
Loving Ourselves to be Ourselves

 We must always remember that, essentially, we are Spiritual Beings having a physical experience on Earth. The incarnated soul along its journey is subjected to a long series of tests, necessary to realize that it is not just a physical body animated by emotions, feelings and thoughts. The true nature of the Soul is therefore to “recognize” itself in every area of life, to express its spiritual virtues, more and better.

This understanding is not achieved through intellectual knowledge alone, but is achieved by integrating ourselves and the world in which we live, learning to love, to cultivate kindness, to develop endurance and patience first and foremost towards ourselves (when we cannot to be better than we are) and then towards others (when they are not as we would like them to be).

By applying ourselves with motivated dedication, day after day, we can expand our virtues and the ability to be essentially aware of our destiny. The growth of our Awareness will be complete only when we learn to express, in all our relationships, virtues such as benevolence, magnanimity, compassion and Brotherly love.

When our actions are in communion with the Intellect and the Heart, we intimately perceive that the Being that animates us is of the same Substance as the world in which we experience the reality of existence.

This particular Job lasts for an indefinite period of time, so whoever has time, might not waste time.
