way, had been revisited or destroyed all over the world so that current and future generations could not have the possibility to find out about their past, and could not create a shared sense of belonging (the recent happenings in Afghanistan could make us think about that).
So, the Russian Communist Party did so that in each Muslim area inside the Soviet territory the historyans re-wrote the history of native land in which the Russians would appear always in a good light.
And when some scholar, mostly indipendent, manages to lift that smoky “curtain” wrapping up those data is scorned and ostracized by some experts and journalists on the pay roll of the status quo which rewrote and changed historical facts.
A deepening of these two articles would deserve at least one full book because the data we collected so far are quite a lot. I wish the readers will understand that we reserve the right to illustrate the topics at their best in a series of books.
More about the geographical location of Great Tartaria
Let us go back to the location of Great Tartaria, to its citizens, and, most of all, to its historical oblivion.
There are quite some historical and bibliographic references about Tartaria, as reported in the Encyclopaedia Britannica First Edition (1771):
“TARTARIA, a vast country in the Norhern parts of Asia, delimited from north to west by Siberia: this country is called the Great Tartaria. Tartars south of Moscovy and Siberia are from Astrakan, Circassia and Dagistan, north-east of the Caspian sea; Tartars from Usbec, north of Persia and India, and finally Tartars from Tibet, north-west of China.” [1]
Now, as my friend Mauro Biglino would say, “let us continue to pretend that…”
Many readers would have heard about Scythia: “SCHYTHIA, the Northern parts of Europe and Asia were formelly called by that name, and later got the name of Tartaria...”
The French philospher, historian and Jesuit theologian Denis Pètau (1583-16529), better known as Dionysius Petavius – or “Petavio” in Italian (disciple of Giuseppe Scaligero or Scaliger [2], who revolutionised and subverted the whole ancient history), lived in France between the late fourteenth and mid-fifteenth, declares:
“TARTARIA, (known by the name of Scythia, after their first king Scythus, and which at first was called Magogins, after Magog, son of Japheth, of whom its inhabitants were the continuation) is called Mongul by the inhabitants: but Tartaria, from the River Tartar, which flows through a large part of it. It is a great empire, (ceding to no other in breadths of countries, but to the King of dominions of Spain, which he also surpasses, as all are united by some bond: while the other is very disjointed), extending 5,400 miles from east to west and 3,600 from north to south; whereupon the great Cham or Emperore hence, has many great kingdoms and provinces under him, containing a great number of good cities.” [3]
What was actually Scythia?
Scythia was situated in a far away past by someone who, putting together mankind’s chronology for political and/or religious purposes, wanted to give a different meaning to human history. Unfortunately, some documents in XIXth century point put that such civilization existed in a quite recent time ( Anatolij Fomenko, “New Chronology” [4]). Another historical fact is that Byzantines used the name Schythies (Schiites, Deacon Leo certainly called them like that [5]) meaning Russians.
Since Schiites are often overlapping with Tartars, who were they really?
As far as the Magogins (the old denomination of Mongolian people) we do not have many historical news, yet they left their name behind them, a name that now is tainted in “Mangol” [6].
The name Mogog still exists in Mogli, Mongul and Mongolian [7].
According to the Roman-Jewish historian Giuseppe Flavio, the majority of the Christian Fathers, Magog was the founder and the father of Schiites, of Tartars and Moghies, and consequently Siberians and north-eastern tribes.
So, Magogins became Shiites, then Scythia became Tartaria, and Mongolians (or Mungalis Mangols, Mogols, Magoghins, Magoglies, Munguglies) were the citizens of Tartaria and children of Magog.
At the end the Magogins were known as Mongolians.
The hypotesis of Mongolians coming from China was created during XVIIIth century, and the word “Mongolian” had a new meaning: the Mongoloid race.
If we think at the origins of the name “Tartaria” what come to our minds is the Greek word “Tartarus” [8], even though the etymological researches did not produce any final response.
The whole community of historical researchers (Tom Bosco and myself are not the only ones interested in the research…I take this opportunity to thank them all!) is trying to find high levels of technology in Tartaria. Unfortunately while looking in books in order to deepen some specific topics, we come upon contents that tell about barbarian ordes wandering around those areas, living in tents. Such descriptions do not coincide with the ones provided by people like Marco Polo.
The whole community of historical researchers is trying to find high levels of technology in Tartaria. Unfortunately while looking in books in order to deepen some specific topics, we come upon contents that tell about barbarian ordes wandering around those areas, living in tents.
