Two sisters are playing the same game
united in a journey until it’s over.
Both committed to being noticed
they only differ in feeling.
They see the journey from two angles,
one with the eyes of the mind,
the other with those of the heart.
One seeks happiness and seeks love,
the other wants to be, to be love.
The personality looks in the mirror, it is not beautiful,
so it goes in search of a soul mate.
She wants to fall in love and feel loved
because she doesn’t feel accepted.
The soul has the map of the whole journey
and tries to give courage.
The soul sees life from a privileged point of view
and patiently waits for the beloved one.
Sometimes only at the end of life
will the personality be done with it.
It will stop searching and will surrender
finding within the last chance.
The chance to find what it was looking for
the soul mate it always yearned for.
Now the personality also feels
the love and sees the truth.
A truth hidden by an illusion
which clouded the vision.
The two sisters will be able to mirror themselves
and find themselves.
Here is where the soul mate was,
now the search is over
but it took a large part of life.
Gurà Samir Levirò (Zelia)