Published in 2021, Edizioni Verdechiaro, “REGINA – October 2nd cannot be Forgotten”, is a masterpiece of the Mexican literature and a masterwork by Maestro Antonio Velasco Piña(who left his body in December 2020, age 85). Unfortunately he did not manage to see his most famous book published in Italy…
It was March 2012, the prophetic year of the End of the Cicle, preconized by the Mayan people – maladroitly falsified, and cheaply sold, by some TV misinformation experts, as The End of the World – when, during a dinner at the historical restaurant Sanborn de los Azulejos in Mexico City, Alberto Ruz Buenfil , for the first time, appointed me as the licenciado Don Antonio. While sipping his cocktail he said: “ From my point of wiew the masters are two: José Argüelles and Don Antonio Velasco Pina”.

Fig: 1: Antonio Giacchetti, Alberto Ruz Buenfil and Thomas Torelli
Since the first of the two was my master too, who left the body the previous year, Coyote Alberto’s statement touched me, and I asked him to shed some light on this other master of his. He said he was the author of “REGINA – October 2nd cannot be Forgotten”,while being quite astounded by my ignorance. The day after I went on search for this book and his author and, after having uselessly gone into three bookshops, I finally did find it.
The place where I did come to know about this book and his writer is not any restaurant: the building is colonial style, located in the historical center of the Mexican Capital, whose facades are all covered by exquisit mosaics in fine ceramic, in several shades of light blue.

Fig: 2: Casa de los Azulejos, ca. 1737, Mexico City; source: Wikicommons.
At the beginning of the century the Casa de los Azulejos was transformed into a restaurant, the first one of famous Sanborns chain.
The interiors are decorated with murales created by artists like Josè Clemente Orozoco who, together with Diego Rivera, is considered the Prince of Mexican Muralistas.

Fig: 3: Omnisciencia, 1925, detail of José Clemente Orozco’s Mural in the Casa de los Azulejos; source: Wikicommons.
Even though “the quality of food has never been excellent”( Velasco Pina), its atmosphere is charming: upon arrival you are welcomed by a spruced-up-with-slicky-hair receptionist. While waiting for your table you can also admire a picture that portaits Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa, both with cartidge belts on their shoulders, seated at some table in the restaurant, while sipping some tea. It was 1914, the revolutionary troops were in Mexico City: la Revolucion had triumphed.
To all this must be added an additional element of interest, relating to recurrent incidents of ghost sightings and mysterious presences in the historic building…
The waitresses wear elaborated fancy dresses and little hats with embrioded visors. High vaults, grand chandeliers and murales create an old times atmosphere. At the restaurant tables you could find a clientele drinking coffe and lively discussing national and international politics, round the clock.
To all this must be added an additional element of interest, relating to recurrent incidents of ghost sightings and mysterious presences in the historic building. At the beginning of last century, during the construction site, the builders did recount having seen a shadow coming down the staircase and then disappearing. More recently someone has filmed a video where you can see a ghostly presence wandering around the building, located in La Llorona ( the whiner) district. La Llorona is a mysterious and legendary character who is recalled in one of the most beautiful and heart breaking songs of the Mexican tradition. She also is described as a ghost who terrifies people with her anguishing singing. (
During that dinner, also Thomas Torelli, a Roman film-maker, was there. In that occasion he met Alberto Ruz Buenfil, Fidel Castro’s nephew, son of the archeologist who discovered the fabulous toomb of Pacal Votan in Palenque, Mexico. So, no ordinary place and no ordinary people….
When synchronicities multiply and weave together Destiny is preparing something of importance. As a matter of fact that meeting, apparently frivolous and care-free, did herald extra-ordinary happenings.
When synchronicities multiply and weave together Destiny is preparing something of importance. As a matter of fact that meeting, apparently frivolous and care-free, did herald extra-ordinary happenings. ThomasTorelli went to Spain in order to interview Alberto Ruz Buenfil for his prizewinning docu-film Another World, which also won multiple awards abroad and record sales in Italy. And today, nine years later, REGINA is published.
Synchronicities, masterfully described by C.G.Jung in the introduction to “I Ching”, which represent the quintessence of Taoist cosmogony, are always around us, day, evening and night. They herald messages, impressions, suggestions and traces. In order to recognise and follow them, we necessarily need to have very good antennas. Otherwise we dismiss them as coincidence, accident and chance.
All of this did happen in May 2012, year in which my master Josè Arguelles pinpointed the date of the End of the Cicle in his work Il Fattore Maya (The Mayan Factor). Beyond the deliberate and misleading mistifications by the “reality ri-definition” experts, in his interpretation that point-in-time signalized the transition from Biosphere to Noosphere.
Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), a visionary Gesuit, as well as paleontologist, teologist, scientist and mystic, was the first one to mention Noosphere. He meant the mental union of the planet, a very new concept. Arguelles, fifty years later, pointed out that Noosphere always existed exactly like biosphere. They did not change either. What did change was our collective consciousness.
Biosphere, as the sum of all the biological life on Earth, exists since all times. But before Lovelock’s book “Gaya’s Hypothesis” (1969) we were not aware of its existence. Noosphere, as the sum of all the mental production of the planet always existed as well. But our level of spiritual collective evolution is starting now to take its own existence it in some sort of consideration. An epocal step, a leap in the planetary consciousness. Arguellles identified the correspondance of the time coordinates with the divinatory date the Mayans indicated.