The narrative concerning Scythia is very ambigous and twisted, and reading it requires a gigantic effort. Scythia was a region of Central Eurasia in the ancient times, occupied by Eastern Iranian Schiites, including Central Asia and some parts of Eastern Europe, east of the Vistola river. The ancient Greeks called Scythia ( or the Great Schytia) all the territories in the North-Eastern Europe and the Northern coastline of the Black Sea. During the Iron Age that region witnessed the flourishing of Shiites cultures.
- The Schiites – the Greek name for this nomadic population – lived in Scythia from 900 B.C. til 200 A.C. They were controlling vast territories, all the way to Siberia. Some sources say that the Schiites were very energetic yet peaceful people;
- In 300 A.C. Sarmatians and Schiites were dominated by the Alans and overpowered by the Goths. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Schiites and Sarmatians were assimilated and absorbed by the Slavs;
- The name Schiites survived in Schythia [9]. Some authors kept using the name “Scythian” [10] also for other ethnic groups like Huns, Goths, Turks, Avars and Kazachs, and other nameless nomadic people.
The “Scythian” Gold
If we were to evaluate the degree of civilzation and culture reached by the Schiites, we could do that through the finely chiselled golden jewels, called the”Scythian Gold”. The detail of this necklace illustratres a scene from “Jason and the Golden Fleece” finely created with a technology unimaginable for that period, about 2,500 years ago! It is absurd to think that that an “illiterate” population could have produced such exquisite artefacts.
The pertinent question to ask would be: “What means or technologies did a people considered ‘illiterate’ have to produce these marvels 500 years before Christ?”
Oddly enough, on this artefacts there are two gryphons attacking a horse, and on the third picture a seated gryphon… seems there are quite some similarities between Scythia and the great Tartaria.

Maps of Scythia, respectively “1535 Asiae Tabula VII Margiana”, and “1584 Asiae Tabula VII Continet”.
Kings and Queens of Scythia
The “Encyclopaedia of Universal History” [11] was printed in 1779, the Schiites were defined as “uncivilized” and “illiterate”.
It is curious to notice the incongruities between “An Universal History” and Wikipedia when the kings of Scythia are listed.
Also the 1779 list of the “Kings of Scythia” is incomplete: in the three aristocratic crests of the kings and queens of Scythia, you can find only Queen Thomyris (I thank Dallas Korban for that indication).
The consultation of the “Grand Armorial”, (books containing the description of all the noble coats of arms) edited between 1581 and 1628 by Hièrosme de Bara, brought to light that the coats of arms belonging to the Kings and
Queens of Scythia are the same. It seems also that Scythia has been ruled mostly by Amazon Queens [12], who managed to beat the biggest and most organized armies of the past history.
The story of Queen Thomrys
In this article I would love to quote the story of Queen Thomrys – she actually refused to marry Cyrus the Great, the legendary founder of the Persian Empire. Herodotus tells about Cyrus attacking a far away land ruled by Queen Thomrys. Cyrus sacrified a part of his army in order to trap the enemy, leaving it behind to “frolick” in a huge feast. Thomrys’ troops, led by her son Spargapises, attacked Cyrus’ bite-army, and then stopped to use the leftovers. At that point, Cyrus ambushed them and arrested the Queen’s son. Even though Cyrus released him later, Spargapises commited suicide.
In revenge, Thomrys led her troops against Cyrus. After having defeated Cyrus’ army, she looked for his corpse in the battlefield and she avenged herself by immersing his dead body in blood, giving back her “ blood filling” as promised. Impressive gestures and elaborated custumes were used in tapestry design. The figures are masterfully placed in a landscape that acts as setting for other parts of the story. In this tapestry (1535-1550), Queen Thomrys, or Tomiri, refuses Cyrus’ wedding proposal, while her troops are moving forward in the background.
Even though, in XIVth century artists reproduced scenes from the past placing them in the present, I cannot help but noticing in this tapestry a Schiitian city in the distance. In conclusion, if those are vestiges of Schythia, we could definetly study “Tartarian Architecture”.
A supporto della presenza della Scythia nelle terre in cui geograficamente sorgeva anche la Grande Tartaria, abbiamo libri del XVI e XII secolo che descrivono e parlano di Sciti[13]. Sembra però che nemmeno gli autori ne sapessero molto. Magari erano vicini a scoprire la verità più di quanto non lo siamo attualmente noi, ma non ancora abbastanza.
