If we nourish a powerful aspiration to awaken to true Life, then, using the potency of Presence, we must consciously submit ourselves at certain times to periodic annihilations, so that the limitations imposed by the egoic structure are slowly but surely eroded, diminished and finally transcended. It is understood that this is a process of inner reconstruction, which does not happen in a weekend seminar or a course of miracles, although Christ Himself presides over it.

The “rememberer” no longer seeks shortcuts, but rather from the trials inherent in every experience he learns to remain calm and alert in order to master possible reactions; exposed to the purifying radiations of the force of Love, he takes note of the resistances, denials, obsessions and inexplicable fears that inevitably try to limit and modify him. To know oneself is to be one with what is experienced, actively responsible for one’s own experience.

Man is mistaken when he polarizes the action of Love to the sole concept of good. The rememberer is aware that the force of Love operates both in the light and in the darkness; his most arduous task is to remain focused on what is essential for the Work and what is not: this is his true good. Beyond the possible interpretations, it is certain that in every experience the force of Love is at work, always guiding the human towards a single goal, the Supreme Good.


“As above so below, as within so without,
there is but one Law and he who works is One.”

Hermes Trismegistus