Fig. 6: Galactic Mandala; source:
This syncronic conspiracy together with a propitiatory trip to Mexico, at the eve of the transition toward Noosphere, generated a series of amazing manifestations. The latest one was the Italian edition of “REGINA”. If there is a lowest common denominator between the two books I translated in a period of twenty years that is Mexico.
I differentiate from other translators because I am the one who chooses books that Italians ought to read. Reading “REGINA” persuaded me that I had to get to work. And some time later the author appointed me as a translator for all of his books, about twenty, not only of Regina.
Synchronicities, lying in wait, then produced six months of compulsory confinement. And I had all the time I needed. I also understood the reasons why the book was unknown in the whole of Latin America, expecially in Mexico.
The reason why “REGINA” is known by very few people is because the book is a ruthless accusation to the Mexican establishment: government, law enforcement, political parties, trade unions, media. The whole system is demolished, stripped out in all its brutality, dishonesty, wickedness, inadequacy, corruption, servility, unworthiness – the centuries-old plagues of Mexico.
Even the US Government has always plundered Mexican riches. American Secret Services did threaten a direct intervention if the social conflict,1968, would not have come to some permanent resolution. That conflict had gigantic proportions: there were about seven hundred thousand people in the streets during the last rally before the massacre.
The Chinese Government does not come out clean too. The first part of the events recounted in the book takes place in Tibet and China during the invasion in 1959: the main character, a woman, is locked up in a Chinese “reformation camp”…
The last chapter tells, with no deletion, the infamous “preparation” of the slaughter in Plaza de las Tre Culturas, Mexico City, October 2nd 1968 – at least one thousand innocent civilians got massacred. Helicopters were shooting at random from the sky on the defenceless crowd. Army, Police and ex-convicts, specifically trained and disguised as civilians, were firing all around the Plaza.
From the Mexican Government point-of-view all of this was an absolute necessity. The Olympic Games were to happen a week later: the Olympics were going to be held in a Latin American country for the first time. The whole world was keeping an eye on Mexico, and Mexico had to show itself as a stable, safe and reliable country.
The dead bodies were taken away and made disappear – a consolidated usage in Mexico, still very alive to this day. The local media reported of roughly thirty victims during some gangs’ clashes (…sigh…). The only European newspapers reporting the news were Le Monde and Corriere della Sera: Oriana Fallaci,was in Plaza de las Tre Culturas and hit by three bullets. She was placed on the stack of corpses, and miraculously she was saved by one of the “disappearance” agents who realized that she was still alive. Taken to hospital, from there she dictated the article, then published by Corriere della Sera.

Fig. 7: A frame from the interview with Oriana Fallaci from her hospital bed in Mexico City; source: RAI
The memory of this indelebile stain on the collective consciousness of the nation was denied, deleted and wrapped up in oblivion. A few days later the Olympics began and nobody ever mentioned anything up to October 2nd 1968, about fifty years later.
Fifty years later, October 2nd 1968 and synchronicities conspired and produced an event whose destiny was to create a crack in the wall of silence, connivance and servility: Antonio Velasco Pinarings Alberto Ruz Buenfil up and appoints him as the organizer of a big memorial event/ ceremony in Plaza de las Tre Culturas.
The memory of this indelebile stain on the collective consciousness of the nation was denied, deleted and wrapped up in oblivion. A few days later the Olympics began and nobody ever mentioned anything up to October 2nd 1968, about fifty years later.
That morning, while the preparations were underway, some members of the security staff of the newly elected President, Andrès Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), showed up and notified that the President had decided to attend the event and to give a speech.
AMLO, in his speech, while sharing the platform with native elders, expressed authentic sorrow and condolences. He regretted what happened in the past, the silence, the omission and the forgetfulness, and he promised that never ever again the Mexican Army would be allowed to shoot people.
(An extensive account of the commemoration ceremony is posted at the following link:
The in-synch clearing of the main, prolonged energetic block which had determined the deletion of the rememberance of such a shameful slaughter and the inadequate distribution of the book was taken away, unexpectedly and authoritatively.
Nevertheless it would be underestimating to limit this book’s relevance to the slaugther’s report. The sequence of events are about a girl’s life (Regina), born in Mexico 1948, who travelled to Tibet at a very young age. Some years before her birth, during a trip to India, a high rank Tibetan Lama informed Regina’s parents that they would have had a daughter with very high spiritual qualities, and that she needed to receive the appropriate upbringing in Tibet. The first part of the book tells about the years spent in Tibet. Regina was recognised Dakini and received tutoring by the most important Tibetan Lamas. There, on the other side of the world, she received the mission she was supposed to accomplish: to reawaken Mexico. Quite an Awakening indeed…