Tra l’altro, in questo libro del “Petavio” che, ribadisco, fu il prosecutore e sostenitore più acceso di Josephus Scaligerus, ovvero di colui che tra Medioevo e Rinascimento modificò la cronologia storica del passato, egli stranamente conferma la variazione nel 1162 del nome Scythia in quello di Tartaria.[14]
The “Cosmography” by Sebastain Munster, 1544, is the first German description of the world. It had many editions in different languages (Latin, French (by Francois de Belleforest), Italian, English and Czech. The last German edition was published in 1628 and it has been one of the most successful books in those times (24 editions in 100 years). Its popularity is due to its fascinating xilographies by Hans Holbein the Young, Urs Graf, Hans Rudolph Manuel Deutsch and David Kandel.
It is quite interesting to see the location assigned to the legendary Hyperborea: the bight of Volga river, the contemporary Russia.
In “Remarks on Dr. Henderson’s Appeal to the Bible Society on the subject of the Turkish Version of the New Testament”, Paris 1819, is said that Scythia was replaced by Tartaria… [15]
Concluding, who were the Schiites? Wikpedia says they were a group of illiterate barbarians: “…the Schiites were Euroasian nomads, using Esatern Iranian languages- they have ben mentioned by the educated neighbouring
populations …”
The Legacy of a Mistaken Iconography
Today we coexist with some stereotypes tied to appereances.
It seems that Tartaria was multi-religious and multi-racial. One of the reasons why such a huge disparity has been created in considering the Tarta-Mongolian civilization and culture resides in the way in which the contemporary artists portrayed leaders as Gengis Khan, Batu Khan, Timur, and how their appearance is portayed nowadays.
Let us give a look at some ancient pictures and monuments on how Mongolians and Tartars did really look.
Here a well preserved Chinese drawing of Gengis Khan (XIIIth-XIVth century).
Let us compare it with the European picture of the same subject below here.
By the way, XIXth century documents refers to Gengis ( or Gengiskan, Genghizcan, Ginghis, Cingis, Cinchius, Chingiz, Cangius, Changius, Jenghiz, Zingis) as Kahn or Emperor of Tartaria. Actually he is mentioned as the founder of Tartaria, The term “Mongolian Empire” was forced as the only term after the end of XVIIIth century.
Here Gengis Khan and his spouse are portayed. It is useless to describe the splendour of their clothing and the obvious Caucasian origin of the Queen.
Timur (or the Gran Tamerlan) follows, in the way in which he was portayed by artists of the time. He does not look like a barbarian or a caveman.
Usually the iconography of a Tartar ( or Tartar/Mongolian) sees that civilization as barbaric, genocidal, raping, made of bandits, ravagers.
Let us take what Marco Polo describes in regards to that civilization in his travel journey “Il Milione”: “…And if I say to you that among all the Lords of the world do not own as many riches as the Great Khan alone…” [16] and more:”…And I will tell what the script included; it is all true because I, Marco, saw it with my own eyes. The city of Quinsai is 100miles in perimeter, and there are 12,000 bridges made of stone; and underneath most of the arches a big boat could pass…the city is all in water and sorrounded by water, but there are so many bridges to go everywhere.
The city has 12 arts and crafts, and each art has 12,000 stations, that is 12,000 homes; and in each home there are 10, 15 men, and also 30 and 40, some masters and some disciples...” [17]
After that, can we still consider the Tartar-Mongolians as gangs of bandits, ravagers, who used to live in tent made with animal skin? I doubt it.
In this part 2 of my article I did not include further results, expecilly those regarding the “Mud Floods”, or the battles of the recent past fought on the territories of Great Tartaria. And i did not quote some revealing discoveries
which may seem unbelievable, coming from old documents, historical maps, or the descriptions made by the elders about the history of the places where those ethnic groups lived. And many of those pseudo-researchers, aligned with the status quo cannot even dream to report…
The Russian History was Rewritten by German Hands
At the end the following questions do spontaneously arise:
- what di happen to Tartaria?
- who did turn Tartar Emperors into Asian ones
Always pretending to…we verified that Tartaria was a vast empire ruled by a great Khan or Emperor, who had many big realms and provinces under his administration.
According to data deriving from our researches, before the Romanov dinasty came to power in Russia (or Muscovite Tartaria), Russia was a kind of province of Tartaria, inhabited by the descendants of Meshech’s ( or
Mosoch’s), son of Japhet’s.
In any case, the Romanov dinasty, supported by Europe, came to power through a coup d’etat in Russia. Since they illigally came to power, in order to have some credibility they needed to rewrite Russian history. And they did so.
They invited German scholars such as Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer, Gerard Friedrich Muller and August Ludwig Schlozer to perform that task. And this is the way in which the fake Mongolian Empire was born.
Tartaria kept cohexisting together with the Romanov Russia for some time, even though I cannot estimate for how long.
…the Romanov dinasty, supported by Europe, came to power through a coup d’etat in Russia. Since they illigally came to power, in order to have some credibility they needed to rewrite Russian history. And they did so.
