

The control of information is an undeniable axiom for whoever has the goal to impose his/her own will and pursue personal gain.

As we well know, History has always been written by the winners who have the first and most important concern in imposing their own reasons in order to keep the “status quo”- at the expensesn of the rights of the losers.

We believe the in-formation to be a domain of essential importance to understand the happenings of living, through which we can build an ethically correct social awareness.

A in-formed, socially attentive citizen, experienced and responsible, is a fundamental resource for any society whose cipher is always greater than the sum of its individual parts.

The cultural depletion of a population is functional to maintaning the scam. If less people are thirsty of knowledge, willing to search and inquire the easier it will be to control and exploit the masses.

In-formation is an ethereal good that can be shared ad infinitum. So, when the times are ripe, even a small group of people can transform an idea in a tsunami, able to pierce through any opposition.

The best allies for that vision are the minds and the hearts of men and women who want to evolve to superior stages.

The comprehension that a different and better way of living is posssible and achievable means replacing a perspectiveless pessimism with the vision of better and fairer future.

A future of peace, well-being, prosperity and justice depends only on the stamina and the capacity to spread the Culture of Consciousness as an antidote to untruth, scam, deceit and innate lack of expertise – the main tools used by the “status quo” since always.

If we have to come to “major transformation”, we have to “set the world on fire” in a peaceful way without destroyng or damaging anybody and anything. We are talking about a revolution, a transformation in Consciusness. Consciusness makes us aware that we have all we need – tools, methods, knowledge and technology – to achieve the goals we wish to set out to create a New World, whose mode of operation is attuned with Nature, ensuring stability and resiliance.

No battles, no wars against the old paradigm, but all the energies of imagining and doing focused on building the future we desire for ourselves, our children and all the generations to come.

The secret of change is in focusing all your energy not in fighting the old, but in building the new.” – Socrates