Fig. 8: Monaci Shigatse, Tibet; source: Wikicommons
At first Regina was amused, incredulous, whimsically unconcened about such a responsibility. Slowly slowly she became more and more aware of the mission she had been entrusted. And then a counterpoint: years spent in the enchanted and magical Tibet, under the loving and thorough care of the Lama and later the Chinese invasion, the battle in Lhasa where both her parents were killed in front of her own eyes and the following time spent in a Chinese “rieducation” camp. There she met a Taoist sage who taught her about sacred musical instruments – they did become essential tools for the complition of her task.
A sort of trascendental mission that she perceives as excessively grand, beyond her own possibilities at first. Gradually it comes to have an absolute relevance in her life and in her choices: “Reawaken her country from the lethargy in which it had been embedded since the Spanish Occupation.” “Restore dignity, consciuosness, pride and recover its own roots”.
Awakening is not necessarily a pleasant, enjoyable and happy process. Most of the time it is quite the opposite: unpleasant, unfortunate and sad.
What makes “REGINA” an epochal text are the following topics: synchronicity; the manifestation of trascendental processes through events encompassing centuries and millennia, both still incomprehesible to the majority of people; the theme of awakening and its implications; the awareness around understanding and responsibility of one’s own role within those processes.
Awakening is not necessarily a pleasant, enjoyable and happy process. Most of the time it is quite the opposite: unpleasant, unfortunate and sad. It is a rite of passage, an initiation. In the various traditions they are always associated to painful self-sacrifying practices, yet necessary for a rebirth.
In our lives we all live moments during which events seem to have to reawaken us, and sometimes are not quite cheerful at all: an accident, a disease, a grief, a calamity, a tragedy….All of a sudden we realise that daily routine does not make any sense at all, that we live our days and our lives as sleep-walkers, kept occupied by trivial and meaningless tasks while we keep being unaware and careless of truely significant things. Since waking up is hard, painful and unbearable, we tend to go back to sleep again. Wether this happens on an idividual or collective level is irrelevant. Going back to sleep again after an awakening is the same. The same happens with what we are living now, here and now, individually and collectively.
Becoming aware of all that we thought to be normal is not normal anymore. We see our best friends loosing themselves in a deep lethargy, deaf to your words, while mocking you because you pretend to be awakened. When we helplessy watch the firing power of the mainstream and its devastating effect on the capacity to formulate thoughts, thoughts that are not the uncritical repetition of what the so called “experts” inexorably repeat. Witnessing in dismay the arrogance of those who made re-definition of reality their discipline, discovering that their techniques are seconhand and millenia old. Becoming aware that we cannot trust journalists anymore, jounalists who used to conduct inquiries that made powerful ones tremble, and now they are reduced to be yesmen, being able to copy-and-paste only. And we cannot trust MDs who are negletful of their oath, corrupted by a rotten-to-the-core system. And how can we trust politicians who are only and exclusively intererested in mantaining their own privileges based on an uneven supply of resources? How can we place trust in individuals in uniform who are made subservient to the powerful ones and enjoy humiliating us instead of protecting? How can we trust phony scientists, modern high priests of the universal, self-referential new religion that does not allow doubting and opposing.
Cognitive dissonance is the product of this grotesque play and increases the feeling of impotence and the impotence of common sense. It is ubiquitous and omnipresent, we cannot run away from it. Yet it does offer a side effect: it speeds awakening up. It feeds the criticical mass of those who realise to be under hypnosis, to be a victim of a spell and refuse to go back to sleep.
That’s why “REGINA” is very much up-to-date: the extreme pain she undertakes also nurtures her joyous consciusness together with the awareness of being an instrument for the realisation of a higher plan. From our tri-dimensional density plane we are not able to see its outline – but we are able to feel and sense that we are at the service of an evolution toward superior states of beingness.
In the same way, those who play the slaugthering play in exchange “for a bowl of lentil stew”, those, who are playing the game of the prevailing fiction, are playing a role in the larger screenplay and their servile zelotry is is functional to our…AWAKENING.