It is still not clear to me how Tartaria ceased to exist, despite many eyeopening suggestions I received from very valid reasearchers, both from Eastern and Western Europe.
Yet I can take as an example the work of many academics, such as Nicolai Levashov, according to whom Tartaria was assimilated by Russia during the great war, known as Pugachov Rebellion (1773-1775).
Other sources declare that some cataclysmic events, deliberatly caused ( maybe a water or a mud flood, or something similar to a nuclear war) swep away quite an advanced society. The Great Tartaria was undermined and then absorbed by Russia.
Some data about the Great Tartaria have been preserved in the Spanish Encyclopaedia – six volumes – “Diccionario Geografico Universal”, published in 1795.
In the Spanish Encyclopaedia “Enciclopedia Universal Llustrada Europeo-Americana”, 1928, there is a quite extensive article about Tartaria, fourteen pages, from page 790 onwards: “ Tartaria – for centuries this name has
been given to the whole interior Asia, inhabited by Tartar-Mongolian ordes….Tartaria extended form the Tartaria Channel (dividing the island of Sakhalin from the Asian Continent) to the mountain chain Tartaria (known
also as Sikhota Alin – coastal mountain chain), separating the Japanese Sea, the Tartaria Channel from the modern Tartarian Republic ( from the river Volga and its tributary Kama in Russia), bordering with Mongolia and Turkestan. Tartars, rude, enduring and sober nomads, lived on the terriotires ogf this vast country. In ancient times they were called Shiites (escitas)”.
I want now to report an excerpt from the book “Russia seu Moscovita, itemque Tartari, commentario topographico atque politico illustratae” by Bonaventura and Abraham Elsevier (XVIIth century). [18]
Here a rough translation:
“Gran Cam, Emperor of Tartaria. A powerful and tough king, very wealthy, who sold a part of China to someone (?).
The Tartarian Nation comes from a country called the Great Scythia, which once owned a third of Asia and many lands in Europe, Sarmatia, Serr (serika-silk), Katay, Chagatai (now Uzbekistan).
The size of the army cannot be counted. I myself saw 360,000 troopers and about 200,000 infantry soldiers in Flounder alone. In Kambal, which is the capital of the Prde, there are gold and silver mines, and precious gems
as well.”
Note the cote of arms of the Emperor at the center of the representation, depicted by an owl.
Many of the ancient texts I have consulted state that Moghui are Tartars, previously called SKIF (T) AMI.
There will be a third part about the Saga of the Great Tartaria. I invite you to read it.
- The Encyclopædia Britannica First Edition – London 1771
- Joseph Justus Scaliger, italianized in Giuseppe Giusto Scaligero (Agen, August 5, 1540 – Leiden, January 21, 1609), was a French historian, writer and humanist of Italian origin, inventor of the Julian day (from Wikipedia)
- 77 – The History of_the World or an Account of Time – compiled by the Learned Dionisius Petavius – London 1659
- History: Fiction or Science 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 of Anatoly T.Fomenko, Gleb V.Nosovskiy – Delamere Publishing (Paris, London, New York).
- Leo, known as Leo the Deacon (Greek: Λέων ὀ Διάκονος Latin: Leo Diaconus; Kaloe, c. 950 – 10th century), was a Byzantine historian, author of a major history of the Byzantine Empire from 959 to 976.
- 198 – 199 – A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World. Viz. Asia, 13 Africa, 24, Europe 35, America, 46 – London 1675.
- 5 – A popular history of Priestcraft in all Ages and Nations – William Howitt – Seventh Edition – London 1746.
- 370 – Universal History Vol. IV – London 1779
- The reader is reminded that during the Trojan War, the Amazons were Priam’s staunchest allies against the Achaeans o Ahhiyawa – Huxley, p. 22; Güterbock, pp. 133-138; Mellink, pp. 138-141
- The Antiquities and History of Ireland – pag.2 – Sir James Ware – Dublin 1705
- The History of the World; Or, an Account of Time – Volume 1 pag. 72 – Denis PETAU
- Remarks on Dr. Henderson’s appeal to the Bible Society, on the subject of the Turkish version of the New Testament printed in Paris 1819 – Samuel LEE (D.D., Canon of Bristol.) 1824 – pag. 131
- Il Milione, Cap.LXXXI
- Polo – Il milione pag. 112 – Edition edited by Valeria Bertolucci Pizzorusso – Ed. Adelphi Milan 1975
- Russia seu Moscovia, itemque Tartaria, commentario topographico atque politico illustratæ – Leida, stamperia Ex Officina Elzeviriana 1625-1649